Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1030

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INDEX. 1007 S””d"?I Civil EIPv¤868Appfop¢iativp8—C0ut’ d. Pago K Supreme Court of the United States--Cont’d. P¤g¢· m£$;l,g;1;a(1;:11:€:gI§'0;l:; Int°m°r* fm`: 436 I “PF"°PYi*\;i°¤ foY;¥)<¤¤0gl‘=1[»hic clerks. . . 177, 576 ". _ ····-· - -——---- ·-_- | 0I' prm ing an indiug _________ _ _____ 453 Yuvagftggspltai , Deaf and Dumb Instr- 436 appeals or writtslof oigpr in criminal cases ' I '_"'. '‘'‘’‘‘• · ···· · ··-··—--·_ l101m1p1 8. W1 r rawn from ________ 492

   · · ·--- - · - - ---· 437 1 06l‘i»10I’§l‘1 Sliiovrcd, 170 circuii; (30p;};', [)_ C _ _ 692

unclear Department of Statemiori- l i - _ _ --· · 437 i Bxpemiiltiiueiiii gt balance for Prmting and 481 . . ¤ . ·. · 1 ¤ ----... . . .. . Llxvgszagngzaiiiligngzoln Commission. .. to dctegmilnolouostiizns otgonstitutionality ·--· ·- -·--—--··-·-- - lg W{\)`B sys em, . C ____ _ _______ 3 °°“““l at A]°X*"-\d¥'°tt$ -·-~ ---- -·-· · ---- 438 Y Supreme Court R png Vonczuola Commission . . - . . 438 i appropriation gr y ' - - ···--· - , · purchasing ,,,,_ 436 "uggoggg g31g2F5g3g, fof= 438 i Surgeon-Gg:nejrul’a (Mice, War Department. , _ ---· -_— - · ;- - - ~ y ~ — — p Gpproprintioii for clerks, atc_ _ _________ _ 162, 56] blllliilllif and grounds, District ot Co- > gm- I-ent ____ ____ __________________ _ 163 56., , , “m ia ---- - ·--··-—~--- ---- -------- 439 for library . ...,,,,____________ III_ 67, 615

 $3:;: ------ -·~ --·-··—· - ---·--—   S for ingcx catalogue, library ,,_,,,,,____ i 452

_ .' ·-·-·· --· ---- - ·-··--·--· -urgeonu, ). C., Esgazxrcgopgtment, harbors, ctc .  ; license to practice required; issue .. .. 198 miscellaueotlg Ogggztys- -—--·--·------—·-- 444 a Surrcying nililec panda (pee also Public Limdg), _ _ _ _ ···----··- - ·------ appropria ron or- ra. es .,_,,______ _ _____ 434

5=;1J;¤;1li>:, lsggémb H - -------·------ ig » p§¤f•>r¤¤c¤ fo i>¤•;¤pi¤d 1¤<>w¤¤hip¤,¤¤¤. 434

- -----· - -·-·-·— _ 3 0\\’2\I1C9 xeavi ytimbored etc, lands, 434 léup York Harbor., . 440 extra rataé, Qalifornia, ctc.;.. . .7 .. 434 S;;“;;*3`I§°;gkiW Iilfium ·-·-· - -·--·---  !'¤?\1l’V;`>)'S; luspccting mineral, etc., o na omcs .. . . ; oca ities · .. 4 34 back pay bounty and commutation offor confirmed private land clai s. .. 434 rationis .. Z- , ... 448 i for abandoned military rescrvaliicus 434 under Department ofJust1ce, for: I doticicucy appropriation for . 23, 309, 312 conrbilfougg, District of Columbia. ,.,.., 449 for, California , ____,_, , ,_,,,,,,,.,, 290 mince anecus __,__.,,.. , ... 449 » Surveyors-Gerperal €’§‘;‘3Ef..‘iL{Zi‘i','$°“£?,E’°‘““ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ “° i SJI$.?£j.1’£’*Zf}21f?$a;““ °‘*’°“°°°···· ···· *7**,5** _ , , . l . _ A enue United States courts . .: 449 I appropiuatun for salarioriaud expenses- . 156, 555 Iénitpd §ia;os Psuntonxmgry . -.-. 450 Survcyoo’s_O_gice, 0.1 un cr egin a ivo ranc or: appropria ion or sa aries . . 396 668 statement of appropriations 451 i deficiency gpprgpriatigu fm- I-jmjn _____ ’ 280 votes of electors .. . . . . - 451 4 Surveys, etc., P g gzfq- nd ...--.-..-----.--· l appropriation for, river and harbor immc ar on . ... . y .px·ovomont.s ,_,,,__ ______ _ _____ _ _____ 334 public printing and binding,. - 452 * Sutherland, Elizabeth W. (widow), Government Printing Office 453 , pension increased . ... 747 allotment of Congressional Record to Mom- Suwanee River, Fla., bers and Delegates, changed 454 i appropriation for improvement of 221 purchase of land for boiler lionso, Govern- i Swamp Land Claims, mont Printing Officc, utc ... 454 j appropriation for adjusting .,..,,,._, , , _ _ 433 rcimbrérsingi Cotton States Exposition °454 ¤ SwampbLm•ds, f M bu I Oh. t omp. Dy . . .-..-- .. . . .. ‘ V p\11‘C 8801*8 0 , on 0 0 mu l0 wrap. all sums for salaries to be in ful] for fiscal i Mississippi, may enter, ctc., satire . . 534 _ year ; repeals . . . . . . 454 I Swansea, _ • _ Superior ltay, . _ _ i _ appropriation for consul at .. 33, 585 appropriation for hghting .,.. 419 g iswanaop, L. A., · i Superior, Was., ; deiicion cy appropriation for contested clocappropriation for improvement of harbor; ’ tion expenses _.., , , ___,,_ _ _ 303 contracts . . . ... ... . 212 Suwa!t,_ Ira H., supuwgiwig Architect of the Treasury, _ 1 ~ P°¤°*°“ "*¤t°*'°d —·~-- ·· ·-·-·- - -·-·-·- — · ·- 823 appropriation for, drattsmcn, ctc.; limit. 150, 549 { ·*w¤d¢’@l, _ _ _ _ _ _ teiuporunyloeganipf culptioyees on work of 150 , PFM ¤;:1¤;;:;13t?;;};$;}2;n§ 8 pxrgxlibntioii or 87.) pu y ic un mg, ‘ icago , . . V I --------- .· I $·•PP'm°'*? “l R°"*°d S‘“‘““"· .. . E Siiigioiiiitiizgrgiiminister. ·>s 579

       llllam A-   i Su,’eQny, h‘[|!/Quia R. (widojf), i - - t - - l - - - · · - . — V

‘‘‘'‘‘ , `‘‘°'‘ o "<>u` r d 737 Supmc Couricil of the T harty-tlm·d Degree of g,£,,g:i8k ;;,;;TcWa,,h_’ ·’;cv(¢r;(• {PW gg0n;?! "3 ga f'"'"'"" I appropriation for improvement of 234 . urn w ww o c lim e a ea g,,·, 8 la ,d_ i¤¤0i'P¤?¤t6d§ P0'"?", 6*** -·---- · · · · I- ---- 58 apirriopiiution for minister . . . .,.. 28, 579 Supreme Cem, D- U-, _ ___ Sydney, New stmt Want, ¤pPi'4>p;';::;:; 5:5] -··---···--—- 1 *8: éé Q alppronrintign {br consul at, , ____ _ _ _ _ ____ 3Q_ 586 UV ’ · -•·--·---- ··- ·· r 1 _ · t' jurigdiction oi, over BARS, GEO., of real €S· `l£};;`:·;)pl-(:2;%Ogofgpcousu] at _______________ 587 ¢=~¢·¤ <>f ¤}¤¤¤¤¤¤ ; —-·- T -——-------- 536 symme, x. 11, _ may t¢{mP01'3¤]§’ 3PP°mt ‘h8U'“'t attomcy made port of delivery . ___ 12[ U1 0386 Oi "“*m°Y ·---····—· · ---· ; · 600 granted immediate transportation privimcordof motiical,ctc.,]icauscs to be kept m 201 , 10g,,,,; surveyor ____ __ ______________ 121 Supreme Court of the United States, appropriation for chief and associate jus· T. tives .. . .. 177, 576 Tahiti, for mgrghgl __,,., . ... 177. 576 appropriation for consul at - . 38, 756