Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/41

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2 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1. 1897. hundred dollars; two clerks class three, three thousand two hundred dollars; four clerks class two, five thousand six hundred dollars; one ° clerk class one, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, sixteen thou— sand three hundred dollars. _1>M¤i·>¤ ¤fP¤¤>li¤~ DIVISION on Punmcarions; Chief of division, two thousand tive °°"’ hundred dollars; assistant chief of division, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one editorial clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one proof reader and indexer, one thousand four hundred dollars; two clerks (one of whom shall be a stenographer), two thousand dollars. D0c¤mo¤t¤¤¤ti¤¤· Document section: One assistant in charge, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one foreman, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one chief folder, one thousand dollars; one folder, eight hundred and forty dollars; four folders, at six hundred dollars each, two thousand four hundred dollars; three eopyists, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, two thousand five hundred and twenty dollars; in all, twenty thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. uDM¤i¤¤ °f S****°· DIVISION OF STATISTICS: One statistician, who shall be chief of °°` division, three thousand dollars; one assistant statistician, two thou— sand two hundred dollars; one clerk class four, one thousand eight hundred dollars; three clerks class three, four thousand eight hundred dollars; five clerks class two, seven thousand dollars; five clerks class `one, six thousand dollars; seven clerks, at one thousand dollars each, seven thousand dollars; four clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, thirty- five thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. 1>i*i¤i<>¤ ·=f B·>¤¤·r·Division or Boraiw: One botanist, who shall be chief of division, g two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant botanist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant botanist, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant botanist, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; in all, eight thousand eight hundred dollars. m1{_¤•i¤¤ ¤f 1¤¤¢·» Drvrsron or Enrozuoroerz One entomologist, who shall be chief g' of division, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant entomol— ogist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant entomologist or clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant eutomologist or clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; one assistant entomol— ogist or clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; in all, nine thousand five hundred dollars. mmm of m·>1·»g· Division or BIOLOGICAL SURVEY: One biologist, who shall be chief im S""°"‘ of division, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant biologist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant biologist, one thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant biologist, one thousand tour hundred dollars; one clerk class one, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one clerk, six hundred and sixty dollars; in all, ten thousand and sixty dollars. 1>ivi¤i¤¤ vf P¤¤¤··l- Drvrsroiv OF PoMoLOGY: One pomologist, who shall be chief of °“" division, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant pornologist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk class one,one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; in all, six thousand ive hundred dollars. m;>i—;i»;i¤:i‘;;;;gps:t_g; ])IVlSION 01-* VEGETABLD PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHoLocY: One parmmiogy. thologist, who shall be chief of division, two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant pathologist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant pathologist, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; in all, six thousand five hundred dollars. Division of cu¤¤¤»· Division or Cnmnsrrnr: One chemist, who shall be chief of divi- ""* sion, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant chemist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant chemist, one thousand six hundred dollars: one clerk class one, one thousand two hundred dollars; employment of additional assistants in division of chemistry, when necessary, ten thousand dollars; in all, seventeen thousand one hundred dollars.