Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1879

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mnrcx. 1849 Dam, _ _ _ _ _ Page- Dawson, N . E., P¤¤•`¤- coustruetmn across Missrssxppn River at deficiency appropriation for services . 112 Minneapolis, Minn., authorized 253 Day, David F., construetxon across_ Rainy Lake River, appro riation for defending suit brought Minn., authorized . . 398 liiy José B. Lucero .. .. . 87 D*"M!I¢¤» _ Day, Ellen (stepmother), stamptax on cgrflfiggtgs ____ ________ ____ Pgusigu ______ ______________ ____ __________ Daniela, Isabella G. (widow), Day, James L., pension increased . . . . ---. 1421 payment to administretrix of .. . . 1190 Danville, {ll., _ _ Day, Silas W., apprognation for establishing Volunteer deiiciency appropriation for . . 680 Oldgm-g’ Home _,,_,____ _ ,,,,_,,___, 54 Dayton, Ohio, for expenses _ . . z .. . . . 639, 1112 appropriation for expenses, Volunteer deiioienoy anpmpnauon for Volunteer Sol- Soldiers’ Home. . . . . . . 51, 636, 1109 _ _ 511q1‘S’ 01118-: . ...·. 237 deficiency appropriation for expenses, Vol- Jnrisdmtxon over site Volunteer Soldiers’ unteer Soldiers' Home ,.., , ..,,, .-.. 667 _ Home relinquished to State .-.. 668 Dead-Lemr gu, Postal Service, Darien, Ga., _ _ appropria u for superintendent, clerks gppgzyugtlgn fg]- Improvement of h3,rbq|_·_ 1126 etc _____ , _ _ , , , , , , _ , ___, , _ _,__ _ _ _ _ §1],, 884 Dnub, zra, _Deadwood, Bak., payment to . . . . .. 1170 appropriation for salaries at assay office.. 27, Doub, Sarah E., ‘ 297,839 pension .. . ... 1433 for WBQGS; eontingeut expenses . . . . 297 Davenport, Anthony, _ Deaf and Dumb, D. C. (aca Columbia Institupaymgut to administrator of ____ _ __,_ _ _ _ , , 1].99 tion foI' Deaf and Dumb). i Davenport, Laura E. (formerly widow), appropriation for instruction. .. 38, 540, 624, 1061 pension . . . .. 14.34 Dea ler, Davenport, Moon, in tobacco, special tax on 450 payment to administrator of .--... . .. 1199 not taxed as manufacturer . 451 Davenport, Iowa, Denton, Jolm, appropriation for improving harbor ...,.. 1107 payment to ,,,, ,. -- .. 1180 Davidson, Chatham, Debemtures, - payment to administrator of . 1189 stamp tax on ,.,,,...,.,,,_,,_ _ ,,__ _ __ _ 451, 458 Davidson, J. J., lale a Representative-elect lo on foreign ,, -- ,..,,_ _ __,,,_________ 455 Congress, register, sale, etc., of unstamped, forbiddeiieieney aprgopriation for widow .. 138 den.; ..,.,,__,,,,.,,___ ,__, 464 Davidson, Jane . (widow), subsequent validation of unstamped . . 454 pension increaeedu -.- - . .. . ... 1532 Government, exempt irom stamp tax ., 455 Davidson, John P., Dalric Coimniuion, California (ue California payment to ... .. .. . ... .. . . 1166 Debris Commission). Daria, Alexander,_ Deceased Employees, payment to .. . . . . 1164 remains o , not to be transported at Gov- Davia, Eldred G , ernment expense, except ... 87 appropriation to reimburse .. . ... 1407 Declaration of War, Davis, Frances E. Utley (widow), with Spain .. . . . -.,, ..._ , ..,,, 364 pension - ,. - . . 1502 Decuir, Arnaud, Davis, George WZ, payment to .-.. -. 1169 payment to administrator of .. . .. 1164 Deed, Daria, Harriet Tubman (widow), stam tax on .. .- .. .. 460 pension increased .. . . 1539 Deed 0_/P T rust, Davis, Jacob V. L., to amend act relative to stamp tax on bond payment to . ,- . , . . . . . . . . . 1176 or 110tB secured by . . . . ..,.. 1390 Davis, Mark, Deep Creek, Ffa., payment to personal representatives of.. . 1207 approprintron for improvement of} from Davis, PMI., Elizabeth River to Dismal Swamp, pnymenttc .. . ... 1164 61,0 .. ..  :... 1136 Davie, Samuel B., estimate to be submitted for improvement pension increased .. . . 1467 of .. . . . 1803 Daria, Stephen AI., 1 Deep Waterways Commission, pgnnion inereased ..-. ... . .. .. 1523 { appropriation for surveys, etc., of routes Daria, Thomas K., g between Great Lakes, eta 50, 636, 1109 payment to administrator of . . . . . 1184 ; for expenses of board to examine im- Davis, Thomas 0., i provcments, etc., at Pass of Aransas . 51 pgymeut to estate of . 1173 i Ileering, James, Daria, Timothy W., 1 payment to administrator of . . -. . 1198, 1199 pnyyngnt to . ,.- . ... . . . . . . 1176 Ilcfchdlilg SIN! in Cldlml, Daria, William, 1 appropriation for expenses, against United pnyment to 5dmiui¤t1‘8t01' of -. . . . . . - - 1196 g $123.1188 ... . · r . - . , 55, 641, 1113 Davy, Jesse I)., , for Indian depredatmns .. . . . . 56, 641. 1114 pension ,... . ,.,,,.,..,... . . . . 1472 = for District ot'C0lumbia - ... .. . 539 Dawes, Abyah, deficiency appropriation for ... 150,680, 1236 payment to administrator of 1191, 1192, 1194 I against District of Columbia 119, 664,51221 pam, (yqmmissimi, ; for Indian depredations . 130, 1236 fg nun; pertain lands in Indian Territory- 497 1 for, against United States .. 1236 m make report, etc .. . . - .. 498 ; Defense National, _ pitifiontion of agreement between Semi- T deficiency Bppl'0pI`i¤¢l0¤ for .. 27-1 nole Nation of Indians and 567 ‘ Dejlciency Appropriations, Dawson City, British North America, f for l'. S._c0urts T _. . 131, 249, 423, 681. 1237 appropriation for consul .. . . . .. 267, 828 for public printing and binding. 134, 220. 250, 273