Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/9

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X LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AN D RESOLUTIONS. 8,,,, ’ 'T‘.;a ' . An act to rovide for the construction of n brid e across Niagara River. June 29, 1898-. Amy. An act to fmend section ten of an ant up roved April twenty-second, eighteen hundred md ninety-eightbentitled "An act to provid; for temporarily iuereesin g the military establishment of the nited States in time of war, and for other purposes."_ June 29, 1898 . 55 Appropriations, District of Columbia. An act making apiproplriutions to provide for the egpenses of the government of the District of Columbia ort e iiscal year ending June tlnrueth, - · eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and for other purposes. June 30, 1898 .. _ ... 55 Bankryiey. An act to establish u uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States. H4 ul 1 1898 . . . ...-. . ...· .,--- -·--···-----··-------- -· ·--- ·--· Seminole Jlndiana. An act to ratify the arguement between the Dawes Commission and the Semi— no1eNati0u of Indians. July 1, 1 8. .. -- .. . . ..,... .. , .. . W District of Columbia. An act to vest in the Commissioners of the District of Columbia control of . sim: wm; in me mmm. July 1, me . M Arng. An not to authorize the spvintrnent of a military storekeeper in the Army. July 1, 1898. 571 Appropriations, Indian. An act me ing apsrloprintions for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department and for iuliig treat sti ulations with various Indian tribes for the nseal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen liundired and ninety-nine, and for other purposes. July 1.1898 .. . , . . . .. ..:., . . . . . 571 Appropriations, sundry civil. An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the liscal ear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and for other purposes. July 1, 1898 - .. .. .. . ... . . _ 597 Bridge. An act to suthorize the White and Black River Valley Railway Company to build a bridge across the Black River in Arkansas. July I, 188. . .. .-.. . . .650 Bridge. An act extendinithe time for the construction of e bridge across the Missouri River at Yankton, South Da ota. July 1, 1898 . ... 651 Public lands. An act to relieve owners of mining claims who enlist in the military or naval serv- · ice of the United States for duty in the war with Sphin from performing assessment work during such term of service. July 2, 1898 .. ..-.2. . . . . 651 Titusville, Pa. An act designating Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, a port of delivery in the customs collection district of Erie, Pennsylvania. July 2, 1898. .. .. 652 Amy. An not relative to the Corps of Engineers of the Army. July 5, 1898 .. . . 852 Appropriation, deficiencies. An act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year eighteen hun red and ninety-eig t, and for prior years, and for other purposes. July 7, lé ... - .. -.. ... . 652 Army. AW to increase the ediciency of the Qnartermastefs Department of the Army. July 7 1 .-.. . ... . . .. ,- 714 Amy. gg: act to increase the ediciency of the Subsistence Department of the Army. July 7, 1 . . . .. 715 Right of way. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend an act to grant to the Gainesville, Mollcster and Saint Louis Railway Company a right of way through the Indian Territory." July 7, 1898 .. . ... . . . . . .. . .. .· 715 Bridge. An act entitled "An act providing for the construction of a bridge across the Yalobusha River between Leflore and Carroll counties, in the State of Mississippi," approved April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and uinetyeight. July 7, 1898 .. - .,,.,,.,_,,,_, _ 716 lbrti/lcations, etc. A11 act to protect the harbor defenses and fortifications constructed or used by the United States from malicious injury, and for other purlpobes. Jul 7, 1898 . 717 Bridge. An not to authorize the construction of a bridge over ombigbee hiver, in the State of Mississippi. July 7, 1898 .. . . . --, ,. . ,.,,_ 713 Pensions. An act to amend section four thousand seven hundred and forty-six of the Revised Statutes of the United States. July 7, 1898 . . .. .. 718 Diatrict of Columbia. An act to require the Brightwood Railway Company to abandon its overhead trolley on Kenyon street, between Seventh und Fon rteenth streets. July 7, 1898 719 Army. An act to provide for e temporary increase in the Inspector·Uenerul’s Depuruneut of the Army. July 7, 1898 . ... . ... . ,.,, _ ____ 799 Bridge. An act to umend on act entitled "l\n act to authorize the county of St. Louis, in the State of Minnesota, to build, or authorize the building 0Q a foot and wagon bridge across the Saint Louis River between Minnesota and Wisconsin, at ut point neur Fond du Lac, in snid9Sétate of Minnesota," approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. July 7, 18 .. . . .. . . . . .. . .._,, , ,,__ 7- Army. An act to increase the force of the Ordnance Department. J nl y 7, 1898 . 753 Jrmy. An act directin$ the enlistment of cooks in the Regular and Volunteer armies of the United States. Ju v T, 1898 ,.,,., , ..,._,,,,,,,...,.,.. - ,.,,,, ____ ,,__,,..., _-,. ._,,..,._ 721 Army. An ai t to amend the act relating to pay of volunteer otllcers and soldiers. Julv T, 1898-. 721 District of Columbia. An act to authorize the reassessment of wateranain taxes in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. July 8, 1898 ...,,. . ..,,,,.._____________ _ _ ______ _ _____ 721 Military Academy. Erection of chapel, etc. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to exercise

• discretion in certain cases, July 8, 1898,... .,,, .,,. -.., . ___,,,,,_,_ . ._,,,._,,_,__._ - 722

Jluakcyon Harbor. An act to provide a steam fog whistle at the entrance to Muskegon Harbor iu the Stats of Michigan, July S, 1898 ____ _ ____ _ _____,___,,_____ _ ______,_,___ , _____ _ _____ y 722 District of Columbia. An act to amend "An act for the preservation of the public peace and protection of property in the District of Columbia," npproveil· July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. July 8, 1898 _,,..,_.,.,._...,.,,...,,_,_,_._.,_______,,_,__,,,, 723 Diairictgqg Columbia. An act to amend the criminal laws of the District of Columbia, J ulv R, 1 9 , ...,,...,_,_ -,,. ,,.. , 1 ,_,,,,.. .-. ,,__ , ,___, __ ____,,_,.,_, -, ,,,,,,,.__,__,,_,_ :___ 724 District of Columbia. An act to regulate the construction of barbed-wire fences i h' Cg;ng;bia,§nd fig- other purposes, July—8, 1898 ,_.,_ _ __________ _ ______ ____ §‘_f_?_?l?f?(it in- Tg.], District o alum ia. n act to incor rnte the Wushinvton and Universit uilroae - - of the District of Columbia. Jilily 8, 1898 ... . ... . . X .. 725