Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1873

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TREATY—MEXICO. FEBRUARY 22, 1899. 1821 of travel or of public ediiices and dios de comunicaci6n, 6 de ediiicios private dwellings, when the act publiccs y privados, cuando el acto committed shall endanger human cometido ponga en peligrc la vida life. humana 19. Obtaining by threats of in- 19. Obtener or medic de ame- Obtaining money, jury, or by false devices, money, nazas de hacer d)aHo, 6 por maqui- ew" by°h"’m' valuables or other personal prop- pacicnes 6 artificios, dinero,valores erty, and the purchase of the same u otres bienes muebles, y la comwith the knowledge that they have pra de los mismos, 5. sabiendas de been so obtained, when such crimes .como se han obtenido, cuando estos or offenses are punishable by im- delitos estén penados con prisi6n prisonment or other corporal pun- {1 otro castigc corporal por las leyes ishment by the laws of both de ambos paises. countries. 20. Larceny, deined to be the 20. Hurto 6 robo sin viclencia, Larceuy. theft of eifects, personal property, entendiéndose por tal el apoderahorses, cattle, or live stock, or miento de efectos, bienes muebles, money, of the value of twenty-five caballos gauado vacuno 6 de otra dollars or more, or receiving stolen clase, 6 de dinero por valor de veinproperty, of that value, knowing ticinco pesos 6 mas, 6 recibir a sa- It to be stolen. biendas propiedades robadas de ese valor. 21. Extradition shall also be 21. También se debera conceder Attempt to commit granted for the attempt to commit la extradicién por el conato de al- °m°’ °t°` any of the crimes and offenses guno de lcs delitcs antes enumeraabove enumerated, when such at- dos, cuando este conato sea punitempt is punishable as a felony ble con prisi6n 6 otra`pena corpoby the laws of both contracting ral pO1' las leyes de ambas Partes parties. Contratantes. ARTICLE III. A.RTiCULO HI. Extradition shall not take place No se concedera la extradici6n when extradition in any of the following cases: en ningunc de los casos siguientes: §{j_,§,,€§g§,;‘;&;i§§§m‘ 1. When the evidence of crim- 1. Cuando la prueba de la de-” ` inality presented by the demanding lincuencia presentada por la parte party would not justify, according requerente,ncjustificare,conforme to the laws of the place where the a las leyes del lugar donde se enfugitive or person so charged shall cuentra el pr6fugo 6 acusado, su be found, his or her apprehension apprehension y enjuiciamiento, en and commitment for trial, if the caso de que el delito se hubiere crime or offense had been there cometido alli committed. 2. When the crime or offense 2. Cuando el delito imputado —politica1 Senses. charged shall be of a purely polit- sea de caracter puramente pclitico. ical character. 3. When the legal proceedings 3. Cuando confcrme a las leyes Tnnnea by nnnm. or the enforcement of the enalty del pais al que se hace el requeri- “°H‘ for the act committed by the per- miento, la prescripci6n impida los son demanded has become barred procedimientcs 1egales6 la imposiby limitation according to the laws ci6n de la (pena, con motivo del of the country to which the requi- acto cometi o por la persona cuya sition is addressed. entrega se (pide. 5 4. When the extradition is de- 4. Guan o se pide la extradici6n -p¤ev1nns acquittal, manded on account of a crime or con motivo de un delito por el cual em offense for which the person de- el individuo reclamado esta sumanded is undergoing or has _ un- friendo 6 ha sufrido una pena en el dergone punishment in the country pais al que se pide la extradici6n, 6 from which the extradition is de- en caso de que alli haya sido manded, or in case he or she shall juzgado y absuelto, con motivo de