Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/766

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 641. 1898. 727 SPEED. f S1>¤¤¤· Sec. 13. That the speed of cars shall be subject to the police regula~ tions of the District of Columbia. EJECTHENT FROM CARS. Ejectmentiromcars. Sec. 14. That persons drunk, disorderly, contagiously diseased, or refusing to pay the legal fare may be ejected from the cars by the officers in charge thereof. ARTICLES LEFT IN (JARS. Articloslcftinws. Sec. 15. That as far as possible articles left in cars shall be eared for by the company, to the end that they may be restored to the right ful owner. Fuzz. Fm SEO. 16. That the rate of fare within the District of Columbia shall p not exceed five cents per passenger, and six tickets shall be sold tor twenty·1ive cents. Bumnmcs. B¤¤<¤¤n SEQ. 17. That the company is authorized to erect and maintain the buildings necessary to the operation of its road, subject to the building regulations of the District of Columbia. The company shall erect hmm.- stsmu, and maintain passenger rooms and transfer stations as required by the °°°‘, Commissioners, and proper conveniences for the public shall be provided at such rooms and stations. ‘ LAND. _ Mud- SEO. 18. That the company is authorized to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, the necessary land for its authorized right of way. . ORGANIZATION. orz¤¤i¤¤¢i·>¤ Sec. 19. That the corporators shall open books of subscription to the m§1¤:gg{P**°¤ ¤>°¤l* capital stock of the company within three months from the approval ` of this Act, of which previous notice shall be given every day for one week by advertisement in a newspaper published in the city of Washington. The corporators herein named shall be individually liable for moneys received for subscriptions to the capital stock prior to the organization of the company by the stockholders. Within six months mmm; or merfrom the approval of this Act the company shall be organized by the "°"*°”

tockholders, for which purpose the corporators shall call a meeting of

the stockholders, notifying them of the purpose, time, and place of such meeting by a letter mailed to each, and giving additional notice, by advertisement in a newspaper published in the city of Washington, every day for one week previous to such meeting; and thereafter the stockholders shall meet at least once a year, and such notice shall be given of each meeting. Each share of paid-up stock shall entitle the holder to one vote. The stockholders are empowered to elect a presi- Election of umm. dent, a treasurer, a secretary, a board of directors, and other oiheers. and to make by-laws and regulations for the government of the company. - CAPITAL STOCK. u{:;¤:nd gfmdgfvim Sim. 20. That the company is authorized to issue bonds and capital stock, said stock to be in shares of ten dollars each: Provided, however, 1?rq•>i•<». That the total issue of said bonds and stock shall not in the aggregate "1"'"°' exceed the amount necessary for the cost of construction and equip ment of its railway and buildings; and before any bonds or stock shall Mfggj-D·i-;;¤i;·:_g,*;ntf,g be issued the amount thereof shall be ascertained and fixed by the issumm. Commissioners of the District of Columbia; and for this purpose said