Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1380

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1 3 58 INDEX. . Page. 1**86- Navajo Indians, Naval Home, P/ziladcqahm, Pa,. _ appropriation for support. etc., of ... 303 appropriation for, from naval peus1011 deficiency appropriation for support, etc- 484* N l Jgnud .----- - 199,831 ' Naval Academy, l 'ava i i ia, appropriation for pay of professors, etc- 136, 837 app1‘0p1’ia.tiOD fOr 3I‘H1S,_€tG ... 126, 828 for band __,_,__,__________,_________ 136, 837 Nloan 32 slupstto States for ______________ 219 urt-martial trials, etc ._... 838 ava serva OT'?/, gt-lling vacancies on or before March 8 8 apgyropriertiou fo; grcounds and roads- - 131, 4, 1895 ________ _ _________________, 3 or ins umen s,e c .. for special training, cadets .. 137, 838 for assistant astronomers, etc ... 191, 792 for watehmen, mechanics, etc .. 137, 838 for computatleus .., 191, 792 for employees, steam engineering dei37 838 ior apparatus books, etc ..,,.,_ partmem; ____________________,__ , or con nveu expenses . , for repairs and improvements ... 137, 838 for miscellaneous expenses .. 192, 792 for heating and lighting 137, 838 extension og ghogogghfares within 1,000 588 for contingent expenses - 37,838 eet 0 , 01* i en . for expenses, Board of Visitors ._ 137, 838 sale of lands outside circle .r 588 for builclings and grounds 131 purchase of additional land within circle 588 title 0 King George street trans- limits _ ferred ,,.. 131 printing Observations, etc.; distribution- 613 for grading, etc ... . . -. ... 833 Naval Records of the Rebellion, Office of, deficiency appropriation for fuel, etc- - 436, 855 appropriation for clerks, etc .. 190, 791 a,ccou¥s to B; examined by Auditor for foghning and binding _... 190, 791 avy partment 207 otment, distribution . 190 age limitation, assistant paymasters, re- 1 sales; duplications avoided . 190 moved from certain graduates 99 { Naval Reserve Lands, notijicagon of vacancies ... .. { certain, inéglabams. and Mississippi re- 4 nomina 'ons ..,. stor to sett emeut ,..., . _... 81 appointments by Secretary to be from va- Naval Service (see Navy). cant d;st)ric1tls-.P}--.d--£ .. 131; Naval Training itation (sec Coasters Hara pointmen y e esi en .- 13 bor Islan ). districts now umepresented by actual Naval War College (see Coasters Harbor resideuttohave appointment made- 137 Island). resident at time appointed .. 413 Navigable Waters, to be additional to regular number 137 injurious deposits in, prohibited; penaladditional zpproagristion .. 137 ties . ...,.,..,_____,_,____ _,___ 363 appointment o c ets from districts not Navigation (see also Shipping), now represented by actual resident [ accounts to be examined by Auditor for at time 0 appointment ... 663 Treasury Department ..__.__,_____ 206 documents to be supplied library ._.. 624 l deductions from gross tonnage for crew, vacancies, ensign an assistant engineer machinery, etc., space ___,________ "41 Fades, to ·be iilled from graduates, i rules to prevent collisions at sea modiiied- '82 rne zugg engineer divisions, inter- 4 international agreement authorized for c ang .. 12 removing wrecks, et ·., i N th Naval Establishment (ace also Navygé Atlantic Ocean .. , - it - . -2,- - 13 appropriation for increase of the avy-- 841 rules to prevent collisions 011 Great copmggmu tuthorized of two coast- Lakes, etc ,.__,___,_______________ 645 ine 6 S ips ‘ 008 . 841 rules to reveut collisions at - sil;:r1igl.1t—draft1§u1£sb0ats teuclped ig; harbors, rivers, $::1 iiiee orpedo oa . um wu rs .. 672 contrixctsé place of construction i 1 dec¥a£edlspeqig1 I-ggés _________________ 672 use o me a. _.,, , ine 0 i seas to deii d ... 672 one battle ship to be named “Kear- 841 } siinali liggntsgog sail vesseisf penalty 672 sarge " ... 5 ex en o in n waters . 672

or armor argl armaxrsegit .. -- 140,842 { international rutile? gg prevent collisions

or construe on an am msc ery; 3, sea, pos n __________________ 680 speed premiums _ . 1 140 A proclamation putting intgmagjona] mg-u. forl;o11structionte)n¤lS1;eag;31r1)acl;1i;ery- 842 la/tions to prevent collisions at sea t ee orpedo a s 0 ui rom i in eifeet March 1,139: _____________ 250 amount for cruiser of “Vesuvius " 140 wsmping iiect of act tz, prevent COL 1 type . X ousa sea __,_____ _ ____________ _ 1259 " Vesuvius " to be changed to torpedo 140 Navigation, Commissioner of. _ U1711S8i' - - - I ... _ I appropriation for, clerk, , 1; __________ 1*8, 7*9 mmettgeiuulnes on ·‘Vesuv1us" re- 141 » priutinlg report of, sutlioiiiged; dist;-ibu-I I ml ... - ... 011 .._________ _ _________ _ ________ for equipment outfit . _- - . Z . 842 to issue American register to foreign- 616 for speed premium, "Mame’ . 842 ~ built vessel ‘= Arghé;-" _____________ 626 ‘ for mechanics, etc., extended to July "A5t0ria," __________ _ _______________ 217 31, 1894 ,_..,._.,.._... 586‘*Ath0S" ___________ _ ______________ _" 625 time penalties on “Couc0rd" and ‘· Ben— i “C1a.ribe1" _________ _ __,_________` 625 ningtou’ remitted .,. i ,,.. 842 , "E1 Cal] ," d h (H"' claim for loss by delay of “Texas ” to be “Orxeida. " fil?- . j???- fil? ____ to 43 €X3·1D.iI1€d 842 5 “Empress," name changed to ML;`;}; remission of time penalties on “York- rada," _________ _ __________ __ 626 t0wu," "Ba.ltim0re, " "Phi1aAel· "Goldsw0;-|;hy” _______ _ ______ j `'``` 216 phia," 3Hd°‘N€W3Tk” 842 "James H, Hs,m1gu” ______ ___;_j;;i 643