Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1335

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INDEX. 1 3 1 3 _ _ Page. * Page, Fletcher, W’1ll1Gm K., I Fond du Lac Indian Reservation, Minn., payment ofoC11F1Q0f Claims judgment to- 458 ! right of way through, to St. Paul, Min- Fliedner, Eugene, neapolis and Manitoba Railway-.- 112 fayment 0 Court of Claims judgment to- 454 Fwd du Ldv, Wi8·· F int River, Gu., mmgmuontor improvement ofharbor- 356 appropriations for improving ___________ 350 F A ulterahons, FlintRi·ver, Mich., appropnatnon for investigating, etc--- 268, 731 gnreliminary examination of, to be made- 866 Fo0d Nufnhgm, F inte, etc., . appropriation for investigation and reou free list . 540 p01‘t 271, 735 Floats, Forage Plants, duty on 518 appropriation for investigating uses, etc., Florence, of ..,.,,,,...__ _ ______________ 735 appropriation for consul at . - . 148, 822 Ford, James W., for clerk hire .. 149, 823 pgment of Court of Claims judgment t0_ 466 Florhla, tl f al Fo , Oliozerfléun f appropria 'on or surveyor - gener , pa o 0 0 Claims` 'udgment to- 470 P lclerks .. 198, 800 Ford': Theater Building, D. (Q4., for contingent expenses". . . 198, 800 deficiency appropriation for repairs- --- 2,42 for map showing nd grants, etc., to- - 194 for repairs continued .._._____ 59 no part of sum for surveying, etc., rail- Ford'.; Theater Disaster, D. C., road land gramts applicable to appro riation for heirs of persons killed grants to . 896 liry; distribution .. . ...,___ 932 Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad joint Congressional commission to report Company, _ on disaster ... 392 paymento Court of Claims judgmentto- 474 restriction on sick leave waived for em- Flontla, Diocese 0 , pioyees injured .-.-.. . 577 sale of lands by Igpiscopal Church, St. Au- Forecasts, Weatlner, · gustine, authorized ... 160 punishment for counterfeiting, etc .. 274 _ Florida Northern Judicial District, _ _ Foreign Coins, counties transferred to southelju d1Bt1’10t- 117 quarterly statement of value in United " Florida Southern Judicial Dcsirwf, States money . . ,.. 552 counties transferred to, from Hofthém to govern invoices according to date . 552 dismct ...-- T -----...- _ -~-·-------- 117 ldrrenkrn Ccmmemc, terms at J ackscnvllle; P611d1¤S ¤¤¤§€$- - 117 carrying condemnedmeats in, forbidden; Floss Silk, penalties .. ... 4 732 duty on - ...-------·---- - --·-—-- 531 Forewbn Governments, Flour, 99 acknowledgments of Congress to, taking · duty on ... - ------------ - —-—-------- 5~~· I part in Wor1d’s Fair .. 13 Flower Seeds, , Foreign Intercourse (see Diplomatic and Flon free list - ...----- - ·------ 544 Consular Serving), omzrs, Foreign Legaticms. duty 0D,_d`|~'¤8$G 1’¤i¤¢d» 6W ·--—--——---—- documents supplied t0; condition ... 620 Flon ..---- - -------- **0 Foreign Mails, f uegge. wa ·, _ _ _ appropria ion or transportation .. 106, 692 payment of Court of Claims Judgment to- 4·0 . gr dm-ks on Smamsmps ____________ 106, QQ2 Flues, I for balance due foreifn countries- -- 106, 692 duty on iron or steel .. - ..-». 517for superintendent, c erks, etc .. 200, 801 Flushing Bay. N K, { deticiency appropriation for transportaappmpyiatien for improvement of harbor- 340 tion ,..,...,.. 446 Fog Signals, · Foreign Markets, up ropriatiou for . 874. 915 I appropriation for extending demands of, Eu- expenses __,._.. - 376, 918 I for agricultural products ... 266,729 deficiency 8PP1'0p1’i¤·ti011 for ¤¤I>€¤¤9¤ ---- 479 { Foreign Missions (see also Diplomatic and Folding Room, House of Representatives, I Consular Service) , appropriation for superintendent, etc-- 167, 770 j aptpropriaticn for salaries . 141,815 authorized under Doorkee er; duties 612 { or contingent expenses - ; .. 143, 817 disposal of undistributed documents ,.,. 612 _ deficiency appropriation for contingent Folding Room, Senate, <>¤P°¤§°¤ --—-------——-—----- 4·‘?4» $*4, 875 appropriation for superintendent, etc-, 164, 766 Foreign Relatwm, authorized under Sergeant-at-Arms; du- _ printing authorized ; distribution ... 613 ties 2 - 612 Foreign Steam Vessels, building for documents authorized ______ 12 I special inspectors of, abolished .. 699 disposal of undistributed documents 612 Fmtign Trade, Ibley. Charles H., _ _ _ - registers of vessels in, may have measpuyment of Courtof C1a1mSJ¤dgm6¤UFo- 4*0 . m-ement of spaces, tonnage, etc., Foley, Frank. _ _ , stated 636 payment of C01H’t0f C}61I¤SJ¤d§m€¤t *0- 470 Forest City and Sioux City Railroad Com- Foley, James, _ _ PGYQL _ _ payment of Court of Claixnsmdgmeut t0- 4•0 granted right of way. Sioux Indian Res- Foley, Thomas J., . erv¤¤¤¤, S- Dek .-.·.. 653 payment of Court of Claimijudgment UO- 470 ; Forest Fires. Fork John ,g__ ; relief to settlersin Wisconsin, Minnesota, payment of Cgurtbf jl1dgIIl€Dt tO- I Klld -----. -- ..-- - 634 s1·A·1r-—v0L xxvm--83