Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1305

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viii mom:. Army-—C0ntinned. P¤g¤· Arnold, Welcome, _ ·_ _ Pageappropriation for support of—Continued. . payment of French pohation claim to adior monuments, etc., to Regulars at l A mglistrzitof of ... - . . 223, 225 Gettysburg Park ,..,,__.. 838 wears 0 ay, 'o unteerg, deficiency appropriation for military post, appropriation for . . I .. _ . r : . . T . 472, 1137 Philippines ________,________,.,., 12 or, war with Spam and in Pmlippmes- 1138 for fortifications ..,... 12 Arrears of·Tqxes, D. CC, r _ for shooting ranges, etc __.,,____,_,,... 13 appropr1a,tion for adverusing . - 596, 961 for Ordnance Department ,,,,,__,.,... 13, 29, annual list of real property in,t0 be prepared 632 _ 586, 589, 1046, 1073 Arsenals and Armories, for contract Surgeons __,,,,_,,__,_. 13 appropriation for manufarzture of arms at- 520, 942 for national defense ,,_,..,.,,_,.,.. - . 29, 585 for Rock Island, Ill 458, 1121 for pay ,_,,... 29, 563, 585, 589, 1072, 1076 for Benicia, Cal .. . 458 two and three year volunteers ,,... - 29 for Fort Constitution, N. H ... - - - . 458 volunteers ,____,__,,,,,,_,___, 29, 589 forSandyH00k Proving Gr0und,N.J - 458, 1121 for bounty, volunteers ,,,,______,, 29 _ for Dover, N. J., powder depot . 458, 1121 for 0iHcers’ mileage .. 29, 563, 585 for Springfield, Mass J .. 458, 1121 for subsistence ,,,,,,.,, 29, 585, 589, 1073 for Schuylkill, Philadelphia, Pa ... 458 for Qua,1-termastefs Department . 29, 586, for San Antonio, Tex . 458 589, 1045, 1073, 1076, 1077 forWa.tertowu,,testingmachine. 458, 1122 for Medical and Hospital Department- 29, 586, for Watertown, Mass., barracks ...---.. 458 589, 1073, 1076 for Augusta, Ga ...-..--.- 1121 for torpedoes, harbor defense _,,,. 29, 586 for Watervliet, N. Y ...-------.--. 1122 for ho imls _,,_,,,,_,.,.,,,_,,,_.-.,. 94 for Frankford, Pa., shrapnel shop .-..-. 1027 for sxiigsistence; cooks, etc., on trans- for repairs of .--.-.-..--.-. 458, 1122 ports to Manila ,.--.--,_--.--- 564 deficiency appropriation for Rock Island, for Military Academy ---.-----.-.. 564 replacing stores destroyed by fire . 1046 for Engineer Department --.. · ---...-.-. 1 045 for rebuilding storehouse ...--..------. 1046 for pensions --..----- il --..-..- ISZ4, 1077 Art, fBe%ues¥.s for Encouragement ojj accounts of officers wa: wit Spain tore un 0 tax on ..-.--.-..-- 406 settled; allowance, etc -.-... Z - 956 Arthur Kdl, N K and M J, appointment authorized, James W. Long, appropriation for improvement of ; conas captain retired -...--.-..---.-. 398 tracts .-.--.-.. 335 1125 H. C. Merriam; as major-general .-...-- 796 Arthur, William, _ _ i Thomascelll. Carperggef, as captain, and paymené: of Cotpgtmof Claims Judgment to pla. on reti ist -...-.-.-.-.-. 824 a mims r 0 .--...-.-..-- . 211 George A. Detchemendy, as captain of Articles of War, infantry, to be retired .---.-.--...- 956 militia, when called into active service, William Crawford Gorgas, as assistant lsgbject to -.-. 776 surgeon neral -.---...-..-..-. -.. 1022 Artificw imbs Kensey J. geampmn, as captain and appropriation for furnishing .-...- 467, 1131 qugrtermlagster .-..--.. ik. . - . -‘ 1030 A deticienpy afpplnopriation for --,- 29, 586, 589 artille coloue , maximum num r 0 . . 1021 rtrillery oar rmy, · Batonxouge barra{3:ks, transferred to L0ui— approprgetion for computer ..--...----... 933 siana. State niversity ...---.-...-- 172 Amllery, eief of brigadiir-genemls, maximum number approprigtioln , (Sor submarine defense o .-..--..--.. . . . 831 sc oo un er -...- 927 buildings for Young Men’s Christian Asso- to serve as additional member of General mation, authorized on military res- Staff ---...--.- 831,1021 cad ,vutions(i. . { -. bi. gg A tollaavei rank, ptc., of brigudier·general.. . 831 ets pay an su istence es is .-. rtf ery orpa, .· my maximum number at large .--...----.- 410 appropriation for electrical sergeants; mascavalry omcers’ lineal rank corrected: ter electricians, pay, etc ..-..,,____ 930 Captains, James J. Hornbrook, Wil- § number of eolonels limited .-,..-,.--.., , 1021 gum F. Clark, and Samuel G. b Artidery Tm·gel.s,fetc., Army, ones .-...-.. . --...-. 805 appropriation or .-----.-. 520 942 certificates in lieu of lost discharges -...-- 629 Artist, C. Edward, i _ Columbus Barracks, Ohio, land dedicated deiiciency appropriation for services ..--. 573 to cig -.--..-...--..----.--.- 1230 Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, [mm, detail of officers with Philippine constab— payment to ..-...-.-..-.-,..,-.,,_ _ 488 ulary --.--..--...--.-...- 783 Ash, Howard P., CeneralStaffCorplsestz;(t(l;lished;dduties, etc- 830 1 clzeliciemcy appropriation for reimbmsing- 569 oan of tents authori , Gran Army en- As land, Vis., K c;mp;n;nth\\’mhing§on, D, C Eid- 749 appropriation {or improvement of harbor- 345 nig ts o yt ias, San rancisco - 187 Ashley iver, .,1 ., Texas; Reunion Association, Dallas Con- bridges authorized across ---...,.___ 493 edemte reunion ..--..--.--.-.-.-. "3"’ Ashtabula, Ohio, purchases by States of stores, etc., per· I { ; appropriation for improvement of hm-- mitted, for militia. 778 { { -13 . 342, 463, 1124 Aryny pam, t or xg t- ouse . T ...,, : ..___ _ 431 appropriation for Fort Constitution, N. H. -158 A*Ph"l{“I"» *?$<'·» -mf“"`”l Lomllomy (lah, _ * Amy Supplies, E provisronei for, Lucompahgre Reservation 998 - · · ~ 1 KD S - - ----·. - . ..·.. - . - . - .

  • PP'°P“‘“‘?“f°’ ‘“’P°"‘°”’ 0* ··········· 1°° g Ammenz and Permit wm, D. 0.,

A""'}/_1?€9“l¤l*0”8» _ ____ t appropriation for ... . ...,,_,,,,,__ 596, 961 militia to b€ 0F83m29d, €Y»¤·» @0 <¤0¤fo!`m *0- ·*·'> no exemptions for improvement except Army llhr College (see War College, Army). l public property ...,,.,,,,,,,, _ .596