Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/865

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FIFTY -F1"FTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. C11. 128. 1899. 827 customs tariifs, one thousand three hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-six cents; this appropriation to be available on April nrst, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, pursuant to convention proclaimed December seventeenth, eighteen hundred and ninety. INTERNATIONAL (WATER) BOUNDARY 00M1nss10N, UNITED STATES ¤¤xi¤¤¤ W==¢,¤r nw nmxrco- £i’.‘;1‘*‘$»‘3'..,‘i,?¥%;‘1.";‘ V l. 24, . 1011, vo . To enable the Commission to continue its work under the treaties of 26·1?-1512}) eighteen hundred and eighty-four and eighteen hundred and eighty-_ nine, ilfteen thousand dollars. · INTERNATIONAL BUREAU AT BRUSSELS POB B.EPRESSION 0F TE AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE. To meet the share of the United States in the expenses of the spe- i:_¤¤·¤, f¤r winmcial bureau created by article eighty-two of the general act concluded EM,."° at Brussels July second, eighteen hundred and ninety, for the repres- W- ”'· P- °1"· sion of the African slave trade and the restriction of the importation into and sale, in a certain defined zone of the African continent, of firearms, ammunition, and spirituous liquors, for the year nineteen hundred, one hundred dollars. · INTERNATIONAL PRISON COMMISSION; U For subscription of the United States as an adhering member of the ¤I¤¤¤¤¤|I¤¤¤·1P¤w¤ International Prison Commission, and the expenses of a commissioner, ' two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. INTERNATIONAL GEODETIC ASSOCIATION Iron. THE MEASUREMENT or . THE EARTH. To enable the Government of the United States to pay, through the d gnumucngl Gw- American embassy at Berlin, its quota as an adhering member of the ° ° x °“‘ International Geodetic Association for the Measurement of the Earth, one thousand five hundred dollars. REPAIRS TO LEGATION AND CONSULAB PREMISES. _ To enable the Secretary of State to keep in repair the legation and m§l<;1;;im:t;gs¤¤¤¤¤ consular premises owned by the Government of the United States and ' occupied by its agents, three thousand dollars. INTERCONTINENTAL RAILWAY 00MMIsSION. To meet the share of the United States toward the expenses involved mf,’{§_$’:;*bg1Q;,:;*,:;' in the completion of the preparation, printing, and distribution »·' We ‘ ilnal reports, maps, proilles, and so forth, of the Intercontinental Rail way Commission, three thousand dollars, to be immediately available. SCHEDULE B. S•=¤·••i¤¤¤B· SALARIES, OONSULAB SERVICE. S•hri·•- Consuls-general at London, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro, at five thou- Gomulsgencmh sand dollars each, fifteen thousand dollars; Consulsgeneral at Hongkong, Shanghai, and Calcutta, at five thonsand dollars each, fifteen thousand dollars; Consulrgeneral at Melbourne, four thousand five hundred dollars; Consuls-general at Berlin, Montrea1,Yokohama, Panama, and Mexico (city), at four thousand dollars each, twenty thousand dollars; Consuls-general at Halifax and Vienna, at three thousand five hundred dollars each, seven thousand dollars; Consuls-general at Antwerp, Apia and Nukualofa (Tonga), Constantinople, Dresden, Guayaqnil, Frankfort, Ottawa, Rome, Saint Petersburg, Singapore, Cape Town (Africa), Barcelona, and Saint Gall, at three thousand dollars each, thirty-nine thousand dollars;