Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2143

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mnnx. 20911 Mail Transpo#rta¢ion—Gontinued., 1 U P¤8¢· Mamar, Ellen M (widow), P¤8¢i deiiciencymsfor transportation, 1644 Mpension increased . -...;.5; , ;..1.. 1595 IOH ••.•••_•••••v•-•i•-b•••--• ,` GpB _' , "1`;1 .V for post-office cars l.QQ'. .. .- -;  ;. 21044 appropriation for General Land1Gftlce.. 121, 997 for transportatwn, inland .1 1; . .1 . .1056 1 1 lprovisionjfor distribution at . .1. ..;·. .1. .. . ‘i‘i .1034 degiciency apptr:!priation1 for steamboats. 1 p1•intii§‘of£sepa;*1Lte`){7nap1§`ietc ..1;.;1 10% orstar rou 1 .. .-..;..1.*.-.- , ” or pu_,'ca ion or ar epart:nent,... 11 ger foreigr;§.-.-.1--..·  :.1. .1.;--.. 1 1 3.07 M sssggnspsmaon to foreign1countrics.. 1 111173 orpost·o` cecars 7 . , for railroad routes . .·. . 1,308,.319 i_Tap}>ropriatio1i-for consubgeneral .. , ... 65, 888 for wagon service-..2.,;;.1-1.1..;-;.». 1. 319 11 or clerk hire . .1..;“..1..-..4 69,893 privileges assecond·cIass matter extended Maroh,1=El·i J:,1_` 1 r 1 1 11 1 vrii to certainpublicatipns 660 Mpension;;i1xereased-...-...·-..~-.-,.-..- 11 1515 ”“““°i“°“° 1“°°°“§2" “°°°‘&‘£ii"°i'; *’“"*“ na 1 “1'”""’”d’ ·C“’¥ 1 .1 as 1 ili as mi sges notto j 16 1 nappropriatmu ora navy-1 o 1;--1-··.-» Maine, _ _ .1 _, 11 1  »  :,11 ly 11 111—&£>rcivi_l_establishn1ent,£1ureau1ofI§quip· ’ appropriation for 11f€•S8N1D%§t»8`l510!lS . . 596, 1140. , 1 Jnent .1;-1-1.-1-1.- . ...- -1. - .1. ..;.1-. 11690,1113 lobster hatchery to be estabhed on coast. gor clei{)l;s,‘Bur§;u»of Yardsandbocks m, 1115 appropriation or ..';...V’Qi._;Q.Q;..`-'; orpu 1 ieewor ... . . `...1.1;- _ 1118 certain trestle; %wssu1¤gmn1csu¤t;· 1de—1 174‘ §orjcom;;1;s1tiont<:5Ld1~y—doek.1. . .-*.—£ ;‘; 11;;; c w structures .. 1 . _ _ 1 or nava pospi 1.-- . ..1...-:.;...1.. "Maine," 1 M1 o » 1 for general ‘storehouse,j usskksspsss,1 1 deficiency approprilaztionvgreziétmtzszismnm of V. , eu; .~.—.ét;..--i;;l%-..;.-.1..-.._.—... _ _ survivorsjat ey e_ » . _ ... o Q orooig Yonop 4;;;.;--.Q.i-;‘,;..1_ 11 1.. Makah Indakma, Wash., 1 1 1 -for clerk5tocpnstructor,_etc1.1..1..-.1, 701; 1126 { apgropriatiou for support, etc., of. .; . . 235,1072 for ngaphinerypplant .1... ._. . - . .¤.1 . 1701,1127 Mdlelgciency appropriation for support,—etc..- - 302 1 1 ior  ;;...—.;.—.1.1.1;.%5 732 a a, 1 1 11 __ 0l‘_' “ ',`1 `j`I‘ihQ_` 1 .;.-1; 11 1 ap?ropriatio1;lfor,consul . ... 68,891 1 11i»1 1 for civil establishi;nent,;;’§$1reau of Ord- , or clerk hire--.- .1;..1. ..· 170, 1893 A 1, nance. ,... . . ,,,,,, 1 ,1.. ,1. : ...1; ;j, ,.1 ··1112 Mallard, Pfianm (widow), _ ,1722 forcIerkr%,etc.1;stea.1ueng1neeungdepart= 1127 pension increased .. .1 ..., 1 1 4 _ ‘‘1e 1 1men b -, ,—. ,1.,, ; ,§;1; Q; .1,11.1. _ ,1. j.;·_;11.. , 1 _ Malta, __ _ 1 11 , cliange.ofmaterial1for dry—dock_.1.~..».1 1 1 M.; agglrogriation for consul .. . . ,68,890 Marwopa Indiana e 1 ·111 { 1 1, ‘ o Ma _ guilding, 4 1 1 1 · 1. 1 - · _ y 11p0W6tpl¤nt}xlay-beerected onreservation.11 786 appropriation for miscellaneous itemsggtcghgiqggg Marine ~ 1 1 ·;. 1 » —·1‘ — - _ 29 orre 'rs ... 1 ..4 .. 4. p Gappropria10n=orpay1;..1.—..; 111 for ligiing , 613:1157 V g Err officers on11»retired—1ist. . . .-. .-.-;1;~= 704: 1129 for new elevator shaft . . - ; . 1 613 Y _ 1for nonoomrnissioned1officers . .1. *704,61129 for water supply and iiretprotection 613 _ 1for1ret1red· enl1sted·men.¢.~.1; . .1. ..1. 704,11129 deiiciencyhappropiiation ~ or hre extin·_ 1635 £or un;irawn.clothing1.—.-.. . jj%,11129 . guns ers ...,..,,,..,. » 1 p or-mn eage ,,1,° . 1.,,1.;,.1,.;..;;·..r;.._.,;’i 1,1129 for repairs . . . . .. . 9. . . . .25, 57 _ - 1for coinrnnta’tion=o£quartse1gs, .._,; .1, 704,11129 Mammoth Tree Grove, Cal., 1 1 1 1 for civil force; provisions; clothing; ~ provision for acquisition of .. 1 711 f — has]. .,.;{6 . - . ,-.1. Q . . .;,1.;.; 704, 1129 Mnagua, , crm i I s res.-..-...;.;..,..1..1-7041130 1 Mzppmigiationngir; .. 67, 890 , for clerktEg1oll‘ices of a.ssistant1quarter— ’ 1 - atee ivera agron .,1 1 inns rs .. ».· .1..1;*..- ‘11130_ 1 zgnstruliggri tof lir·1n;geBaut·§1on;a)ed 805 navy, ration; for*inarines’ in· foreign · e to .1- rai en wn a-. 1 »_service1 e ...-;-..-1·..·..·.1.*11 MG%Ch68$€T, , , , 4fo!`,¢1T8J1BPO;Yi·l¥ti0¤f¤Dd T€€!'\1li7l¤g§;;1£ 705, 1131 apipropfialticgln for consul . 1 ... gg, ior §o£1banacks,¢etc¥.-·. . . --1. .1705,1131 orc er `re .. . ... .-,- , 11 Sic Hq _ g . .1 -`L-.1-1;...1;.11.1..- 697 Manchester, Iowa, 0 1“ 1 o for oilieers¥§;I:g1ters,1Sitka,1Alaskg,·11, _ ,5 705 appropriationior fish-culture station.- 605, 1149 1 for rent, Ph'; 11 elFhia,¤Pa.1.1;.1..131;.11705, 1131 - V Em vessel for Fish Commission .-... 1151 1 §or_fora§:;1'hi;·e o quarters; . . . . . . 1706,11131 M ndamwi1 1` 1 01‘i00¤ SBR. 1---1 ----·---· 1·.1i...1Q2£1.170611131 (issue of writ of, in Alaska, etc ... 421 1 1 forerection of buildings, etc., Porto Rico. ’ 1131 Maadan, N Dak., _ 1 for eonsmistasnnr buildings at marine 11 *1 nppmpgiation£¢}re1iectingxndustrial1school 1078 f 1 1harraol§.etc,...1:..,..;*..;..1.6.1;.. __ 1132 ding or ndrans ..-... , or _ in remains o me 1 1 Mamgg, Tyugon G., 1 1 *1—~‘1out‘o the ' payment to . 1509 for ¤urgq<ms’ necmries. . .1.- . -111697;.1122, 1123 Mqnlfegt, _1 for treating insane of Paciiic coast. ...1,- 1 1123 tax on . 945 for arms andieqmpment..-1..;..;.- · 1111 Manitowoc Harbor, Wis., 1 1 · deHciency1appropriation for provisions _..; 295 Mpmlizfgniagy examination of, to be made- - 584 §or payig . . .£ . . . 295, 31»7,320,11028,1_10g·§,? ., — 1 1 or con gen ..-... 1 4 - ;; 1 Tiyernsion ---. L ... 1798 for surgeons necessaries.1... .. ...-. 1 ’ 56 Mqqgnhgim, 1 _ fOI' Of bS»I'I'8CkB,' BDC. . - . 4 . . 4 56,1295 gp mpriation for consul ..-... 1 . 68, 891 1 for crediting certain vouchers. .1 ,,._,, 1, _ 1033 _ Ear clerk hire . -.. . 70; 893 for reimbursing Ordnance Department, Mamgield, G W, _ _ — 1 Arpny .;-;1.;. . 111033 de ciency appropriation -for -.--.-... 1050 for military eqmpments ,,, 1 1033 _