Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/256

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226 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 314. 1896. River and the village of Sai<nt·Gharles and on the Flint River as far as pmetwub e. mm River. lick- Improving Belle River, Michigan, in accordance with plans submitted laseeauber seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, five thousand Ilan. $~¤>¤w·i¤s Firm Improving Sebewaing River, Michigan, in accordange with plans M"]" submitted December seventh, eighteen hundred and mnoty-tive, tive ' thousand dollars. . _ _ Pi¤• 1¤v¤¤‘· KM- Improving Pine River, Michigan, in accordance with report submitted mm seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, five thousand s. cmu Bivenlich. Improving Grand River, Michigan: Continuing improvement, in accordance with the modified project for constructing an open ten-foot channel of navigable width, fifty thousand dollars. rmx mvu, Mm. Improving mouth of Black River, Michigan: Continuing improvement, four thousand dollars. . ci¤•¤.mm·,m¤1». Improving Clinton River, Michigan: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. · ' F¤¤s¤ Ri*‘·¤·¥i·>h- Improving Rouge River, Michigan: Continuing improvement, tive thousand dollars. 1>¤¢¤»nmm»,m¤n. Improving Detroit River, Michigan, by removal of shoals from the city of Detroit to LakeE2ie: Continuing improvement, thirty thousand doHars. B*••=¥ Ri*·¤· ¥*·=*·· Im pr0tLa%vI|}behBiver;‘a;t Port :_ Continuing improvemont · ushmgton. Mme, u thnusan wm, 1:•-» Imging the water communication scros¤»Keweena.w Point, Lgke $$,2** ‘° 1*** S"' Superior, from Kewoenaw Bay to Lake Superior, in the State of Muahigsm: Oontisning hnpmvement in aeeordawcewith the existing project, ém ilttythnnsand dollars: Pmvekiorl, That contracts may be entered into by ' the Secretary of Wu for such mnterialsaud work asmay be necessary incomplete the present project of improvement, to be paid for as appro pristious may hom. time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the Lima. aggregate one million and sixtydivo thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount heroin and herotoibre appropriated. sms .r¤••p1. mm, Improving Saint Joseph River, Michigan: Continuing improvem ent, M*“"· ive hundred dollars. Kslamasw River. Improving Kalamazoo River, Michigan, from Lake Michigan to Sau~ mm gatnck, in accordance with the alternative project submitted January twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, five thousand dollars. ¤g1l:i¤i»·w¤ Rim. Improving ChippewaRiver, ineluding Yellow Banks, Wisconsin: Cou- ‘ tiuning improvement, ten thousand dollars. nr mm, wm. Improving Fox River, Wisconsin: Continuin improvement, thirty- mm-s»¤m»¤. seven thousand five hundred dollars, of which said sum one thousand tive hundred. dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used to remove bars and snags from the Wolf River, below Showano, Wiscousin; and three thousand five hundred dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used in providing a harbor of refuge on the east shore of Lake Wiiinebago, Wisconsin, at one of the several landings on said shore, the location of which said harbor of refuge shall be determined by the Government engineer. |x:tv¤·gig¤¤·»¤ of For a thorough investigation of the character, limitations, and descrip- '“ °‘°°" tion of the property and rights of the United States in connection with the improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, to be made under the direction of the Secretary of War, upon condition that the owners of any property which may be interested in such delimitation shall pay such proportion of the cost of such investigation as the Secretary of War shall determine, three thousand dollars. Remaining water And the Secretary of War is directed by the use of flashboards or "°°" otherwise, to make avail of all the natural flow of water, and prevent waste thereof, to the height to which the right of the United States to hold the same has been established, and without interfering with private _ _ rights. w§’QQ“¥{€fh¥'v°" Improving Menominee River, Wisconsin and Michigan: Continuing