Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/484

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FIFTYTHIRD oononnss. sms. 11. ou. 307. 1894. 455 cefgyilliarn Marx, five hundred and eleven dollars and thirty-seven Cgggsgjggigiggggfof mg`; G€0rge S. Mason, one hundred and eighty dollars and twenty-five 7 cel`;) Peter H. Manborgne, eight hundred and ten dollars and seventy n s- Tp Peter Mauch, four hundred and twenty-one dollars and fifty-three cen s; To Oscar J. Mendel, one hundred and twenty-seven dollars and sixty- one cents; To Thomas J. Merchant, twenty-four dollars and twenty cents; To Frank B. Merritt, one hundred and ten dollars and sixteen cents; _To Prosper H. Mignard, three hundred and ninety-three dollars and ninety-seven cents; T;) Charles E. Miller, one hundred and forty dollars and seventy-six cen s- To John Miller, two hundred and seventy-two dollars and seventy- nve cents; _ To James H. Montgomery, fifty-three dollars and eighty-one cents; Tp Hugh Morris, five hundred and eleven dollars and thirty-seven cen s· ’ To l)avid Mullan, fifty-three dollars and eighty-one cents; To ,W1lham W. Munro, six hundred and thirty-six dollars and thirty- seven cents; To John J. Murphy, number one, five hundred and fifty-one dollars and twenty-two cents; . To Thomas J. Newman, two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and io1=ty-nine cents; ' To John F. O’Brien, four hundred and twelve dollars and ninety- thrée (wuts; To William G. Osmond, nfty-three dollars and eighty4me cents; To Benjamin W. Pitcher, four hundred dollars and sixty-seven cents- To ’Walter Pitt, five hundred and eleven dollars and thirty-seven cents- ' To Oeorge Price, five hundred and eleven dollars and thirty-seven cents· To Jeremiah F. Quill, three hundred and thirtysix dollars and · nineteen cents; To John Quinn, three hundred and forty-two dollars and forty-seven - cents- To Wesley J. Randolph, one hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty-seven cents; To Owen J. Reilly, four hundred and forty-three dollars and forty- five cents; To Frederick H. Reynolds, eight hundred and twenty-nine dollars and twenty-eight cents; To Louis Reynolds, nine hundred and ninety-seven dollars and ninety-two cents; To Jacob Rosenthal, one hundred and ninety-five dollars and fifteen ce ts· To 7Robert E. Susserath, two hundred and thirty-tive dollars and eighty- two cents; _ , To Christian Schilling, fifty-three dollars and eighty-one cents; To August Schulz, {bur hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty-three cc t · Tshenjamin F. Seckerson, one hundred and fifty-three dollars and sixty-nine cents; To Charles H. Sedgwick, two hundred and thirty-two dollars and thirty two cents; _ _ To Owen Seery, seven hundred and fifty-two dollars and thu·ty-nme cents;