Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1878

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NEG TREATY—MEXICO. ’ FEBRUARY 22, 1899. compensated by specific fees for ciones son remunerados en lugar services performedin lieu of salary de sueldo con honorarios por cada therefor, shall be entitled to receive uno de los servicios restados . , . . P » from the government demanding tendran derecho a recibir, por sus the extradition the customary fees actos 6 servicios del Gobierno que for the acts of services performed pide la extradicion, los honorarios by them, in the same manner and acostumbrados, de la misma mato the same amount as though such nera y por la misma suma que si acts or services had been performed estos actos 6 servicios hubieran in ordinary criminal proceedings sido desempeiiados en procediunder the laws of the country of mientoscriminalesordinar1os, conwhich they are officers. forme allasi leyes del pais de que son emp ea os. Arvrioma XII ARTICULO XII. dgg§¤§¤¤¤g§;ejn*1g;§£ A person surrendered under this I La persona entregada conforme necessary to fifnma convention shall not be l31‘1Bd•O1‘ a este Tratado no podra ser ]uz- §‘;‘§,$f,Q°§,f§“§d_°§}1§; punisheg in the country Ito wh1ch gada ni castigada en el pais al cual ¤fi¤¤¤S· is or er extradition as been se ha concedido la extradici6n ni granted% nor giyen up to a third entregada ta una tercera Naci6n power or a cr1me or offense not con motivo de un delito no comprovidied for by this convention prendido en este Tratado y comeand committed previous to his or tido antes de su extradicién, af no her extradition, unless the consent ser que el Gobierno que hace la of the surrendering governmentbe entrega dé su aquiescencia para given for such tria or such sur- el enjuiciamiento o para la entrega render to a third power. zi dicha tercera Naci6n. Where consent not But such consent shall not be Sin embargo este consentimiento “"°”S““‘ necessary: no sera necesario. (a) When the accused shall have _(a) Cuando el acusado haya pevoluntarily requested to be so tried dido voluntariamente que se le or surrendered to a third power. juzgue 6 se le entreguea la tercera N aci6n. ` (b) When he or she shall have (b) Cuando haya tenido libertad been free to leave the country dur- para ausentarse del pais durante ing thirty days after discharge treinta dias · de haber sido puesto from custody because of the charge en libertad por falta de meritos on which he or_ she was surren- para la acusacién por la que fué dered, or if convicted thereof du r— entregado; o en caso de haber sido ing thirty days after havingx satis- condenado durante treinta dias de fied his or her penalty or aving haber cumplido su condena 6 de been pardoned. haber sido indultado. Airrronn XIII Anriouro XIII. grialhforthegegsg A person surrendered under this La persona entregada conforme g·;,v;rti·i&n1;0 Zxfrsgi- convention may be tried and pun— a este Tratado puede ser juzgada “°¤» em- ished in the country to which his y castigada en el pais al cual se ha extradition has been granted, or concedido la extradicién 6 Npuede may be given up to a third power ser entregadaauna tercera aci6n for any crime or offense provided por alguno de los delitos comprenz fo1 by a1t1cle 2 of this convention, didos en el articulo II, de este Traand committed previous to his ex— tado anterior a su extradici6n y tradition besides that which gave distinto del ue di6 motiva a esta. . v . . . . 9 . rise to the extrad1tion. Notice of Se notificara al GOb1€1`HO que lo the purpose to so try or surrender entreg6 la intenci6n de entregar o him, with specification of the crime 6 juzgarlo, especificando ademas el or offense charged, shall be given delito que se le imputa, y dicho to the government which surren- Gobierno podra exigir, si lo crec