Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1870

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1840 INDEX. Cleveland, Uhio——C0ntinuod. i'¤1;¤- ( 'ouat Souwy, 1’·•u··. estimate to be submitted for improving appropriation tbr pay of men .. 369, l02J harbor . . . . . . . . . 1803 dcticiuncy appropnation for surg•·0u’s Clwbrd, Catherine (widow), noccssnries. ctc . . .. . . 27-I, 695 pension increased . . . . 1467 I Coaslwica Trade, Clijord, John, _ _ _ 'ibruign owned vessels not to engage in, ctc. 207 lpayment to sdmnmstrator of 1192, 1193, 1190 ; Coates, L. Robert, q}` C0., C i t Canada), = payment to . . . . . . 120" Qggcognriation for consul . 269 Coalicuok, ( 'anadg, I Ch; h R': , Team. appropriation or consul .. . . 269 830 zogstégion of inridgo authorized across, 03 Cobb, Mary F., i Kin ton, Tenn .. . . ..-. 1 pension,. . ... ...- 1582 appmpriagou for improvement of . . . . 1142 Cobb, .\lauheu~, Clinton, Iowa, payment to administrator of .. 1198, 1199 spprogariutdou for public building . 991, 1075 , Cobb, Samuel, d Clonta , Mh . , pay: wut. to n miuistrator f . . . . . . 1200 solo crf ls;u£ ,0f Indian school authorized. 944 Cobia,lThe·odxr¢ II'., 0 Clothing, Amy, f 324 1071 C gicnsicu invrcascd .. . . 1499 I ru riatiou or .. . .. ‘ ‘ , 0 wry, dggci:ncyappmpriat§0n for. 395,6M9,702,7}1?41¥§:3 [ nppropriaiiou for consul .. . . 268, 829 for destruction in uvy .. . . .. 5 br clcr · hire .. .. 271, 831 for iuehounnityjor 1oz2s5a.. . ... I $$4 { for clzmsulato ut, to bein place of Sonnw 9- i' run rawn, uc on mon . 5 org . . . . ..40 whzn deducted from pay of volunteer * Coburn, hcdericlu 8., dying six mouths after enrollment. . 822 ; to pay judgment in . cam of John C. Coal Urccmo v - . 1244 spinropriation for depots {or, Navy 374, 1029 Cocheco Awe-, N. H., inspection, et:., in t of yur0h8B0d.. g cotgpmpréaticn {gr improvement of .-- . 1133 •x rtationc pro .. . . ’ ‘ ma, cargo ., . Ceaagousd (leads4g1g8g0I:, 18 6%, 1082 Q dcticioucy appropriation for mnt of • ropriatiou or 0 •:p•u¤¤• , room .. ._ . .-.. .. 139 · Pigr surveys, Alaska cout. 19,605, 1083 Coday, Samuel, sr., for otlinboro nonudiugs, ctc ... 19, 605, 1083 payment to .. . . . . .. .. .-.. 1176 for co ~· pilation of Const Pilot 19, 605, HB3 Code, Criminal, for magnetic obutvatious 19, 606, 1(B3 prescribed for Alaska . . . . ,,, , 1253 for tidal indicator at Sm Francisco . 19 Omar d’A lane Indiana, for n;1rvgying, atc., out boundary, Cali- we appropriation for fuliilliug treaty with. .. ggé arms . . . - . 57 ' for traveling oxpaaan ... L 19, 606, 1(B3 Omar d'AIno Ruermtion, 6, for points to State surveys, etc 19, 606 appropriation for installment, for removfur fxpeinscs ilolcguts to Iutaruat{3¤E1)6,w83 { C I Jug Spokane Indians to . 75 Gam etic uocm on . { office . U. {br repairs, {stall.; #@,01% I co;£1it•anm:1; Indo, atc., tbrbielden. ..., 247 or UNIDO! N u 0 0 ‘ , I an, sl|IU¢ , fu: u3»¤rint¤u•1•nt,•s•{•t•utn, aw. 20, 608, 1084 * payment to admiuiatrumr of . 1186 {oro oeforco .. . 20,606, 1434 * Coyguhull, William, $4;: gnxaoaxpennou . . . . . .. . 31. 607, G pnyunnt to sdmininrnwr of .. . . . 1198 or as expenses .. •9•••¤ {er ::n'{:H•:J{»:’•lt:n za . · ¤p}»r;»;:;\¤•;u faireoualglnte nt Ln Rochelle, or u •·• r. In an , ‘ . u moo .. .. 270 {nr Yukon Rivnr, to b• uailnblu until Conant, Mm., P ··-· { •xp•n:_d¤<\ .. .. V,. c_.Rnl|m,;gs•}$y•x•n1ln•tlcn ul', to b• muh .. 1158 vrptyo •¤•m•¤I¤H’ gum! c . can c. . fur equipment steamer “Pathtladu ”.. 1038 graded hm;nr»ble discharge .. . .. MGI for printing and binding .. . . .. (X),. 647 C na, delivew cé cgrtaiu stereotyped plates to was nppmpriatiou for ¤·•¤•pnrt•tion of ¤il· · · ··-··· · —·-·· ··~· ···· vcr . . . .. .. 61 1091 amcerg 1;: allows? nubohtencoln 1085 for mcoénago oggold and silver .. §6lg’, 1(Bl m ¤ ¢>X¤•p_ -1... ... or mon nngno minor ..,,_,__,,____ __ 27,613 dedciegcy xaégpmpnaéum m ns $01- :_:ps::rt•ti0¤ of minor .. 21*, 6g:!, xg nc 1'|B$ all g , Q · or g , ,,_,,_ _ _ ____ _ ______ _ _ _ for sglrveg of Yukon and Cgppar rivers, 335 deiicinucg appropriation for ncuinsgizofls, 95 ¤ ------ · -·····-··..·... .. ‘ l ., - .,,_ _ ,,,________ 109 gr; ¢h¤'*·¤», ew -—----·- ·-- ·~·- --·· Eiiila, for Svor, trutgspcrtntion of . 1.10, 858, 1217 party ¤Xp0¤¤¤¤· -·-. · . _ . rocoiu 0 ,,,, , ____ _ _____,_____ no olicer on hoard to locate harbor, ptoqst 5 for gnu::;-z;tiq¤ of ming; ____________ up Pyrt L0sA¤go1ss. etc., to mauve per I for {mi?;; 0n_ _______ _ _ _____ ju, 23; 56], Img C ‘ Dgnom ..( i- atb2E-- -; .. 5 , 00iDI§0 bulging zito standard silver dol- Oat alle! ltd 0 I I! 0D!. rggut on; _ _____ ______________ 461 appropriation for sites for . .. . . 400, 1250 } Lblegum, cnmgdeg 1;;..;,, 7;,, d igzut guns .. .. t .E . . .6; . . MX), 1% g bndge authorized across Lake Champlain e money sppmpna on guns 4 gg _,____ _ ______ _ _____ _ _________ ____ gy Coasters Harbor bland, R. l.. E Fold Sprigg, _)]"-;.";;.,- (,·,“y,_ gm. D appruphagung for naval training ntatiuaxhh 1026 sppmpygtamufgr Ii::i’¤ulm¤l nation; app u om .. . . .. . . ‘ — sn can Qc ... for war college and torpedo schwl 1*;,- mn Pole. .I. Hang, su, i¤•· repvri <>¤ ··-·-- · -·····-·· 1.1 me no .. . . . . . ... 1211 0...4 PST., ’ ¥ ·.£1“;·..3, · gppmpriaticm for cumplhticu. ctc-. . 19, N, WB { pymant to ndmlnismwor of . .. .. 1179