Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/938

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I N D E X A· P•g•. Agricultural Products, Pago. , approlgiatiou for extending foreign mnt- A. L. Robeson Pont, G. A. R. Bridgeton, M J., ets for . - . .. , ,, ____ 101 ' condemned cannon, etc., tionutcd to ... 130 Agriculture, Annual Report of Secrctar of, Abandoned Military Basar-vatiovazsaoo Military appropriation for priutin and bimgu . .. 453

 Jlescrvéstinma, Abandon ). doiicioacagggmropdation Eu- printing, gurl;

oorgc . . . .,... ..,. ,,,, , 18 pension incrggggd ..,.. - .._.. .-. .. 780 Agriculture, Department of (ug Dgpgptmguj; Abbott, Hon. Jo, of Agriculture). deficiency appropriation for contested-else Agroatology Division, Department afAgrCc•It••r¤, tion expenses .. . ... wt appmpaatiou for agrostologist, anshnuu, Abercrombie Abner, o ... . .,.._... 100 pension . j . ... . ... 830 for investigations .,., ,,,, ,,,__, 1w Abilene, Ta., Ahnapaa, Wie., terms of cmgt, stef Z} .. . 456 spprupri?;ion&;¢; R{mpmvemmt of harbor. 211 Abccccm Buoy cpot . . survey o ar u@ . ... 243

 deficiency apprgoristico for legal services. 276 Aiikin gmoéntg, Mon.,  

bnccon Inlel N . may ri go Mississippi ivar .. . . 74 survey of, Ziirocted . . . 241 Aix Ia Chapelle, Acapulco, appropriation for consul at- - ..., E, 586 appropriaggn for }:0::¤? at . . 34, 586 £r clerk lure . . . . . 37, 588 Accou ting cern o I caaury ma, dofiziency appropriation for ciaims certi- certain cash entries of public lands in,oou- Bcd by .. . . . iirmod . . - . . - ... 90 Accounts, Alabama Gr¢•tNor-tleaceicrnlieilaoay Gon , reports of dolinquoucéos irbpublic, to be transfer gk1g5h!; hk Alabama reported ammo y to cugrons .. too an ‘o Ru1road' ... 391 Account; and Diaburaeuwnta, Division 0L De- Alabama River, Ala., partment of Agriculture, appropriation for improvement of 221 appropriation for chief, clerks, ctc 99 construction of bridge authorized across, Achcnbach, Frederick, between Peachtree and Prairie Blu!}`. 598 dghciaggy appropriation for Ford’s Theater time eitfnded for bridging, st Montgomery, ' autor n . ... Avian, M Dak., . transfer of right to bridgo,t0 Mobile and contraction of brieggo authorized across Ohio Railroad Company . $91 Red Ri er 0 the North . 533 M ‘¤ Adams, M•ll6aa?widmv), apfroprintiou for salaries, government in 160, 560 usinn .. 815 or contingent expenses , . 160, 560 Agzmnc-Gmgral'; Departmgnt, Arnoyu for reconstructing Government wharf; n 'at or a 0 otHcor¤· ongov- c urges . . . , 1

E§ . .?? . g 3 .. .    .. 61, 610 for protecting soul fisheries, etc . 420

Adjutant-Honerah Office, War Department, for coast surveys, etc ... 422 gp rqprintion for clerks, etc .-.- 162, 561 for protecting salmon fisheries .. 431 Adugeraled Teas, ¥ for expenses, seal tighorios . - 431 xrrvisiuns t;p;oL;mt imponiug. . 601 igrr nravutzgstxrg mmoml resources ,,_,_ gg A g {patio;} a o c c. 1 0I.' B HCR wu I1 .. . appropriation for investigations .. 102 for reindeer station .. R,. ..,, ____ A t B . 5 . · 1 or rnveling expenses, cou odcia `g;:,y0;¥{;;gioz f$r improvement of harbor. 213 ; for rent, etc., sorry: odicials .. . . 449 A n P v t f Pensions i for repairs to ni ings . 449 {gp;;;:-;¤g{):z{:¤Pg»1ades .-f . . .. 45, 479 5 for locating boqudary between British fm- cm-k hire, ew ...,.. - .. 45, 479 § lforth Amorxca aud, on 141st ma. m]mi¤ig;;;;·ing paths by, repealed .. .. . 74 g 11d11m . :1:--}. .. ..--; 464 A g [ ‘ p 3 e cruncy appropna non orexponses, cou €;¥:p;!0pq·{;;gJ¤ for civilian, at agencies 321 g o&icers .. . ... . 24, 295 Agriqulfural Experimwl Stations, { fl}! Ent, QW! ·· -: --.- . ... 24 apgyropriutgcn for gxpoosos . ..-.. · ---- n ;0l' lupphél fo!' ?hVEL- - t ---- . -.. - gf}: I- b] s g s e c ,,,_,, ..- · or expenses, sn mon ones .,_,,_ _ ; fg; mag; {gggricnritural literature . 104 g for contingent expenses .. ..-- .. ?I7 to investigate fbod nutrition ..,.. 104 ; {or India? mom; Eircle City .._ 292 A bulturul L'terature, A 0W3U0e 0i' C er IIE . ... - . 277 qgpropriatigu for index to; sales . 101 1 customs district reorganized .,... . 60 915