Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1000

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mumx. 977 _ New York Association of Sewing Schools, P¤ge- Nez Perces Agency, Idaho Pago. - . . . r fron entry of needlework imported for ox- a.ppropr1ation for Indian agent at . . . . 322 N Y 5|cI\éI_:l0D by .. -- - - .-.. . - 703 Nu Pvrvéc Indian Reservation, Idaho, ew rrr • y, n `at' f `lls ... 340 upipropriation for dispatch agents . .. 30, 581 Nczpgggrgl 11:3;:: sawml or salaries, qsustant tmssurofs officc. 157, 556 appropriation for fnliilling treaty with . . . 329 for Nl8F10S, UIQ! 0m00 M7 ... -... 160, 559 Nez Percéa Indiana, Idaho, for wages; contingent expenses .. 18), 559 appropriation for support, etc., of 337 for trnnsfcrrin g foreign mails to and fron; 647 proclamation opening to entry lands ceded ‘ piers ...,..1. . 5 by Idaho .. . . . . 873 for nppraisord wnroixouso . Z . . . . 7 415 Nos Porcén indiana, Jouph’• Band, for posboifco building, alterations . 415 appropriation for support, etc., of . . . . 337 for steel lighter, nary-yard .. .: 659 for surveying ceded lands of . .. . - . . 340 doiicumcy appropriation for appraisers' 276 Niagara River, N. Y., WSH 0¤I0 .·.·· -- ---... appropriation for improvement f .. 206, 216 time oljtonxiod fgrtgsridgiug East River, 509 construction of bridge nuthorifod across, ng s an . . ... Lewipton N. ,. . .,,,. -. ,_ 134 vessels for Connecticut from Sandy Hook Mantic, Conn., , Nw ranch rs1;::-rod to deposit papers .. 691 Nfurvoy of harbor directed ,, - .,.,, 239 ar caragua, appropriation dor improvement of Bay doiicioncy appropriation for transporta- Bidgc, ctc., channels; contracts 205 tionhpottory collection, gift to Nafor improvement of Newtown Creek; I N; tion Museum from 279 contracts .. .. . . 205 waragua, Costa Rica and Salvador for improvement of Z . . _ - 206 appropriation for nnnistor ... , 28, 579 for IQIIGVBDHDK injunous doposits; onion 445 ior secrctnryloflogatiou ... 29, 580 orco -. -.-- .. .-. .. . Nicaraguan Cana Commiuian for crows, atc., vosqols . . . I .. 445 deficiency appropriation for . . 267 dolicmncy appropriation for preventing ob- Nice, ntmctiang, ctc ... .. 21 agproprintiou for consul at .. . . .. 35, 586 for dry dock, ¤|vy~yu~d 22 Nic 0l,_Joh·n E. , _ _ pier lines, Gowums Crock to Fort Ham- deficiency appropriation for, Furd’s Theailton .. . ... . ... . . . . 2(5 for dmaotor- - . . . 274 survey of channels, directed . . 241 Nicluolq, Ciara L., New York, Southern Judicial District, NP*m"°¤ m°’·'°“°d ·---·- - ---·- · -·-··---·-- 810 legislation as to attorneys, not applicable 186 I ;‘g£;z)·I{2’;'gr°“8d 806 NI.eerk’t;fx;°""°`-` '`°`` U ``-`` U--" ?.Ni0olai Brothers: _ ··.---_·i--._ .2.--- appropriation for public building; addi- grmhg P°I'm'¤°*°¤ to UM 0*1 P1P¤¤» V* ¤·¤h· N ,,_ **·¤·{,},·¤°- ··---·------ - ·-----·-·-- **4 M .mi$;£"3“a2.?;..‘2. ············ · ····· · ···· ”" t ·, I I G · '

rd’nii0na;';r improvement of mm- zm <`i¤¤¤i¤;3¤y =i¤p1>;¤1>ri¤’¤¤¤¤ for salary, mix- 097

1\"•m No-o no ’°““,J“ S° ···· ···· · ····· · ········ .· - N,,,°;:0£¤;:§i{¥, {1,, .,.m.¤1 n ,...,. ss, ssa I ¢¤r¤¤¤ t;>;‘u:{r¤¤¤¤ ¢¤¤¤ of ¤vv¤¤¤¤, ==<1~1¤· 177 ewcom mon, ,. ‘’ ’ ‘ ° ‘'‘‘ "" ’‘‘‘ "" L may aécgapgldccoration from France ... 837Lggzziié ppmpdauon for 300 human, . ., _ _ I I ‘‘‘‘ """ ‘‘‘· ' ga at if · tcstbd-I N°g°°' _ _ dcicmgon el;:>1o;?s:s -t‘:?.?f.(;(T ... i YT 303 N;·lI3*I'°;5’::'*;·;*2¤  ::;;**11 3* ·--·------ · - - - 85, 587 ' Lau I?' Mar, (mW9M")' 734 [ pongion incroasod , . . .. 799 Ngsssxmjej ’'````'```````````°```` 1 Nomenclature! _ appropriation for improvement of harbor. 201 “PPwP:3g:,;0?tF °°¤¤Pl¢¤¤g, of ¤Xp0l‘¤¤ 38 N A K _ _ _ _ n V s T,`?,`;, .Jl,,g°’°; public building, roducedr- . 483 _ M»·•••· Crm, Vu-, _ _ _ , An Q .D C , appropriation for improvement of ... . 219 N“"b°·V"’ @**1, CMM' "' °. g ‘·°°°° y' ‘ " 410 682 3 Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, N¤PP::P5;:*t:_°” f" mm" °“““°° ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ * , doiirioncy appropriation for . . 272 Gwao M J 1 - d¢H¤i镤°Y ¤I;I’*'°P*`¢:£°“ fm` wid°w ·'’‘‘‘‘ 301 _ Lngwpnition for imiprovcment of harbor. 207 Nqwapaper Corrcrpmr _ 6, _ orim rovement 0 inland water route to to bu furnished iw2J10B of dal]! C°¤E¥°$· Agaemarle Sound, N. C . 220 sional Row? ··--·- - --- --·--- - · -··- 700 · estimates for deepening channel, atc., from Newspaper W rappwv, $¢¤¤•P¢d, _ _ n Hampton Roads to be submitted 469 gppmpriation for manufacture; d1str¤bu· ‘ mee,] ofrcquimment of deposit of maui_ V gon . ;i.l.._ -··-·- · ····- ···· 316· 647 gat at, by vessels bound up James emma no . 4 ivcr . . .. .. 691 A pension .. - - · · ·' ··-- - -·-- · ----·- ·· · 788 Lorrie, A. Wilson, Newton, N. J., deficiency appropriation for balance dna. . 289 condemned cannon, etc., donated for sol- ye"], A,,,,.;",, diem and sailors' !§10¤¤¤1¤¤* it ···- - 55 * proclamation suupcndinn prohibition of 1\’¢wmn’a W Moi Nmfvuq. 70-, I importation of catt o from countries dgfigiggcy gpprupflbholl {0I` 0W11B! . . . 289 . v A of_. ____ E _______ r _______________ _ _ _ _ 972 1\’ma¢mm• Crook,). Y.,_ l · lolrfg _ merzcan onn?ne;·qalfCamp:nu, is t qpproprintwn for lmpl’0\'0Il.l¤u|5 Of, 6011- 0 G1011i2y appt0pt1a mn or mn uma ,e; q_ 271 tracts . . . .. . . . . 205 North Capitol Street, Waahuuglon, D. C'., estimates for work on, to be submitted 465 jpropnation for lands, opening of ___ ______ 579 preliminary examination of channel be- _ Lorth Carohna State Guard, First Regsmeu t, tween Fguehjngngy gud, who made- 234 I condemned cannon donated to 57 snsr 1.-vox. 29-62