Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/986

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948 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 325. 1899. the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, one thousand six hundred dollars; one appointment clerk, two thousand dollars; one clnef of supply division, two thousand dollars; one telegraph and telephone operator, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk class fbur, one thousand eight hundred dollars; three clerks class three, four thousand eight hundred dollars; two clerks class two, two thousand eight hundred dollars; twelve clerks class one, fourteen thousand four hundred dollars; nine clerks, at one thousand dollars each, nine thousand dollars; five clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, four thousand two hundred dollars; one engineer, who shall be captain of the watch, one thousand six hundred dollars; one fireman, who shall be steam fitter, nine hundred dollars; one assistant fireman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one assistant fireman, six hundred dollars; four night watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars; messengers, laborers, mechanics, four day ~ watchmen, and charwoinen, nineteen thousand dollars; in all, eighty- eight thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. ` sebum- Division on Acoounrs mn Drsnunsmmnrsz Chief of division ,,,1i,"'§;‘{,',f,°;,¥,€L,,mYl’}t° and disbursin g clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant chief of division, two thousand dollars; one cashier, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two clerks class three, three thousand two hundred dollars; four clerks class two, five thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk cllass one, one thogsand two hundred dollars; in all, sixteen thousand t rec hundred dollars. d01>ivi¤i<>¤¤fP¤¤1i¤» Division or Punnresctions: One editor, who shall be chief of divi- "' sion, two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant chief of division, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one editorial clerk, one thousand six - hundred dollars; two editorial clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, two thousand eight hundred dollars; two clerks, at one » thousand dollars each (one of whom shall be a stenographer), two thounccumm section. sand dollars. Document section: One assistant in charge, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one foreman, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one chief folder, one thousand dollars; one folder, eight hundred and forty dollars; four folders, at six hundred dollars •·ach, two thousand four hundred dollars; three copy- ists, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, two thousand five hundre;1 alnd] twenty dollars; in all, twenty-one thousand six hundred and six y dollars. ~ u£*¤¤*¤¤ M $¤·¤·- Division or Srscrrsrros: One Statistician, who shall be chief of ` division, three thousand dollars; one assistant statistician, who shall be assistant chief of division, two thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk class four, one thousand eight hundred dollars; three clerks class three, tour thousand eight hundred dollars; five clerks class two, seven thousand dollars; five clerks class one, six thousand dollars; seven clerks, at one thousand dollars each, seven thousand dollars; four clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, three thousand three hugdred aéidl sixty dollars; in all, thirty-five thousand one hundred an six cy dollars. . ¤ivi¤i¤¤ ¤f B¤=¤¤y- Division or BorANY: One Botanist, who shall be chief of division, two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant botanist, who shall be assistant chief of division, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant botanist, one thousand tour hundred dollars; assistant botanist, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; gng clerk, nine hundred dollars; in all, eight thousand eight hundred o ars. mw}i¤¤ ¤f F¤¢¢ Division or Encronoroerz One Entomologist, who shall be chief of division, two thousand nve hundred dollars; one assistant entomologist, who shall he assistant chief of division, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant entomologist or clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant entomologist or clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; two assistant entoznologists or clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one clerk, one thousand dollars; in all, ten thousand seven hundred dollars.