Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1973

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TREAT Y—PERU. NOVEMBER 28, 1899. 1921 Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic %Peru N°"°“‘b°’ ”·‘8°°· providing for the extradition of criminals. Signed at Lima, ovem- _ er 28, 1899; ratification with amendments advised b the Senate, February 8, 1900; ratvgied b the President of the é/nited States, November 23, 1900; ratified by the President of Peru, January 23, 1901; ratijtcations exchanged at Lima, January 23, 1901; proclaimed January 29, 1901. - ` BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA, A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a treaty between the United States of America and the "’°“mbl"· Republic of Peru providing for the extradition of criminals was coneluded and Signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Lima on the 28th day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Spanish languages is, as amended by the Senate of the United States, word for word as follows: The United States of America Deseosos los Estados Unidos de °°“"“°““g*’“"“°"· and the Republic of Peru, being AméricayelPerf1de confirmar sus desirous to confirm their friendly relaciones amistosas y favorecer la relations and to promote the cause causa de la justicia, han resuelto of justice, have resolved to con- celebrar un nuevo Tratado para la clude a treaty for the extradition extradicién de criminales perseguiof fugitives from justice between dos or la justicia. entre los Estathe United States of America and dos Unidos de América y el Peru, the Republic of Peru, and have y con tal fin han nombrado los appointed for that purpose the Plenipotenciarios siguientes: following Plenipotentiaries: _ _ _ .The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados m°"“’°""“““"°S‘ ‘ States of America, Irving B. Dud- Unidos al Excmo. Senor Irving B. ley, Envoy Extraordinary and Dudley, Enviado Extraordinario Minister Plenipotentiary of the y Ministro Plenipotenciario de los United States to Peru, and Estados Unidos de América en el Peru; y · The President of Peru, His ElPresidentedelPeru al Excmo. Excellency Doctor Manuel Maria Senor doctor don Manuel Maria Galvez, Minister for Foreign Re- Galvez, Ministro de Relaciones lations of Peru, who, after having Exteriores; quienes, después de communicated to each other their haberse comunicado sus plenos respective full power, found in poderes y hallandolos en buena y good and due form, have agreed debida forma, han convenido en upon and concluded the following los articulos siguientes: articles: · IARTICLE I. ARTfcULo I. The Government of the United El Gobierno de los Estados Ofkecggggglgggjegg States and the Republic of Peru Unidos y el Gobierno del Peru wimhpmme. g von xxxi———121