Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/526

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474 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 786. 1900. appointed by the commissioner-: Provided, When the testator in a wi aplpointing the guardian shall have ordered or reauested that such bond s all not be given the bond shall not be require , unless from a change in the situation or circumstances of the guardian, or for other sufficient cause, the commissioner shall think proper to requireit. .G¤·¤¤i¤¤ .i¤ Mi- Sec. 894. Nothing contained in this chapter shall impair the power cial proceedings. . . _ . . . of the district court or courts of a ]ust1ce of the peace to appomt a guardian to defend the interests of any minor impleaded in suc courts or interested in any suit or matter therein (pending, nor their power to appoint or allow ang person as next frien for a minor to commence, prosecute, or defen any suit in his-behalf. G¤¤=¤i¤¤¤ *0* i¤· Sec. 895. Commissioners in their respective precincts shall have sane persons, etc. . . power to appoint guardians to take care, custody, and management of » the estates, real and (personal, of all insane persons, idiots, and all who are incapable of con ucting their own aHairs, and the maintenance of their families and the education of their children. <jg0¤·;·1fdi¤¤f°*i¤¤¤¤° Sec. 896. When the relatives or friends of any insane person, or p°`any other persons inhabitants of the precinct in which such insane , person resi es, shall apply to the commissioner by petition in writing to have a guardian aplpointed for him, the commissioner shall cause notice to be given to the supposed insane person of the time and place appointed for hearing the case, not less than ten days before the time so appointed; and if, after a full hearing, it shall appear to the commissioner that the person in uestion is incapable of taking care of himself, the comm1ssioner shgll appoint a rdian of his person and estate, with the powers and duties lhereinaf-fg; specihed. fP<>W:=r¢:u;:g $*1*};*} Sec. 897. Every guardian so appointed for an insane person shall gsugiiemu. have the care custody of the erson of the ward and the management of all" his estate, and he shdl] give bond to the United States in like manner and in like conditions as is before prescribed with respect to the guardian of a minor, excepting that the provision relating to . the education of the ward shall be 0m1tted in the condition of the bond. quwlian for ¤1>¤¤d- . Sec. 898. When an person, by excessive drinking, gaming, idlemm` ness, or debauchery ofyany kind, shall so spend, waste, or lessen his estate as to expose himsel or his family to want or suffering, the commissioner for such precinct of which such spendthrift is a resident or inhabitant shall cause notice to be given to suchsupposed spendthrift -of the time and placeappointed for hearing the case, not less than ten days before the time so appointed; and if, after a full hearing, it shall alppear to the commissioner that the person complained of comes within t e description contained in this section, he shall appoint a guardian of his Hperson and estate, with the powers and uties hereinafter specifi . — 0r<}§;d¤f qggicetgg Sec. 899. After the orderof notice has been issued, the commissioner Bark or assigczcmm. shall cause a copy of the same to be filed in the office of the clerk of the district court, and if a guardian shall be appointed on such application, all contracts, excepting for necessaries, and all gifts, sales, or transfers of real or personal estate made by such spendthrift after such filing of the order of notice in the office of the district court, and before the termination of the guardianship, shall be null and void. m{;;¤g;¤gggdf°’ ‘d°· Sec. 900. When a guardian shal be appointed for an insane person ` or s ndthrift, the commissioner shall make an allowance, to be paid by th; guardian, for all reasonable expenses incurred by the ward in defending himself against the proceeding. - hG%¤<1igv¤;;§;;jr&¢gg; Sec. 901. Every guardian so appointed for a spendthrift shall have ia;. ’p° the ·care and custody of the person of the ward and the management . of all his estate until the guardian shall be legally discharged; and he shallgive bond to the United States in like manner and Wlth like condition as is before directed with respect to the guardian of an insane. person.