Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/988

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INDEX. 965 . Pm . ~ P¤z¤· Loght-Houses, Beacons, and Fog Signals- Logging Corn, Continued. I train brakes, ctc., not required on .-.. 85 established · Apalauhicola Bay, Fla , beacon 628 London, " Blacks Isiand, Fla . 628 appropriation for dispatch agent 30,581 Cboctawhstchcc Bay, Fla., range lights. 628 for consul-gene;-gl at, ..,,. . _,___ . .,.. . 32, 584 Egmom; Key, Fla . . . . . 628 for clark hire .. . . . 36, 588 Monorninoo, Mich.; fog signal on north London, Canada, _ P10? .:- -... . .. .-. .. 94 apdpiopriotiou for consul at . . 35, 587 Orient Pomt,·N. Y . 593 Lan derry, N. H., Saint Joseph Point, Fla . ... ---- 628 condemned cannon, etc., donated to Sol- South Milwaukee, Wis . 512 di81‘B’ Monument Association ... 131 oxolmngohof und, Choctaw Point, Ala., Long Inland, N. Y., lll oriz ... . . 116 time oxtondodfor bridging East River, New range lights! atc., to be established, Mau- · York to . ..,.. . . .- .. 509 N,. i;'?.??;"?; "e“m ‘ ‘a=" 2 ua" ‘‘‘‘ ”‘"'{; """'·,.,.,.,,,, ., a y as sa on mace .. *1.;- to ____ _ ____________ 320 temporary lease of land authorized, North 5:9 gbnyjggvv, U M V Mufiitou Island light station ... . 91 P;·°]iminu·y gxgmiugtion on to bg mmjm _ _ 233 9 6**6 0 Los An lu Cal.. ¤PP!'°Pi'i¤·£i°¤ fo¥' ---- - --------·------ -— ·- 417 opprgpriotion for public building ..,, 414

  • b?_°¥P•¤¤°° ---- _ ·- ; -·-----·--- - ---- ---— 419 Loc Angeles Customs District,

d•6°i¤¤¤Y •PP¥0P¤¤¤°¤ f¤!' ¤!I>¤¤¤¢¤- ·-—- 276 Santa Barbara made subpart of entry 384 L‘9"“"9» 9-s _ _ ; Lon by Exchange, ¤PP!'°Pi:•t¤°¤ fm` °XP°"¤•¤, SU; hmlfim 672 apipropriatipntgr, missions. ... . . 30, 5% ° c ·· -··- · ---··--··•······---···· 1 , ... .. ... 38 5. lamps to burn every uizht --·--------- 401 do;gio:):;::pmpdntim rm-, missions .zos _ for electric lighting; conditions., 401, 673 Lo"", p,,;,",;,,-,, I»yM·»y of Rivvm we oxcooding $10,000 may be muon by appropriation for 419 Dopm-uncut _______ _ _______ _ _______ 458 Limogesappropriation for consul at .. . ... 35,586 ! gall water connection. {umd_ I’i""`°1"* ‘“"€h°"" . penalty .. . . . .. T? .. ’ 125

ipprop:·};:1}:>1;°f3;·c‘purcham of house un 439 Lourgmrgc Hq · _

Lincoln rnmumn, Pnsrauetpipaid is Lo];‘;E‘°;‘* *° ‘·‘·‘····· ‘ ‘‘··‘‘·····‘‘‘ · ···· 711 a i o 'an u. " ‘ Li:5£”r?5:im:.°;_for support I I P pl 347 approlgiization for surveyor-general, clorksirm 571 I1 'en a‘ fc, ’s ···-- : ·--·-······ : -··--·-· d° cl m?m:£::¥?jT:..r. 274 i¤*~¤·¤* ¤¤` U¤¤*•<i_¤¤¤¢¤e ¤¤ }<>¤¤¤¤¤ wl- ’ Linker, J".", vnto land obums rolmqmshod ... 517 . an n m omm t to Now Orleans mal ootnto fpnrchnood by, released hom 1 d¤ ° d _*¥ Fm mo., 0.-;.mm ,. .. vm i P·s=i¤¤.F1::1*•v ¤··{·¤v¤¤y dmq *-3 MM,} J_ An {olmquu to sott ers un or an payment to .. 722 laws ···•·• · •···’···‘·········'‘‘·‘* 91 Little Harbor! N. H., _ Louiaville,_Kg., _ _ app;-op1}m.uton for 1mprovcmont of harbor 202 3pp;ppr;;t1¢;)£orE¤3pE ngsypggtgé . . . hé 416 4) ro u .. . ... 0 8 A GB S Lime Kanawha Earn-, `W Va., of old pubgc building .. . . . . 275 appropriation for improvement of . ... 219 I Lourcnpo Maoquaz, Little Podee River S. 0., | approprmtxon for consul at .. . 587 appropriation {or improvement of . ... 220 5 Lowe, Qleftmo, _ _ _ Lmle Pigeon River, Term., 1 dolicnoucy appropriation for, Ford s Thonapproprintiou for improvement of .. . . 224 y for dlllltbf 274 Little Rock, Ark., _ _ y Lower Brufc figcncy, S. Dak., appropriation for public bmlding 414 1 opproprnatxonfor Indian agent nt 322 time extended for bridging Arkansas River lu l Lmrer Brplo Indo::;:,] t H t t R m ,._,... .. .. . ... . . may ro urn an no oc u 0 mon on usofor frgo bridge across Arkansas River to _ bud Reservation, Q. Dak .. . 334 Argonta .. . 118 i payment to Rosebud Indians . 33-1 Little Rock Bridge and Terminal Company, ; Lower Maqhoqoc Qreqlr, Va., time extended forbridgingArkausnsR1vor. 111 , appropriation for improvement of . .. . 219 Little Soda; Bay, N. _Y., Lowry, Perry S., _ I appropriation for improvement of harbor. 206 deficiency opproprmtion for, Ford’s Thom Little, William McCarthy. _ _ V ter dnsaster 274 may awceptdocomtion from Kmg of Spam. 837 » Lubec Chaos;!, L?., _ t f 215 L' 4 I, i appropna. ion or improvomomen o . tgprplsefpriation for consul at .. 32, 584 { Lucas, t‘hm-les, _ _ _ _ • mr clerk hire ... . .. . .. 36, 588 I dofimeucy oppropnatwu for, lord s Thea- Locl»bo•:hl¢~r, Caroline. _ - ter disaster .. - . 274 title of United State! to 091*123111 111DdS Bm! · Lucy, {apnea, i’ Washington Aqueduct sold to .. 86 deficiency oppropriatxon for Judgment cir- Lvckinvn Jumev A-, cw? ¤5>¤r¤ ---- - --·-- - ----- - ----- 305 deficiency appropriation for contcstcdmlcc- Ludgale, William, tion expenses .. -... 303 _ deticionoy nppropriatiou for, Ford’s Thea- Lodging Houne, dc., D. C., _ ter dnpaster . . . . 274 appropriation for maintenance . . . 410 _ Ludmgiont Mach., _ Lojland, Josephine, appropriation for unprovement of harbor. 211 appropriation for payment to .. .. 344 survey of harbor duoctod ,, ___... ...- 241