Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2013

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INDEX. 1983 Tarif of 189]-—Conti.nued. Pnnlnph. Page. Tad] of 1897-Continued, Paragraph. Page. Blwys, dud . . . . 20, 5-18 152, 197 I dsxiibrml . . . 554 198 oilcloth nu noon .. . . . . 337 180 iibrous substances, vegetable . 566 198 pug hb;-ics ,,,, ,,,_ ,,,, _ _ _ _ 342 181 qeld glasses .. 111 158 rgigs . , ..,,. 334 l 180 ' bf! ·---·· · --.··------ 264 171 s ues .. . .. 382 180 li berts, sbellsdpndnotshelled 270 172 shining alot]; ..., - .,_,,,,__ 346 182 No blanks . . . . . . . 156 164 straw . . ..,.. . ,,.,, 323 1&) files ... . . . . . . 166 164 tapes ..,.,,..,. 336 180 emory . 419 · 191 threads .. . . . . . ...,. 330 180 fllms, photographic .. 458 194 tow of . 326 180 filter- trimmings . . . .. 339 181 masse or stock . £ 187 twinss. .. . . .. .. 380 180 paper .. 391 188 webs ..,... . . . . 332 180 tn es . . . ... 98 156 ‘ waterproof cloth .. . 337 180 firearms, woven fsbtics - , .. . 846 181 combination shotguns md _ » yarns, single . .. 331 180 rifles . , .. .. 158 164 - flnxseed .. . . ...,. 254 171 sxrting ... 158 164 { ilsxsced oil' .. 87 153 fire ards, paper for . 402 189 I flint . . : . . . . . . 557 198 fire brick .· . . . .-.. 87 155 lime, or lead glass bottles,. 99 156 iirecrwkers . . 420 191 stones, unground .. 557 -198 firewood.. ... ..-. 699 202 - tiles .. . 88 155 (ish, ‘ Hosts, American caught 565, 626 198, 200 metal . .. . . 156 164 anchovlss- -.. .. 258 171 of all outs and kinds . .. 156 · 164 bladders ... 23 152 ilockn, _ briglin . . . . .. 258 171 cotton . .. . . 537 197 ¤;¤nedgr...-. .. .--- 258 171 wool .. . . . . ...- 363 183 dried . , . ... 9561 iioorci e .. . 9 mst n .. . ... · .. . 452 179 193 J5 __,_ , ,_,,_ , ..,..., 261 171 oilclotlf .. . 337 ’ 180 fresh, frozen, or packed in · - tiles .. . 88 155 ice .,.,.. . . . . 261, 555 171, 198floss, silk .. . . - - .. 385 185 fresh-water 259 171 ilouneings, ]¤• ___,,__,,,.,., - ._,. 23 152 cotton . . . . . 339 181 Eglibut ,,,,,.,... . .. - - . 261 171 silk . . . 390 187 herring; _ ___,_ , , ,_,_.,, 260 17]. wool . . . . . - . - . . 371 185 mackerel . . . . . . . . . . 261 171 1101113 01] ________,,__ , , , , ,,__,... 626 200 [ rice . . . 232 ‘ 169 packed in oil .. . ... 258 171 · rye -- -... . . 233 170 page ______,____, _ _,,,_,,,. 241170 l snutf . . 216 169 pickled 261 171 j wheat . .. . . . ... 235 170 products of American tish- i flower seeds .. . .. 656 201 cries .. . . 555, 626 198, 200 flowers, Plays _ _ _; _ __,__.,,.., , .,.. 130 160 1 artilicial ... 425 191 salmon _____, _ _,____,_,.. ,. 261 171 · as dr¤€s.. .. . . 20, 548 152, 197 ngmd __________,__,__, ,, _ . 261 171 , nnturn .. . . 251 170 sa|t.w8ge;· __,__, _ _..,, . 258 171of sulphur. .. .. 84 155 ssrdels or snrdelleu . . . . 258 171 Bucs, be lor .. . ... 152 163 ,,,,3;,,, ______ _ ___,,,____,, 258 171 tinted glass ...,.. . ... 103 157 sauce. .. --.. . .. 241 170 1lutiugs,t1ax or cotton . 339 181 shell .. 659 201 forgings of iron or steel 127, 143 160, 162 skinned 0;- boned ___,_ , , , , , 26]. 171 {01* B .. . . . . . . 155 164 skins .. 556 198 tuning _ . . . . 453 193 sprats .. . . ; . .. . 258 171 forms, iron or steel. .. . . . . 125 159 · slngkgd ______ _ _,,,_ _ _,,,... 261 171 fossils . .. 558 198 gguudg ____ ___,,.",,,-.., 23,496 foW1I, llshin rods, sticks for. . .. 700 202 I land . . . .. . . 494 196 58;;;,5 fm- underwear 367 184 poultry .. . .. . 278 172 rlusks mmmining quicksilver. 189 166 WMM ..-- - ---··-·--...-.. 491 196 Hat- frames for optical instruments. 111 158 rails -. . 130 160 ; frames for spectacles, eyewire rods .. 136 161 glasses, and goggles . .. 108 157 flats, bur iron .. . ..,.. 123 159 frames of looking-glass plate. 106 158 flax- heestoue .. . ... 117, 118 159 attic];; u, g, p, f .,..,,, 346 181French chalk .. . . 13 .152 ca ts and carpeting 334, 381 180, 185 fresh beef, veal, mutton, and com ,,.. . ,... . 330 180 POI'k -...--.--."----.. N4 172 ··dm"°d1i¤q" _..,. 325 180friction matches . 423 191 gm netting .. . . . . . . 332 18.3 frinixss, 390 18__ buckled .. . 325 si -·--·-.---------·.----- I hugdkerchiefs . . . . . 34 5 181 wool ...--- · - ..--.--·. - 371 185 hvdrnulic hose. . - . . 335 180 fruitjgiqqs , __,,, , .__..,,,,,, 339 181 essences . . . 21 152 manufactures of .. ·. 347 4 182 6th8H ---- . --------· - ...-.- 21 152 mat; ____ __,-, ,,,,.,, . . 180' gfdp6.-.-- ... .-»-.. 266 172 new ________ _ _______,___,_ , 332 180 · juice -. .. . ... .. 299 174 not hackled or dressed . 394 180 1 knives -·-- - ·----—----- - --·— 155 164