Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/371

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342 FIFTY-THIRD _ CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1894. constructing them, giving, if so, such changes in plans and estimates as may be necessary. _ _ _ . Brunswick. G•- Improving harbor at Brunswick, Georgia: For maintenance, ten thousand dollars. _ _ _ cum bu. Improving the outer bar of Brunswick, Georgia, thirty thousand Gfusgmm m c. r. dollars, the whole of which shall be_pa1d to C. P. Goodyear for depth v0,??,?,',, ,,0 of water heretofore obtained over said outer bar. And the Secretary ``of War is hereby authorized to pay to Saild C. P. Goodyear, his heirs or assigns, upon procurement by the said Goodyear, his heirs or assigns, ofa practical channel over said outer bar at Brunswick at least one hundred feet in width and of a minimum depth of twenty-three feet at ordinary mean high tide ou or before November first, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, the sum of thirty thousand dollars; upon the procurement as aforesaid, on or before the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, of a depth of water in said channel over Silld outer bar of a minimum depth at ordinary mean high tide of twenty- four feet, and of said width, forty thousand dollars, to be paid in manner aforesaid; upon the procurement as aforesaid, on or before J anuary ilrs|1,.eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, of a depth of water in said channel of a minimum depth at ordinary mean high tide of twenty-five · feet, and of said width, fifty thousand dollars, to be paid in manner aforesaid. And should the depth of twentyfve feet at ordinary mean high tide in said channel over said outer bar be procured as aforesaid and maintained for two years thereafter for the width above named, twenty-five thousand dollars in addition shall be paidin manner aforesaid. The said C. P. Goodyear, his heirs and assigns, shall procure said U,,,; ,;,,,,,m,_ work on said outer bar by the explosion of dynamite on the bottom of said channel or sunk beneath the bottom thereof, in his or their discretion, and not otherwise, and shall use the necessary auxiliary means for smoothing the bottom of the bar. The money necessary to carry out the provisions of this item is hereby appropriated out of any money - pmqm. in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That no pay- ,,E;'““°‘*°"°"‘°“‘ ments except the first, of thirty thousand dollars, shall bemade except . upon a certiiicate of a majority of a board of officers, two of whom _ shall be officers of the Engineer Corps, detailed for that purpose by the Secretary of War, and the third shall be the Chief of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, that the said C. P. Goodyear, his heirs and assigns, have complied with all the conditions as to any of the depths and widths named or as to the maintenance of a depth of twenty-five feet accomplished in accordance with the provisions ofthis item GE“""’°"‘*“‘ S°“”“· Improving Cumberland Sound, Georgia: Continuing improvement, one hundred and seventy thousand dollars. D•**°¤· Ge Improving harbor at Darien, Georgia: Continuing improvement, twentyfive thousand dollars. F,j{P“1“°h*°°'“ B"? Improving harbor at Apalachicola Bay and River, Florida: Continuing improvement, fifteen thousand dollars. — I’¤¤¤=*°°l¤·F‘¤- Improving harbor at Pensacola, Florida: Continuing improvement, one hundred thousand dollars; and the Secretary of War may, if he deems it advisable, begin the improvement recommended by the Board of Engineers appointed in January, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, to consider and report upon the improvement of said harbor. Key Wm- Fla Improving entrance to harbor at Key West, Florida: Continuing _ improvement, eighty thousand dollars. m§'“" *"g"'"'“’• Improving harbor at Saint Augustine. Florida: Continuing improvement, six thousand dollars. °""l°“°· Fm i Improving Charlotte Harbor and Pease Creek, Florida: Continuing Home Ah improvement, twenty thousand dollars. surveys Harbor at Mobile, Alabama: The Secretary of War shall cause a ` survey to be made to ascertain the cost of widening the channel of said harbor now in course of improvement, to obtain a width of one hundred feet at the bottom, with a proper slope therefor, and also a survey to ascertain the best point for and the cost of a sufdcient channel between