Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1882

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]_ 2 INDEX. Department of Juat6ce—Continuod. Page- * Department of State—C0nti11uad. P¤g<>· deficiency appropriation for Henry Roch- up ropriation for Paris Exposition ... 645 tin .. . . - ... . ... 680 • ilor printing and binding .. .. . 60, 647, 1119 for defense Indian do rcdatiou claims. 130, 680 for expenses Canadian Commission conor m mms au , ort mnt , Ar . . mus ova a e ... f U 'todS j 'PF S `11 k 680 t' d ilbl 1117 for ranairs penitentiary, McNeils Island, gor Paiis Exposition -- . . ... ash---. . . ..-- or La ayottc monument. -... .. for S. P. Hardwickc 680 deficiency appropriation for contfggoxaté ex- for Goor n E. Bird --. . . 681 penscs .. 1 65 121 for Lenoir M. Erwin ... 681 for editing, ctc., laws, first session Fifty- l for estate George P. Sanger 681 fifth Congress . . 106 for Territorial courts, Utah. . . . . . . 145, 147 for International Exposition at Paris 106 for prosecuting Indians, Arizona. . .. 145 for relief of Christopher Schmidt .. 106 for marshals, eos and expenses . . . . 145 for relief of certain subjects of Italy,- . 106 for district attorneys, fees .. 145 forcontingcntoxpcnsos,foroigumissions- 106 for special assistant attorneys, pay M 1433 for loss by exchange, dip10£2t;§o§;icgé 107, 7 1 5 1247 for clerks, foes.` .. 145; 150 for publication consular andldiplomzitic l for commissioners, foes ... 145, 147, 150 reports .. . . . . .. . . . . 107 for retired judges, salaries - . . . . 150 I for clerk hire, logation to Spain . . .. 107 ' for support of Erisonors . 150 | for alary, Thomas E. Hocmm-: 107 for county cler , Jeifcrsou County, N. Y. 130 I for T. Pearson, master Swodtsh bark for Herbert A. Pacotti, services 130 , "Adolc" - .. . . . 107 for C. B. McAfee, legal services. . . . . 130 L for second secretary embassy to Italy. . 107 for Robert P. Do Gmffonraid and George accounts of Owen . Donny and others P. Tumor, legal services - - . . ... 130 to be examined for unotHcia1feos,etc. 107 for Frank R. Ogg services. . .- .. 130 , for reprint of certain consular reports., 135 for Jsbn W. Ananrson, taking deposi- { for diplomatic and consular service 145, ons .. . . --.. .. 1 1 150, 654 1214 for United States courts, Indian Ten·i· for consular service .. 10b, 709 tory ... 131 for rcliot) ctc., American seaman., .·.-. ,- 145 for salary of private hscrctary - 129 for salaries, ctc. Court of Commissionfor P:@foS8DtiHgLUDit0d States in suits ers of Alabama Claims .. . ..,.., 150 eotiug Pa.offic rai1x·oa.ds, ctc .. 130 for Bureau of American Republics .. 234 for, repairs to jan], Dmtrict of Columbia. 130 for Nicaraguan Canal Commission,. . . 234, 653 Dqpartnaqt aj Labor, for griutin g and binding . 135, 273, 709 sppmpnatwn for Commissioner, clerk? for hicf Bureau of A pointmentn, ctc. . 652 etc ----.· ---- ---- . .·. -... 14, 887 for Second and Thirg Assistant Sociofol‘ por diem, GW-, OXPOITB ---- 314, 887 tarios, increase of salaries., 652 §0l' smgicnnry, books, postage stamps. gg; loaves of absence, Executive Depart- 0I' mu . . . . . . ments ,_____ _ _____________________ _ 653 for contingent cxgcnqas .. .;.- 3l4; 887 for heirs of Luis Moreno , ,. ___, 653 fo1:prumng a¤d b1ndmg- . 1.- fil, 648, 1119 for International Conference on Catz.- deficiency appropriation for compilation of loguc of Scientific Literature .. 653 rates 0 wages, cp ... I. 239 for Canadian Commission .--. .. 653 unoxpondcd appropriation made available, for German Trade and Plantation Com- . etc ...,,...,.. _ 239 pany , , , , .,,, , ._,,. . , ,,...,..,. 653 to be furnished copy of Congressional Rec- for compilation of treaties .-.. . 654 or .. . . 648 salariosn ro riatcdf usuls t .,at public33§on 2atistics of certain cities in again; glazes, llgyslllglc tolcoxllsuls, Q - ·---·· - ---···-- _ ---· o . u co in ot crpacos .. .. number ot bulletins of each nssue to be for trsnlsit, clerks, etc , continued at of- _ P!'¤¤Wd -··--- - ··~-···-- - ----- - ·-... 61 iicos as established . . ... 221 Department cg Sta}; invitation to participate in Fisheries Exapproprm on to , uns u g':' B q md _______ 734 cms, m. . . msgs m,,.,f&¥.§f‘§’.£E:.t‘iL€2f.;t§‘.$.$ £,.,.,,¤..g...?3“*¤5»

3:; gg7L0D05E, -.-.. . .. to uid Lu cgllcciing samgrlcs foreign morsn s···••••-·•••-·••·~ ID ·IG hi ·tB E - ·

f¤r1ith<>zr=~p1wr,•>¢~> .. 285:856 of Animiugnl gicdulauf eugognlllg f°l` °°¥{l°l_¤B°“* °‘P°¤$°¤ ·----·---- 285,856 elolphia ... . 768 · ‘°‘ £";*}§;,‘I£mZ°i’az.l.};m..??i‘?f’i.????1‘I‘3 M §;;¤g;;;;5;·*;,,$:,;;£;;;··**·» *>~¤··r*¤~=¤*··>- for editing laws thm} session Fifty-fifth P 1, J · t· f I, elm 32 Congress ---------... . - 856 D;°,£i,"§f,,"° mu ° ‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ 'l. t s ° - . . °’ . . .

  • ”°' °A‘§&1‘f8;§2é£V?T?Y7TT????;?}‘?"’285, 8.56 ·*·*¤¤¤¤_;·_$,>;n zzvfgggggg *···· *·¤··-¤» by m

for printing copies of electoral vom .___ 58 _ _'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "“ ‘‘‘·· for publication of International Cam. ])?°*f"°""€r · mgm, of Exports and ImPms _; 59 . esiguutiou ot} for money of bankrupt for Nicaragua Canal Commission, ox. I BSPMFB, b°¤d» WF ···-·· · ----· · ------ 562 pensos _______________________ 59 appropriation for defense of ____ 56, 64], 1114 for diplomatic and consular sm.vic8 262 823 dedciaucy appropriation for defense of. . 130, 680 for printing, foreign missions ...,_ 264, 325 Depreciation Claims, Indian, for propnring, etc., consular reports. ,_ 272, 833 dcficiqncy appropriation for payment; of for solicitor. . .,__ 3];;, 335 I gudgmonts in Indum .. -. 141, 690, 1245 for International Conference! Byussals .. 644 · pg ut! Clgrkg, for Licamguun Canal Comuumwn .. 64{5 l wllaiiciencypppropriotiou foxydistrictcourts, for temporary st·cn0gruphar¤,¤tc ._ , 64;; Igdggu Teyrlgory _____ g ______ _ _____ 131