Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2016

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1986 INDEX. an 0 1gg7.(]°ntiu¤cd_ Paragraph. Page. Tari o f 1897—C0nti!1ued. P¤·‘¢‘¤·E!‘¤Ph· P¤B°· Thggll-Lf hefnstitched handkerchiefs. . . _312, 178, pins_____________________,, preparations and applica- herb! ---·--~----·-··--·-··-- 20, M8 152, 197 tions for the .,,,,. , ,... 70 155 hearing oil ... . . - - .-.· 42 153 mss o1oth . . . .. 431 191 herrings - ...- - - - = -------- 260 171 £uggia·n c3mg]_’g ,_,_ __",,,, 35], 182 1|0WD1$1mb0!.-.--"-- 194 167 seating .. . , 431 191 hidewood sticks ______ _, __,_,,,. 700 202 cuttings, raw . . 572 . 198 half huge, cotton ... 317, 318 179 r0pe . .. 573 198 halibut .. . . . . 261 171 hubs- _ _ hammered hon. or §t681 ,,,, , . . 124 159 BDI]. Bk1I1S- . - - . - · · • · - • - •·- · - 437 192 hgmmqr molds _,_, _ .,,,, , , . . . 135 161 -11. B. p. f. · · . . . - -·--·--·-- · - 664 201 hmmm, blacksmiths’ 144 162 bmge blanks . .. .-.·. - 145 162 hging _____ _ ____ ____,,",,,,.. 273 172 lll11g8S .. . . - -- ..- . 145 162 handkerchief; honrhound seed .. . .. - 656 201 cotton ____,_,,_, ,,, _,,, ,,, . 312 178 hobnails, wrought .. - 161 164 embroidered ___,,, , ,.,, , , . . 339 181 hogsheads, empty .. . . . - . • 204 170 _ hgmp ___,_,,, , ,,,,, , , ,,,,.. 345 181 bones .. . . 574 198 lace ,__,., , ,.,. 339 181 honey . -. 247 170 silk _____ _ _ ____ _ _____,___,. 388 186 hoods, braids, etc., for ornaymmne bolts ,_,, , _,,,_,, , ,... ceo 202 mooring .. . 409 189 handles- hoods, ` for curling stones . . 540 197 straw, chip, etc . . .. 409 189 for knives or erasers . 153, 155 163, 164 fur . --- 432 191 for parascls or umbrellas. . . 462 194 hoofs, unmanufactured .-. 575 198 handsaws - .. 1668 hooks and eyestéi ... 55.529 gg an 'n .. - ... oop iron or s . . , , hargrugdbgrjgymdmmes of. 450 193 hopharness, poles .. 699 202 leather ,..,.. , . 447 193 extract ---. 248 170 loom ,... . . 320 379 roots .. . ... 576 198 harrows . .. ...-.. 460 194 hops .. ... ... 248 170 harvesters . .. . . ‘ .. 460 194 hom-—— haesocks made of carpeting,. 382 185 buttons . . . . .. . 414 190 hat- manufactures of 449 193 bands ... - . 389 187 strips - . . . . . . . - 577 198 braids .. . .. 409 189 tips . . . 577 198 pins . . . . . .. 188 166 horns, and parts of. . . 577 198 wire. .. 137 161 horselnair, raw . -. 571 198 hats ... . . .. . . .. 409, 432 191 horserakes . . . - . . - 460 194 batters'- horseshoe nails . . 161 164 irons .. 148 163 horseshoes, wrought irom plush .. . . . . . . . . 461 194 steel. .. . ... 168 164 Hawaiian Islands, treaty . 209 168 horses . .. 220 169 hay . . . .. 246 170 hose, head nets . . . . 371 185 cotton ... . . . .917, 318 179 heading- hydraulic . . 885 180 bolts .. . . . . 200 · 167 house furniture .. . . .. 208 168 blocks. . ... 200 187 household effects of persons heads, dolls . . 418 191 arriving in the United ‘ healds . .. . .. . 320 179 States . . . . - 504 196 healingkplasters .. 69 154 hubs for wheels . . 200 167 hemloc bark, extracts of 22 152 human hair,. ,.,,,,., 429 191 hemp, manufactures of ... 450 193 articles n. s. p. I. . . 347 182 bnntin knives .. . ... 155 164 bagging for cotton . 344 181 hyacin§hs .. - 251 170 cables and cordage .. --- 329 180 hydrate ofcarpets aud carpeting .. 334 180 alumina . .. - . . J -- -- 4 151 cords .. 180 potash - ..,,.. . ,..,. 63 154 coverianxgs for cotton 344 181 soda or caustic soda -.-- 76 155 hackl _ - - - - - .. 327 180 hydraulichydraulic hose. .. - . 335 180 cement ...,._.. 89 156 haudkewhléfe ---. - - ... 345 181 hose, linen . . . .. 335 180 line of ..····.-... -- 327 180 hydricdate of potash. ---- 64 154 manufactures of ... 347 182 hydrochloric acid __,_ ____ 464 194 mats .. - - ----·...-. 334 180 hydrcgraphic charts .. .--- 501 196 not hackled .. . 324 180 ine __,_______ , ____, _ , _ _ ______ 573 198 New Zealand binding twine- 491 196 ichthyol oi; ______ _ _____ _ _____ 626 199 11138 --·.·~·.-- - - - - · 334 180 imitation mineral waters . 301 175 seed - -- - ---· - - - - .-· 606 201 imitation precious stones . 435 192 S00d 01] .--...-.·. . ...·· 39 153 implement of persons arrivshirting cloth ..-... ...- 346 182 ing in the United States 645 200 thl‘¤¤d¤· - ·-----.-.. - .- . 330 180 imlprovements in the arts. 616 199 ww ---··--··- -· . ----.. .-. - $27 18) in ia malacca joints . 700 202 twine . . . . ¥ 180 lnd;air;1bber, i woven as . .. . . 6 c ea composed n rt yarns . . ... 381 180 of ... 314,87;,889,HO l78,185,187