Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1341

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INDE X. 1 3 19 . l . Gzmwm, Pa., Pm Gmng, Page construction of bridge authorized across duty on cotton, etc . . ___.._________. 529 Mouougahelu River at .. - . 47 wool, etc ,_____.,___,_____ 531 Gloucester, Mass., _ silk, ete ____4_________________________ 532 Glsppropriution fonmprovemeut of harbor- 339 Gorman, Edward F., _ oves, payment of Court of Claims jud entbo- 465 d¤¢l¤nE1ac¤,¤chma¤ch¤u .. 535 Goshen meek, At J,. g g 809, b, O}' Sheep -—---—-------—--· 535 appropriation for improving 348 glace, goat, l¤d» Sw ---------»-------- 535 Gozzmzmg, g}s6P» am €“rf8"§ removed ---——---- 53§ appropriation for consul at ... 146,822 U ;1;;0·, 8mm Su 806 Wm0V0d -·—-—— I Gottwals, David B., H: 6d1w5Bé} ·························· 535 I real egtatle purchased by, relieved from _ ········-—···-············ or eiture .._.,__________. 981 G%*°Q“· 521 Gwaezmk, 12. W., Glu: Y On ··---·-· · ······················· ] deficiency appropriation for , 450 ’ ‘ Government Em loyees, Gggtgtggk ·····‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘''‘‘‘ · 510 { deduction gi gggome tax from salaries -’ over , ... 557 Gflg hst ‘ ’ '````'````````'```'` i Gqyuernment Hospitulfor the Insane, guts, OL crude __________________________ 510 1 appropriation for support of indigent in- _____ _ _ 10 sa.ue,D.C - . 259, 761 refined . - - - 5 , f t 40 Goat Hair, 1 for guglslp expcgscs .. 399,9 duty on roving, ctc . 530 1 fg; eglcmzgglggt §c°® ······--·- 399v ' ____,.,_,_,____,_, , ,,, 546 { · --··----------·-- Gg3egg2} j Government the Territories, appropriation rm- comm at ... 147, 822 =~¤1>1>r<>p¤¤¤<>¤ for ·¤v¢¤¤¢·¤ ------- , ---· 180, 786 Goetz, Hadmg, accourgvtzgo tie ex]z;g11ulet¢}nby;xud1tor for 207 urt f' dgm tt - 470 9,9 0-, P3 €¤ S --·..-..-. Gf;{;;”;,§$m;’m Bi Cmmslu °° ° · Government mpzing 0m (tsee also me may accept medal, ctc., from Spain .. 990 1 119 Iglpntlgg ald Bmd;¤g{; G les appropma on or eaves 0 a sence to ‘&‘{{’t, .3,, _____________ 514 €mv*<>v¤<=e¤ ------—- e e ----—-- z - 4·‘¤<>» 961 Gold ‘·‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ fO1'CODSti1'HCt10I1 of add1t10ua.lbu11dmg- 961 d 5 D bumous and mma 520 *°’ ”‘P*“”’ °*° --------—--------·----- 420 '§8§f’ ______________________ jjj j jjjjjjjj 520 for rgms, fire ¤¤<>¤p¤¤, ew-, avail- 962 pens ···‘··‘j‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘’ 5g0I di·icie?1c J H 1E } } ie { i>; on free list bullion . 539 T 8 S€i;6I;£l§1g 3 Km 0 aves 0 a'

  • · ployees . L 42, 94

Q§fééI;{l;éé ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘jj‘‘‘‘j‘‘‘‘ jjjjjjjj gg g for St¤pi§g;mC¤1d§ega Samuel Robin- Gozd and sum, { - Bf;} f“}'§‘u f?' §’Q‘.i j*j`‘···*j ¤ 4**868 use of, as standard money declared to be ippouztc l t 0 b lc t€r’ dut1€S’ 603 the P°h°Y 0* the Umwd 8**** —--— 4 ; cmer e1é}i{{ 飻i§i~§ j ff I j fj Z] fj I ff j Z jjj cov Gold and Save? -MOM?/y foreman of printing and binding; saladelegateg to 1ptcrnat10ua1 conference 011,Ties ______________________________ 607 8mb9H29d —-—-—-··- _ --—---·--·-—-- 96 2 . holidays authorized .,.. 607 G0Zd·B€Gt¢7'8 Molds and Sl"”$¢ clerks: employees; apprentices ..j.. 808 Gail; géé 11% -—-—-- — ----—--·——--————--—-—- 540 , allowance of pro la? leaveshto be based 0 MM, _ l· f 1 - . 94 apprpp¤»¤¤¤ for ¤?¤q¤¤¤g·= ...».·.,---·- 929 _ 0pm`§‘§$£‘;$3upp‘ii£§‘?T..?YT‘_ X???- 33 deficmney appropriation for recomage, _ » Gowmms Creek N K _ lc etc —--· , ; ······---················ · 63‘ appropriation for improving channel 340 (;°ldm}’°r”'y’ - mr to ford built t Graceland Cemetery. D. C., mm§;gm€§°mS gu 216 charter ended; iutermeuts prohibited- - - 220 8***** P0 · W ‘ away. Hon. B. 11. h ggged ···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘'’ 94 , deficienicy appropriation for contested- G°°c · · ‘· . ? tion expenses ,... - .,,,,,.. 448 payment to heirs of .- - -----· wm 8 W G°"de· J· Th°'"°"°’ . » g zh€g?ggf1{€ef Claims judgmentto 458 deacimmy ,“Ppr°pnati°° for °°Dmt€d 866 T Gsalgz James F G00dwhg]€gS;;}e; (g€mBS ‘ ‘ '````'````j' ll, payment of Court of Claims judgment t0- 454 payment M m J g i;g;::;e;1{g? ($ :>1f1{% of Claims judgment to 458 ood ·' , J h W., · ‘

payZ1;gut of g0\11’t of Claims judgment t0- 454 G7;l0¥iG[71, Jesse ·L . _ ti f

Goods, Imported (866 TRUE of 1894}- B c1€ucyapprOm O M ``` ‘ ‘‘'‘' 442 Goodyear, C, P., l Graham. John L., _ _ _ appropriation fm. payments improv- E payment of Court of Clmms Judgment t0- 4.A ing outer bar, Bruuswmk. Ga 342 V Grams. _ G0rdOn_ William H__ . duty 011._!10t 9i11b1Q. TSE1I9d - 509 payméut 0; Court of Claims judgment; to- 454 G cu  :;:3 0d1b1e, crude ... 540 les H_, V TGHG 2 a ’ .

?: gw¤ of Claims judgment to- 475 on free list, rough, etc .. ---- 546