Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1027

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1004 mnnx. Smallpox, D. C., Page- i Solicitor of the Treaam·y,_ Pogo provisions to prevent the spread of ... 635 _ apiproIpri?1on for, assistant, clerks, etc. Smallpox Hospital D. C., 0I' 00 s Sh¤.ti0¤B1'y ... ...-" deiiciency appropriation for equipping 281 i Summers, Peter U., _ _ _ , regulations governing, to be mode 281 deiiciencydappmprintion ior, Ford’s Thea- 274 Small; Robert for isester .. . . ...· pension restored .. .- . 762 $0wwb¢1‘y,_ _ _ _ Smith, Addison T., appropriation for consul at .. .-.. 34, {J86 deficiency appropriation for .,..,. - . - . 300 { I0! clerk hltc .. . . ... . . 36, o88 Smith, ('athorino (widow), l Sonnclralb, Uscerr, pension .. .. .. -... 739 i deficiency appropriation for . . 291 Smith, Frank B., [ South America, deficiency appropriation for, Ford’s Thea- r proclamation suspending prohibition of top disaster __,__, , ..,.._,,.,... 274 I importation of cattle from countries Smith H Kessler I of . · . ..·--- 872 deiioiency appropriation for refund of fee. 290 I South Atlantic Quarantine Station, Smith, Lena D. (widow), A appropriation for wharf, etc .. 416 pension .. . .. . 781 South Dakota, Smith, Lloyd J., . appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks, deficiency appropriation for, Ford’s Thea- I etc . . . ... _ 173, 572 ter disaster ,.,, , ,...,.. 274 j for incidental eixpienses Indian service in. 2438 Smith, 1’obertA. ‘ for surveying n ian reservations in 2 deiieieney appropriation for, Ford’s Thea- ~ for establishing fish hatchery ... 428 ter disaster ... . 274 { deticiencg appropriation for incidentals,O9 Snuiila William HerbertIn inn service in. .. .. 292 3 312 dotiiziency appropriation for services .. 280 , double fees allowed field deputy marshals- , 183 Smiths Island, Pa., g Iinal proof extended one year, homestead npproprintion ior removing. .. ---. 442 S lcfcationsdon ceded Inélniin minds 17 Smiihn Point Md. muy so act lan s on Fort n ly eservaappropriation tzor light-house . 417 tion · preference, etc .. . 189 Smithsonian Institution, g one year’s ieave of absence allowed home— appropriation for international exchanges . 425 stead settlers, Yankton Reservation . 16 for orth Amorican Ethnology . ---. 425proclamation opening to entry lands in, for nstropbysical observatory .. . . - . 425 ceded by Yankton Indians .. 865 for National Museum .. 425 setting apart Black Hills Forest Reservafor National Zoological Pork .. . 425 { tion . . ._ . ... 902 for pnnting gud bnnding . , - 453 [ South Haven, Mwh., deficiency appropriation for Zoological { appropriagion for improvement of harbor. 211 Park . . - -.- .. . . 279survey of arbor directed 241 for National Museum .. ...- 279 . South Milivaukee, Wis., for North American Ethnolow . 307 , appropriation for improvement of hsrregent appointed; William L. "ilson 461 bor . . , . . ... 212 to exbgiit articles at Tennessee Centennial 77 piprnenil lighg uuthorized nt . 512 xposition . ... . ... 4 Sou! z A 'orurullr, oun. Smith low? Harbor, X. Y., survey of, directed. . . 239 preliminary examination otj to be made .. 238 South 1’mcs, Jilisaianppi River, Smyrna, _ _ investigation of liability to close Pass u npipzorarugiilon for consul ot., .. .. 316, x S0 lh PILpt;1t;;e bp i}{ttume{’;(%enernl ,,.., ,,, 597 o c er ire . . . .. u a ores curve o o. Smyrna River, Del., , opened to mining claims for precious metappropriation for improvement of . -. . 218 ais . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. 11 Snake River, Wash., rigiht of way granted through .--. 190 appropriation for improvement of 233 Soul River, M J., survey of, (greeted . . . .. . . 243 appropriation for improvement of .-.. 216 Snow vw-_ *- '- _ _ Southampton, I`¤8;¤]¤·*;0¤| fig? T°m°V¤*§ fmm ¤¤1•w¤1k¤. appropriotiou for consul at .. . . .. 33, 585 S k I Etaé., tphinlglnde agents . . ... . 609 E); clerk him _ ________________ ____ ____ 36, 533 we e e mu . _ I 0; n _.,_g;;»·¤~·=¤¤·······#=»··¤¥~·1··¤··=·»g·· ·-·— - ·-----—- m ”“3§€i‘3.fZ*;2¥i1’p'£3';»‘5‘Z.t%’a». for .. m appropriation for investigating . . 102 S"""'"`" U6 fl-”°".‘·V· C°l?·· Soila Diviaion, Department of Agrizmllure, _ “PP'°P"{“t‘°“ _}" {***1***** “g°¤t Bt ---- --- - 323 appropriation for chief, assistant, etc . 100 b°“”*¢*'¤ U6 "d¤¤"* W {·`0Y0T¢¥d0» for investigation;; rent, etc .. . ,.,,, 103 ¤Pl>I‘0}l>1'i3(_:?1QT1 fol' 1`8ii10DS, BTG., t0, taking 335 Soldiers and Sailor! ono, D. C. an S m ¤°"°*'9· W -—·- -- ·-----·- --·· oppiopriomioii {oi- ____ _ _ ______ ’ ___,,_ , _ , , 409, 531 for rations to Indians at agency, Navajo Soldiers and Sailoraf Monument Association, Spfmgi, not accepting allotments-. 336 Middlow Coimty, _\’_ ,[_, fonngency buildings, Navajo Springs. . . 336 ` .·;3¤$;ml?od oagulgn, ow,} ilmmioql |;o_ _____ 134) oolxreiency appropriation for removing 293 Jo ie omo o . Som t C vm. use of Fort Lyon Iioservution granted for. 531 szirggg of liigrpgr (Iii-ooioi] ____ _ __ _ ____ __ _ _ 339 Soldieraf Home, National, Spain, appropriation for expenses .. - 445 appropriation for minister _____,__ _ _,,,, 28, 579 Solidfvffof ipc Dvparhllcli of Shift, for secretary cflegatjgu _______________ 29, 530 appropriation for .- - . . . 176, .575 for clerk hire ,. ,___ ______ _ ____, __ _ _ 30 Sohvifvf-Gp¤§‘aZ,f F6 ncceptpnga authoriged of medal presented ¤pp`I'0Pl'l8 Ol! 0I' .. . . -. 1 , 575 * o cnjamin nrrigm-i 1 y ___, __ , ____ 759 Solicitor of Internal Revenue, { proclamation extending copyiight benefits appropriation for .. . ... - . . . 176. 575 i ~ to snlgiqgtg of ,_______ _ _ _______ _ ____ gn