Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1808

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PROCLAMATIONS. N0. 12. merce, being the products and manufactures of the United States, are to he admitted into. France on and after the first day of J unc 1898 at the minimum rate of duty,not exceeding the rates respectively appearing in the following table, namely: i°»’J‘i1€{’.,§§T · Canned meats -------··- ··· ------ -..-.. . ... . - ..,. 15 Reduced duties on Table fruits, fresh: United states prod- Lsmqus, oranges, esdrats and their varieties not mentioned. .. 5 iw"' Mandarin oranges ,_, _ _ _ , _______ _ _________________ _ ______ 10 Common table grapes ..,. , ,._, , _____ _ _____________________ _ _ ____ 8 Apples and pears: Fo\’th8t3bl¤ .. . .. .-.,,,_, ______ __¤ ____ __;_ ____ _ _______ _ _____ 2 For cider and perry ,_ , ,_______ ____ _ ________ _ _____ 1_ 50 Other fruits except hothouse grapes and fruits ,,,_ ,. _,______ _ ___________ 3 Fruits dried or pressed (excluding ramins): _ ` Apples and pears: For the table . .., , , . , , ,__,_________,__,_________________ 19 For cider and perry ..,_,,_, ___ ______ , _ _ , ____________________ 4 Prunes ... -.. .. -,. ,.,.,. . ,,___.,.,,,_ ___ ____ __ ______ ____ ____ ____ 10 Other fruits ... .-.. . ..,,.,, , .__,_ ,_ ,__,___,__ _ ___________________ 5 Commun woods, logs . . , .,.., . ...,,,_,___ _ ,_____,_,____ _ _ ______ , _____ 0, 65 Sawed or squared timber 80 mm. or more in thickness ,,,, _ _,___ , ,_,_,____ 1 Squared or sawed lumber exceeding 35 mm. and less than 80 mm. in thickness, ____.,, ,, ,,___ _, ,,._,, _ ___,,,,,__.._.,.. ,-.,-. .. ,,,.L,,_ 1,25 \Vood sawed 35 mm. or less in thicknos., .. . ..., . . ., ...,..,__, 1, 75 Paving blocks _,,. - ..,,.,.. , _...,.._.._____,,,,,,,.,... , ,..,,, , .,.,. . ...,.., 1, 75 Stoves . ... . . . ..,..,...,,,.,.,_,_ 0,75 Hops . . . .--. .. _ ,.,.,,.,,__,____,____ 30, Apples and pears crushed, or cut and dried ..., . ...,__,,_ 1, 50 Manufactured and prepared pork meats .. . ...,.., . ,___ , ____,_,__ 50, Lard audits componmds ... .. . . .. ..-. 25. Therefore, in further execution of the provisions of said section it is Reduced duties on hereby declared that on and after the first day of June 1898 and during F"""" ’“’°“°°" the continuance in force of the Agreement aforesaid, and until otherwise declared, the imposition and collection of the duties heretofore imposed and collected upon the following named articles, the products of France, by virtue of said Act are hereby suspended, and in place thereof the duties shall be imposed and collected thereon according to the provisions of said section 3 as follows: On argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, crude, five per centum ad valorem. On brandies, or other spirits manufactnued or distilled from grain or other materials, one dollar and seventy-five cents per proof gallon. Un paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, and statnary, fifteen per centnm ad valorem. it is further declared that the rates of duty heretofore imposed and sun wine. mam collected on still wines and vermuth, the product of France, under the “‘f‘f},‘;,v ,,_m_ provisions of the United States Tariff Act of 1897 are conditionally suspended, and in place thereof shall be imposed and collected on and after the first day ofJune next as follows, namely: Un still wines and vermuth, in casks, thirty-tive cents per gallon; in bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar and twenty-five cents per case, and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of four cents per pint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed upon the bottles or jugs. _ Now, therefore, be it known that I, William McKinley, President of the United States of America, have caused the above stated modifications of the customs duties of the respective countries to he made pub= lic for the information of the citizens of the United States of America. ln testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.