Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/880

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828 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 670. 1901. SOUTHEAST SEcT1oN ScHEDULE: Thirty-six thousand six hundred dollars. I§0RTH:?.1A%1` SEcT1oN SCHEDULE! Thirty-nine thousand one hundred an fifty dollars. g;;v¢»¤¤·f New Pmvzded, That the streets and avenues shall be contracted for in dence?]. ° P the order in which they appear in said schedules, and completed in such order as nearly as practicable, and shall be paved in the discretiolng og the Commissioners, insteadi of btegng graded and regulatlgdil be Limit ¤¤¤¢¤¤*¤ fm n er appropriations containe in is _ ct no contract S a uphm °°v°m°m` made for mallxing or relaying asphalt pavement at a higher price than one dolliar and eighty cents (ppr square yard flgr la ciua 1ty eglual tgl the best lai in the District of lumbia prior to u y rst eig teen unjlggggue for °°*‘°°*¤ dred and eighty-six, and with same depth of base: Provided, That ` .these conditgpngl as to lpricei and depiih pif gagse shall not aptply to those; streets on w ic , in the' `u ment o the mmissioners, y reason o heavy traffic, poor fouudatiéin, or other causes, a pavement of more than ordinary strength is required, in which case the limit of price msg be increased to two dollars per squarelyard. G¤¤”¤8· RADING STREETS, ALLEYS, AND ROADS! or purchase and repair of cars, carts, tools, or the- hire of the same, and horses, to be used by - the inmates of the Washington Asylum in the work of grading, and gay of dump men needed to carry out the work, eightt ousaud dolrs. · - condemnation or CONDEMNATION or STREETS, ROADS, AND ALLEYS: For (purchase or ’"°°"* °*”‘ condemnation of streets, roads, and alleys. one thousand ollars. mftgiggvggggggignf PLATS or SUBDIVISIONS OUTSIDE or WAs1a1NsToN: To pgy the expenses of such surveys as may be necessary to enable the ‘ mmissioners of the District to determine whether plats of subdivisions of . land within said District offered for record have been made in con- V¤i- 25- P- 451- formity to the “Act to regulate subdivision of land within the District of (i1lolumb;a," apptrlpved Aéxglugfatwenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ei ty-eig t two thousand o rs. m1é;rgm;;m§‘,qg;{1¤; gfhe name, of that portion of Fourth street, northwest, formerly a umna111>1m.·· part of Fonr—and-a-half street, extendingifrom D street to Pennsylvania avenue, is hereby changed to John arshall Place. S°"""“· SEWERS. A \ °‘°°“*“g· d ger cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, fifty-eight thousand o ars. - Mm md P‘P"~ For main and pipe sewers and receiving basins, fifty thousand dollars. S“"“"’““· I For suburban sewers, fifty thousand ollars. .°°"°°'“'?““°“ °‘ For purchase or condemnation of rights of way for construction rights of way, etc. _ _ _ _ s maintenance, and repair of public sewers, one thousand dollars, or so Fmhmgmlks much thereof as may be necessary. mm · For automatic flushing tanks, one thousand dollars. , m__,e,§.‘“m“'°““°· hFor cgngixiluation of the work on the Arizona avenue sewer, fifty-five thousand dollars. ·‘ For the extension of the boundary sewer to the vicinity of Twenty- secczlng gpad A streets northeast, now under contract, one hundred thousan o rs. For continuinggie construction, in fart, of the east side interceptgrég sewer, betvlgeen enty-second and fstreetlsi nortléegstiland Twel street sout east now un er contract orty thousand dollars. For completing the construction, id part, of the east side intercepting sewer from Twelfth street southeast to the pumping station at the foot of New Jersey avenue, now under contract, twenty-six thousand dollars. For constructing main sewer from Third and Cincinnati streets, northeast, through the grounds of W. W. Davidge and the Trinity College to Michigan avenue, twenty-five thousand dollars.