Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1988

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1958 mnnx. Secretary of War-Continued. Plze- Secretary of War-Continued. _ . P050- to approve plans, etc., of bridge across Sa- appropriation to enable the, to bring home vannab River, Hutchineons Island-- 813 ‘ thfdremains of certain officers and 730 Lake Champlain . . . 815 so iers ·-...-.. Missouri River at Lexington; reenaet- 8 1 to submit prpecg for improving Anacostia 738 ment .. .. .. 21] 'ver . .. - . Missouri River, Boonville, M0 . . 823 1 to cause Rougle River, Mich., to be dredged- 738 White River- ._ . . - . - 892} to approve eeign of monument to be GOI’l$31lil{ riverain Alabama ., . ... · crpgted 1:0 Washington to Umon 739 ` t ive: a so 1013,8 .. . . --.. Conecuh Rirer, Esoambla County, Ala. - 986 I to act in adjusting certain claims against Monongahela River, at Morgan town, Q Tennessee ,-. . . 743 W. Va , ,,... . , . . . . - - ... 988 [ to report relative ship canal at port of Sadredging, Ietop for bridge across Saint I bino Pass, etc . . . . . . 745 Louis River, between Conuers Point, _ to furnish national encampmeut, Grand Wis., and Ricee Point, Minn., under ‘ Army of the Republic, condemned direction of. .. , . --- 104 I cannon for badges .. . .. 747 may pay costs in suit against Eben S. to retum certain flags to the State of Ohio. 748 · Wheeler, eta . 1.- r.. ._ ... - -_.. 122 I to the State ofNow_York . I . . . . .., 519, 748“ may expend appropriation immediately ion- may expend appropriation for 1mprov1n§ wall at Sandy Hook, . ..._--- r... 122 i San Joaquin River, Stockton an I__ to purchase tents for Mississippi River . Mormon channels, Cal .. .. . m0 Hood suiferers . . 216 to establish military park at Vicksburg, appropriation for Hood. suferers expended Miss., etc - - .. - ... . . 841 _uuder direction of .. . ... 219 to investigate and pay claims of Fourth authorized to use vessels, etc., to trans- Arkansas Mounted Infantry 894 port. supplies . ... 1 . 219 to apmztion clerks and messengers at may permit erection of tem orary studio y headquarters, otc 1066 for statue of General ghorman. 223 to replace to States ordnance stores used to issue tents for Grand Army eucampment by volunteers in Spanish war. .. 1073 at Fort Leavenworth, etc .. .--- 223 to appoint commission to invostiiate toll at Cincinnati . ... .. - - -- 737 roads in Yosemite National a1'k . . . 1100 charged with relief of people in Yukon to report on Government piers, etc., occulliver country . ... r . _ Z-, 226 pied by private corporations . 7 . 1150 may direct changes in dam of Twm City may remove obstructions to navigation. .. 1154 gpid Transit Co.,acroe¤Miesi¤sippi disposition of funils from me of wrecks., 113 'vor .- .. . . --.- 253 may remove vesse s grounetc., notice 11 tospportion clerks andmesseugers at Army to exchange military reservagon for lightheadquarters, etc . . . .. . 318 house, etc., at Admiralty Head, to fix compensation for using bridge across · Wash ._ 1250 Portage Lake, Mich . ... 364 to correct the records in War Department to submit estimates for improving Elk asto certain lots in District of C0- River, Tenn. and Ala . . . 397 lumbia .- - . 1346 pass hom Gulf of Mexico into Horn Is- to approve plans of canal at Muscle Shoals, 1a¤dHsrbor,Mies . . 403 Ala .,_,.. ,_-. ._,,_, ,,,_ __,_ ____ ____ 1351 Ghlvoston Bo? . .. . . . . .. 736 control of Potomac Park to remain under- 1378 Woof Fork R vol', W. Va., etc . . 740 to approve harbor lines, D. C . . . .,,,., 1378 Humboldt H63b0f, Cal. - ... 741 payment of claim of William S. Grant, un- Humboldt Buy, Fla., etc . .. .. .. 741 der direction of .. . ..,,. , , , , 1395 Tlmlgl Bly, Fla -...~.. . .. . . 746 Secret Service Division, Trouser Department,

 bout Channel, N. Y  ..  748 appropriation for chief, elerze, etc .,,,,, 291, 862

Bndgfoport Harbor, (`cnn-, . 1386 sectarian Schools, Nevr ork Qsrbor, east channel 1386 policy declared not to appropriate for edufor 1¤=prov1n$ Mystic River, Mus .. 1387 cation of Indians in . ...,,,, , , , , 79 Deep reek, a. . . . . . . . 1803 when contracts may be made with . . 79, 587, 942 harbor, Cleveland, Ohio., . ., 1803 Securities, United States, harbor, Cope Pofpoiso, Mo . . . . 1803 appropriation for distinctive paper, cxdem across Rainy Lake lliver, Minn., etc.,P§¤¤0¤· ··-··· -··- ·; --·· · --·-- 27, 613, 1091 ‘to be changed at mumps or, etc. . . me for w¤¤5¤¤¤ ¤*‘{1¤·tr¤¤2<;¤ of ----- 12;,313, 1001 1; ha e surve ed etc. ch l f Sb' or “ ““ !°P"“ K · ··-·-- ° 14 109 ° vlsland. izsipsi-, iris?:`}?, e31in5E *0* ¤¤¤¤>§v <>f <1·¤•» ¤·11·· M0 1>1¤¤>·-Y E14' 1023 Miss . . . . ... .. 473 ‘ from snip Island Harbor to niipxi, Mi". 414 *0* ¤¤P¤¤%¤¤ ---·-··- --- ---------- 27, 614;1092 channel of Slup Island Pass, Miss .. 474. fP’,“'m“°h“g• °°°· ···—·-·-- - ·-,--; 27; 614, 1092 harbor, Racine, wig __________________ __ 1385 deficiency appropriation for distinctive r for harbor improvement, Kcnosbs,Wi¤.. 1385 _ P“P°r ·-·--·•···- -·- -·-- · ····· - - - - 236, 607 of Ohio River at Cullums Ripple, for S°d"“?”"r , , , _ Mm ctc ___________ __ _____________ 1385 punishment of in District of Columbia ____ 1010 Southwest Pass, Mississippi Riva . I ms M8 I”*>‘·‘£‘•"i» D¤1*•**‘”¤¢·•* of 4rM¤··*¢·•~,_ harbor at Sheboygan, \Vi3 ,,,,..,., ,___ 747 °PPr°P¤S*t5?n Pllrchfai P1`0P8·g`¤U10I\, to direct expenditure of appropriation for an t t msn umm:] °d °°°d° ‘ ‘‘‘‘·· 81 33% 955 completion W ashmgton Aqueduct $21;;:;% 20 ;:X£::h° ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘•·· · ····· Sr 337 t'mn°1'°t°' ‘'‘‘`` ‘°’° ‘ `‘‘``''’' 533 allotment toCoiigre•:?:lietribnti;;;i--§-:?;3g’ 3275 to direct expenditure of appropriation for distribution of nods {m08H0d for, atc'-. ’ 8 bridging Rock River, Ill ... 632 337 wg may authorize erection of building for re- report of purchases .. . . -- -- 8, 337;!li5 liginns worship on West Point mili- diversion of amount appropriated, protery reservation . .. . 722 hibited .. . . . ... -... 9,337,55