Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1313

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xvi mnmx. Bridges-Continued. P¤8€· ‘ Broad Sound Channel, Mass., Pageconstruction of, authorized across Missouri light and fog signal established, entrance C Rive?. Cghagbeplain, S. lgaké. . -i]. - 833 B kwllto bé . 93 ounci u s owa, an ma a, roce, nada, Nebr ... 1- I . 204 appropriation for consul at . 84, 816 Elansas Cigriélio ... 56,918 Bro/cershgl. C., General, 621 nsas an issouri 754 perso tax on . Oaeoma, S. Dak 762 description of ... 621 Parkville, Mo .. 102 payment by Washington Stock Exchange.622 Pierre, S. Dak ., 658 members of other exchanges .. 622 gllattsmoutlg Nebr .. 496 , Brokers, C2, Note, 6 2 'nt osep , Mo ... 36 persona tax on . 2 MSouth Olniahlg, Nebzh ,.. 91 l Bdescrzption pt Y 622 ononga e a iver, egheny County, I ronx {ver, C ., Pa ... 839 l appropriatibn for improvement of . . .. 349 Clairton Station, Pa . 58 Brooklyn Ferry Company, Morgantown, W. Va 71 = claim for damages for collision, referred to Webster, Pa ... 850 l court of admiralty 242 NWest Elizablgth to Dravoisburg, Pa . - - 497 ; B paymeipt of decree 242 euse River, iuston N. ... 180 [ rozryn, . T, Ouachita River, Ark-, . 89 appropriation for contribution to prison Ohio River, Allegheny, Pa 178 ship monument, Fort Greene ark- 747 Pearl River, Miss -..-. 187 B fpgrlpokouts to protect mailin post-office. 1090 Smiths Fe , Miss ...-..-.. 924 roo , onathan, ggainy Riverélwinn ..-. -...-.-..--. 801 Bdegzimcy appropriation for reimbursing . 569 River, reveport, ...-.-.. 181 roo , eler ., _ Saint Francis River, Ark ..-.--.-...-.- 834 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Saint Francis, Ark .. 1031 ministrator of . . . . 219, Sagglngrgru River, G3; and S.C . 280 B ks P Ch d 219, 221, 228, 228, 228, 231,233 Ferry, ...-.-..-..-. 760 roo , eler ar an, Savannah, Ga -.-..-.--. 104 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Teunessee River, Tenn ... 492 ministrator of . ..-.. 218, 224, 230, 231 Lewis Bluff to guntersville, Ala ..-. 921 Broom, I Ligand W L., 487 arion ty, cnn ..--... 201 pa ment .. , .-...

 Rue? Conway, S.C ... 387 Brosilu, Hem. LL, late a Representative in

ite 'ver, r .-.. 40 Congress, · between Baxter and Marion counties- 185 Bideliciepcyi appropriation for widow .. 581 Newport Ark .. 396 ousaar ugualine, time extendéd for, across Bayou Bartholo- payment of Court of Claims judgment to mew, Ark .,-..-.. 41 mdmimstrator of ..--...,.. 210 Corpus Christi Channel, Tex ...-.. 661 Brown, Albert C., §’£‘*°’.“;‘2i"§P“‘*’·*{.§*,§°t*é;‘£‘.’.· "”°““ ····· 33E B.‘?.‘I..¥..‘“§£‘3».*‘.3..;‘.;4.z‘z>;.;.;,;.;.;,; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2* om ISIS!] l .-.-.--.-- , Missouri EE, gacoma, S. Dak .-. 305 claim referred to Court of Claims; pay- 64 SaintChar 0 ... 181 ment "' Yankton, S.Dak ...-.-.. 35 as agents for Diamond State Iron Corn- I Niagara River, Grand Island, N. Y . 73 ? pany referred to Court of Claims; across little Tenniessepakgver, Niles Ferry, l B graymem .-... 764 erm., ma ea w u structure 94 rown, *4-argv '., Saint Lawrence River, Hogansburg, i payment of Court of Claims judgmentton 217 N. Y., declared a lawful structure,- 34 · Brown, .I. H., height my blecreducleld og across Monon- l Bpayrnentkpo -..-.-...,..-... 487 e a iver, `tts urg, Pa "5 z room, . ., rebuillhig draw span of, across Mississippi I | appointed a manager, National Home for River, Quincyillll., allowed--6iln 120 ‘ B Jpilsabled Volunteer Soldiers . . . 738 report on necessaryc anges to, across io roam, 0 n, River ..,..--. 360 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Bridges, D. (,2, ministratrix 0 . 223, 225 appropriation for care; repairs . 598, 904 B Brown, R. M. G., ibr raising grade, etc., Massachusetts : may be nominated commander on naval f Apvemlre .. E .. 233 g B list ... 63 or qu act ier o. 5 .. * mum, 2 ter, for Potomac,Eivcr h' hwa , time ex- l payment of French spoliation claim to ad-

  • 8 Y

tended, cost increased . 598 miuistrator of -... 221 for constructing Connecticut avenue, l Brown, Zephaniah, across Rock Creek; cost, etc ... 964 I payment of French spoliation claim to adchanges in Aqueduct, for electric street 7 z B rpinistrator of ...--.-... 221,223 mi way ,_______-__,,____,,,-,..-. 81 - roune, 1 oses, Brlgizdier-Gerzerala, Army, l payment of French spoliation claim to adc 'ef of artilleryleto have rank, etc., of gl , B I mimslturatcg of ..-. 228 maximum num r of ... 1 E rown mr 1er ., Bristol, England, l appointed a manager, National Home for approprmtion for consul at . 84, 816 { B Ilhsablad go unteer Soldiers ... 738 Bristol, erm., * rou-ns oird, he ., deficiency appropriation for public build- appropriation for light and fog-signal staing .-.--..--..-.. 9 ‘ tion . . ...-... 431