Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2056

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2026 mumx. Yale l nive·r0ity, I‘¤g¤— ] "Yorick," Brig, PS29- tmusfer to, for custody, of guns presented appropriation for paying Frcnchspolimsnon by students . . . . . .. . 1029 claims . . . . . . ... - - . . .-.. U99 Yalobuaha River, i York, Pa., construction of bridge authorized across, , deiicicucy appropriation for public blllldnt Dodds Ferry, Miss . . --.. 366 ing .. . . .. . . . . . . 112 in Lofloro County, Miss . . . . 716 York River, Va., Yamhill River, Oreg.,appropriation for lighting - 16, 602, 1080 appropriation for improvement of ... . 47 Q for improvement of . . . . . . .. 1136 Yankton Agency, S. Dah., § York, Wllliam, appropriation for Indian agent at -- - 64, 573, 926 | payment to administrator of . 1163, 1165 Y····F¤¢¤¤ Mdav €¤•·•z·¤•·y, ‘ romme mm».az1>m-k, time extended for bridging Missouri River V appropdation for _____________________ 624, 1100 at Yankton: S- Mk ·----·--·--· - -- ~ 601 g commission appointed to investigate cor- Y“€‘M°"· S- Dah-: _ _ _ _ _ tain toll roads, ctc., report -.-- 1100 hmc extended for bridging Mxssoun Rnvcr . Yoan L/il[i(l,b JL (widowh at .. . . -. .. . . .. . 651 · - Yankton Tribe, Sioux Indiana, YP°‘j_“}°‘}' ```` E.? }Q ````'` `'`````` ¤¤¤*··r;;g;·i¤¤tf¤= *“¤¤°*¤¤g new ~**r·;U=g83 935 ‘{,‘2%1IZ¥i.f;?,» .,£§I.;m§ea..u Of, to be ...;..1., 1159 s e c . a Y ·· ucgohatioos with, for purchase of lands; 87 I Y°””9»_ Ed'{”¢"'d B-, M yang5c] U_ ,g_ 5;,,;,,,,;,;},, [ ponswn morea,sod .. . . . . . . 1482 appropriation for Michigan naval militia } Young, Fannie, · may be used for repairs of .. 373 · payment to ., -- ...,.,.._. 1184 Y¤<1·M··¤ Bay, Ow-- I Young, Jam c., board to investigate proposer] improve- ‘ Pension ____ _ _________ __ ______________ _ 1480 lmmts ‘ Z': ‘‘‘‘‘’ I ‘‘·‘‘· · ··‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘ 1132 \ Young, Joseph, mpoul of p r0v1810n for nmprovemont of . .- 1132 S pavment to executor of 1184 Y··"······”· WM ·*<=··*···>· a s..¤¤.¤..immx of ._,,._ ____ um appropnatnou for consul . . . 269, 830 . · You••_qxtou·n, Ohm, · · (msc l ll 'l c n D * s e-

’     ( )’ pprepfatiou for publi b ildi g id

yggfmi ```` '' T '` 1*62: walk for .. . . 3.. _ 699 Qnitclairfm of certain lots in District of Y'3“'9·.W· A'* . . Q

0lnmbia to _______________ __ ______ · 1346 chcmncy uppropmstxonfor oontostedalqm

Yazoo and Mioaieaéppi Valley Railroad Com- Y xm °;xP°°°°;··i1; ···· B·E·-· -·-_~· 687 pany NW9 QW} 8 •• one . . __ J - may bridgo Yalobngha River, at Dodds ¤PP!`0P¤8·¥·10¤ for . .. 541, 1062 Ferry, Miss - ... . ... 366 Q Yucklcy, George W. LOH0i'¤ Cmlllty, Miss: - . 716 payment to administrator of . ,_._ ____ ____ 1163 Y¤e‘·>¢> Rim» Yukon mm, Azam tum ¤Xt°¤d°d for constrncting b!'idg6 i appropriation for Qovcuun-cutter vessel 241 80 ¥‘0§8, Bt G1j60¤W00d. MBS -·--·-·-- 367 I for survey, available until expended 1083 ap}; 0£;::n:;o1;;g£;:n¥mx·omout of mouth- ;g deficiency appropriation for surveying, etc. 235 - - '' "' ‘'‘' Yukon Rirer Country . 1 u ’ . . . ~ ’ Z{§.¥JL'J§é33”&¤f'TT‘??7’fTT{?f'T?T'Tt... 630 =*¤¤·¤·¤·¤··¤··¤ fm *¤¤¤f ··f ¤····>v1¤--—é ----- 226 ·- Yellowstone National Park, ny;pr0priati0u for maintenance . 43, 1105 z• 01* gmlury of commiuionar ,, , ,,,__ 3]_5_ 839 Zanziban foI.‘ IHIPHPVGIIIODU 3Dd pI'0trBCti0l'l . . . . . .-. 629 1 gpprgpriggtigu for consul 59 830 fol' C81't3.lD improvmnonh .. . ... 918 · ab; interpreters ctc.. 272 832 GOHCIODGY appropriation for i[[]l)]‘()VB|||Q]]t_ 1437 n Zcalandiafr Sleam;h,iP `` '' ’ 667 1226 ¢ , · a · Yellowstone River, Mont., Zg;?; j  ;; g r‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘‘‘ 421 payment for "Baronopt’s Bridge" over. -. 918 | p8Im%;m?::;8aé;d - i_dfih¤};v¤0y ;PF¥zPU;?0D for improving... 1226Zane F G '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ····· · ····· 1¤71 era uma can a, ‘ ’ " " . . appropriation fonfuavai training station. . 371 i deucy.3PPmPrl°tl°u fm ‘*···· ‘"‘ ‘··· 658 Yglesias, Luis, { Z°”M'» X¢WW'» _ may receive instruction at Military payment to adminxstrator of .. . .. 1177 Academy ..,., , ____ _ _____ _ _____ 1337 , Zwk, Jane E. (widow), Yglesias, Ricardo, pension ..._,_ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ ________ 1491 may receive instruction at Naval Academy. 1388 1 Zm“”» Yokokamat appropriation for mmm] ______ _ _____ _ 269 830 nppmprm mg or consu -gcnora ... 267 827 Zoologic Z P k D. C, . , ‘ g

ox· clork h;ro . I . 271; Q @
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or pmson or moncau convncts ...,, 2*2 P ‘ _;;' · , for saanry, ehi., s:ppLopHi;¤med £0; conf Z,2.?g;?m “P°m°°s‘ '‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ····· 22· 609 ¤¤ ~g€¤¤1‘¤ 3 , 6 PM tv at appropriation for consul _ _,__, .,__ _ Kuuugawa ..-... · ..·---- . .-·.. z. . - 221 for clerk him ...,__ _ _____ _ ______ _Q:;: ggg O