Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1369

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Ixxn INDEX. Interstate Commerce_ReguZations—C0utinued. P¤g¤- 1r1··igatio·n—C0ntinued. P¤g€· jurisdiction as to offenses 847 notice of lands irrigable; charges, ctc 389 common carrier liable for acts of agents, limitation of da.y’s work; Mongolian labor etc .. 847 E prohibited ... 389 published rates to be adhered to . 848 * requirements of cntrymcn; limitations . .. 389 parties who may be included in proceed- ‘ payments annually; forfeiture ... 389 ings to enforce ... 848 · to go to reclamation fund .. . . . . ~ 389 summary_gSr00eediugsir1 oquijzy to enforce Q use of reclamation fund for maintenance · tam _, pr0b1b1td1scr1m1m1t10us, etc- 848 | of works . : . Z . 389 duty of dnstrnct attorneys .. 848 l transfer of works to owners of irrigated suits for damages not precluded 848 I lands; title reserved .. 389 compulsory attendance of witnesses .. 848 { condemnation of property needed; pay- not; excused by claim of incrimination. - 848 < ment 389 freedom from prosecution for testifying, 848 { ings of Syaugs orgewwdcs not afffgcctald . 3% etc ,...,. in rests in mtc a c waters not a. o , . precedence to cases prosecuted under direc- i limit of right to use water ... 390 tion of Attomey·Genoml 823, 849 expeudnurc of funds ., .. 390 condicting laws repealéd; pending cases ’ temporary excess; restoration . 390 not affected . · - 849 equalization in ten—yoar periods .., 390 Interstate Lnpawmmt and Construction Com- authority of Secretary of the Interior; regpany, ulatious, ctc ..,_,. 390 claim referred to Court of Claims; pay- 7 statistics to bcprepured by Census Bureau. 747 ment -----·-- c ------------·------ 64 ··1meua," snow, 0f¤·S€¤*$ fm', Nf€¤’9dmO°¤"t of Chimsi __ payment of French spoliation claim on I _ gz? 29*1;; ··-- - --···-··-----·--·- *64 . account of 220 . **1**. .·. . .mezz, Mum-, ` ¤·*¤ ogg dggg·;_g*1;_·;}_ ¤{’;g;§$_ fily-? fyyj 33 I paymont of com of com judgment to . 208 at immigrant stations prohibited .. 1220 hh tack] you, Chwkagaeq Indum, _ not allowed in the Capitol building 1221 i d96¢¤€¤°Y $PP¤’0PT”m0n for P¤Ym8 WWW Invasion, ! of -----···--·--·-----·—--------·- 587 militia to be called out to suppress ... 776 Idea of Shoals, Mc., Inventions, ‘ appropriation for improvement of harbor. 331 provisions modihod for applying for phtr Mhmwn Caml cms in this °°‘mt"Y md abrmd ---- O 1225 purchase of rannma Canal and Railroad Inrggtmgnt Cmnpanigg, D. C, authorized _______ ____ ___ ______ __; 481 license UX? €X€mPti0¤ ·-·- · -·--·-·--~-·· 624 right of way etc, from Colombia _,,,,___ 481 Ivwives, Ugmwivn jm-mictioii, ed., m be acquired ... 482 destruction of, after five years ... 854 ap mplqatiou for canal Properties ________ 482 Involuntary Bankrupta, for right of way, etc .. 482 mining corporations may be adjudged 797 construction authorized . 482 Iona Islangl, IT, Nam] Magazine, lh8¥‘b0f§» 9*0 -~-—-- · - -··- 2 ---- yl- - 482 I sppropnntxon for public works ,,_ 677, 1189 a tern?3 0 route on an ure o su me m e, 482 07111, _ ‘‘··'‘‘‘‘‘' ‘ ·’•'‘·•·•· deticiency appropriation for refunding ex- ¤¤fh<>¤¤y *0 §9¢¤*`€ ¢°¤*¥’0* of 0***%} Fo0W pansés, ralsiug volumwm _________ 5;.;;; frnrn bxmrggua and Costa Rica 482 IOW, 0;;;,, ]0»,,·,,, constructionpf Ncamgun Canal . _ 4 82 construction of public building authorized ¤PP;¤P¤¤g¤0¤ for <‘0¤C°:$%¤¤ {Ugg USMS at _______________________________ 318 sm·ve_ s, an amp oyces, ornz .. appgqpjgtion gm- __________________ 427, 1086 use of Lqkq Nicaragua and San J mm River- 483 Iowa Induma, appmpnqtxon for general expenses- . . r . ._- 433 appropriation {0; tyyty with _ 250,986 construction contracts authorized; limit pet c8,pit8 p8ym€l'lC t0, dil‘90¥Bd . . 267 €:;°‘;h°r lL0“t’c· · Y · •§; · · · ;· LL- g Ironclada, Light Draft, g°°”}“ ° uw P °°°“ mg rig · claims for extra compensation referred to 1 ¤~¤¤¤¤ <2fi'¤**·¤;g··· °¤¤H°<·¤·¤··¤~··>¤ -- ggg com or Claims __,,,,,,,__________ 24.4 I . **0***}**;** °¤· °t bb- -6 — {-5-fg -·--··— E.- b_mmm’ OM'), issue ot per con n s o e yexpen i- 484 construction of public building at, author- . } . um ’’ .'. `‘'‘'’'’‘'`'’`‘` ized; nominal site ________________ 317 Iathmmgz Canal Con1mzsmgr{¢, ··¤·¤·~¤··*·**°=·*·>* —------·--·---·--— 426·*°***| ‘ Irrigahhn, J ~ __ ’' appropriation for expenses, Indian roger- l I duu€s’ r°p°¢°’ omm ``''''' "" 483 vstious 261, 997 '“ly· . . d • for investigations by Department of f ¤vp~¤¤·*;g¤ th? °mb“sb°s°°_ °" t° ········ Zgr gg; · pgncphaqm ... 302, 1165 . Q; _ d'!' ° *2;* > --·------·---- H 808 for mvcstxgsmou of water ¤u£ply,ctc- 455, 1118 d E .S°“°“ mm . YY · ····· : ········ > ~=·=*=····;_,;{·=·= ;¤¤·{,,_*·;*· gm M *-¤ " °‘“§L%L“§?E‘fE3"§& °‘2 £$L$?¤°RF£;L* mz esou'caus ...,.. 388. · · ··“ ~ · mmuou gr educational urposes -- . ass ‘ Ham <`<>¤¤¤¢y· -Wm-. Supplying deficiency ____ __________ 388 I bridge authorized across Rainy River iu. - 801 location of storage, etc., works; reports .- 388 Rhaca, N K, - withdrawal of lands from public entry . - - 388 construction of public building authorized homestead entries allowed; conditions - 388 at ..,., . .,,,, 319 contracts ior construction ... 389 appropriation for .,,,,.,,,,,,,___,_ 427, 1086