Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1928

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1898 INDEX. Lewis, William A., Prize- Life I nourance, P¤8¢‘· payment to ,..,., 1189 stamp tax on, policy . . ... -..· 460 Lewis, William H., on weekly payment plan ... 46l payment to administratrix of . .. . . 1168 fraternal beueiiciary societies excepted. 461 Lewiston-Concord Bridge Company, of bankrupt, how may be retained, e.c . .. 566 may brid e Snake River, Lewiston, Idaho. 245 Life-Saving Apparatus, _ Lewiston, Idaho, donated to mperial Japanese Society for bridge authorized across Snake River 245 Saving Life from shipwreck ... 1010 Lexington Bridge and Terminal Company, Life~Saving Service, _ _ may bridge Missouri River at Lexington, appropriation for Superintendent, assist- Me ,,,, .,,, ,,_,,, ,,,, .. ..,. 821 ant, clerks, ctc .. . ... 290, 862 Lexington, Jlo., for superintendents .. - . . . 16, 603, 1080 bridge authorized across Missouri River at . 821 for keepers . . . . . . 16, 603. 1080 Liberia, for crews, etc .. - . . . .. 16, 603, 1080 appropriation for minister - 263, 824 for contingent expenses . . 17, 604, 1081 for secretary oflegation .. - .. 264, 824 for exhibit Omaha Exposition .. 603 Library, for new stations . ... A. 17, 604, 1080 deficiency appropriation for establishing, Nabant, Mass . .. . . ...-·.. 604 in Government Printing Office . 135 i for commutation, revenue-cutter officers 17, Library Building and Grounds, 604, 1081 detlciency appropriation for removal of deficiency appropriation for .. - ... 142 libra , etc., by superintendent. 136 148, 712, 1246, 1248 Snperintenzmt to ma e disbursements for establishinp station .. . . 142 for Botanic Garden ... .. 136 for keepers’ sa aries, etc .. . . . .. 707 to make disbursements authorized by station established near Charlevoix, Mich. 471 Joint Committee on Library 136 to bein harbor of Gloucester, Mass. 406 Library, D. C., 011 Atlantic and Gulf coast, may be kept appropriation for salaries and expenses of open in June and J ug . z --. 434 free public . .. 528, 1048 building for exhibit, at Om a Exposition, deficiency appropriation for .. . . . . 1220 authorized ... .. . . . . 732 Library, Department of Agrriculture, Life-Saving Testimonials, appropriation forlibrarian, assistant, etc-. 8, appropriation for, to masters, etc., of for- 332, 949 eign vessels .. . . 265 for expenses . . . 7, 336, 954 Light-House Board, Library, Joint Committee on, appro riation for chief clerk, clerks, etc. 290, 862 Superintendent of Library building, etc., for books and riodicals ---. .. 15 to he iinancial agent of . ... 136 to lease ground gi- temporary lights and Library of Congress, beacons .--- ..- . . 16 appropriation for Librarian, assistants, to prescribe lights, etc., on bridge across etc - . 283,853 Pearl River, Columbia, Miss 105 for superintendent Congressional refer- { on Clinch River, Tenn -. .. . . 103 ence librarly, Capito - .. ...- 283 Choctawhatchee River, Newton and Holfor superinten ent of law library, assist- lis Bridge Ala . 241 ants, etc - .. . . - . 283 Bayou Bartholomew, Ark . . . .-- 275 for copyright dep>a•1;>tment. .. . . 283, 854 Red River, at Grand Ecore, La . .--. 351 for purchase of ks, etc ... . 284, 854 Loggy Bayou, La . . . ... 353 for contingent expenses .. . ... 284, 854 St. Francis River,‘Green County, Ark -- 354 tb! Superintendent of building and Bed River, at Shreveport, La .. ..-. 356 {grounds, clerks, engineers, etc 284, 854 Black River, Pocahontas, Ark . . 359 for nel, lights, etc ... 284, 855 Yalobusba River, at Dodds Ferry, Miss- 367 for furniture .. . .. 284,855 Arkansas River, Wehbers Falls, Ind. T. 407 for opening Library during evenings, Missouri River Quindaro, Kaus 472 assistants, engzeers, etc .. . . 284 5 St. Francis Lake, at Lake City, Ark 474 for additional kcases, etc., law { Alabama River, near Montgomery, Ala . 522 library ... . . 31 5 Niagara River, at Grand Island .. - - 523 for printing and binding . 61, 648, 1120 1 Black River, in Ark. . . . 650 for Congressional re erence library, i ; Yalobusha River, Leflore County, Miss.. 717 Capitol .- .. 854 . Tombigbee River, in Miss .. .. -. 718 for law library . . -... ... 854 Missouri River, at Oacoma, S. Dak .. 805 for increase 0 library . 851 Savannah River, Hutchinsons island . . . 813 deficiency appropriation for removal of. .. 136 Lake Champlain . ,,,., . 815 for printing and binding, etc ... . . . . 220 | Missouri River, at Lexington ., .,,.. 821 for contingent GXPBMOS . -. . . 234, 1240 I Flint River, Ga . ,.. _ 066 for clerks .. -. . 689 g Conecuh River, Escambia County, Ala,. 986 for increase of . - . .. . ... 713 y Missouri River, at Yankton, S. Dnk . 1361 rates of pay assistant custodians, etc., not Tennessee River, Shefficld, Alu. .. . . -. 1367 to apply to . ..,.. . ,... ... . . 685 · to provide steam fog whistle for Muskegon engrgviuge, etc., presented by Gertrude M. flnrlper, Mich , ,,,__ , _,,,,,,,...,.,, 722 Hubbard, accepted . . . .. 751 may lease ground for temporary lights and to be furnished with Congressional Record 1388 beacons ,,..., -- , ,.,.,,,_,_,_ 603, 1080 superintendent to issue duplicate check to Light-House Establishment, Frederick Mac Monnies. ... 1397 ‘ appropriation for supplies .. 15,602, 1079 Licking Rirer, Ky., · Err repairs, etc .. . --. . 16, 602, 1079 appropriation for improvement of . . .. 1143 i for keepers' salaries. . ... 15, 602, 1079 estimate for lock Three·Mile R1tlie.. . . 1143 - for expenses of light vessels .. 15, 602, 1079 Liege, _ » for buoyage . ,... 15, 602, 1079 appropriation f°0l' G011B11i - ~-.. .. 269,830 ) for gas buoys on Great Lakes and com Lien, ; necting waters ..., ... , . 15 . in bankruptcy proceedings, when not cre- { for completing gg; bugyg 0;; gg, Lawated, etc . .. . . - . . 564 y reuee River ., ..., , ,., ,,,,,, 15