Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1389

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xcii INDEX. Nasal River, Wash., P¤8<>- National Florence Orittenton Mission, D. C., The, P¤8<>- appropriation for improvement of 370 charter amended ... 824 Nash, Brig. Gen. Francis,National Guard (see also Militia), approplpéagpn for monument to .. 1229 organifnd militia of the States, etc., to be 775 N h , . . own as lspplgopriatioir for Hsh hatchery .. 1106 National Guard, D. CL (see Militia, D. C.). construction of public building authorized National Herbarium, United States, at ... 318 appropriation for printing; .. 440 appropriation for .. .. . . 428, 1088 National Home for Disabled olumeer goldiers, Nashville, cnn. ‘ appropriation or expenses, ayton, appropriatiori for public building . 314, 1088Ohio .. 468, 1132 bridge authorized across Cumberland Riv—' Milwaullaee, Wis, _ _ . . m, er at . 390 Togus e .. , Nalilrlpit of post increased, public building. 314, 1205 Hpampton, Ea . mlle erminal ompany, venwort , ans .. may bridge Cumberland River, Nashville, Santa Monica, Cal ... 470; 1135 N Trennp, ... 390 Mariop, . 471, 1135 assau, ew ovidence _ - anvi le, . 4 1, 1136 a propriation for conhul at . 83, 815 Johnson City, Tem1 .. 472, 1136 ez ., K e , . .. , Natgh Mobs Batt] Mountain Sanitariurn S Dak282 apprdpriation for improvement of Minis- 1136 sippi River at 367 for clothing, all branches .. 472, 1137 construction of public building authorised for salaries and expenses, Board of Man52 37 at ,.. 318 · agers . 4 , 11 appropriation for .. 428, 1088 for State and Territorial Homes 472, 1137 Natchitoches, La., _ deiciency appropriation for construction, pmhamf public building site author- Mountain Branch, Johnson City, 13 ' . 321 enn appropriation for . - - . - 429 for expenses, Dayton, Ohio. . 14, 564, 586, 1048 construction of public building authorired Milwauglee, Wis .. 14, . at .. . 1207 ogus, e ... , deficiency appropriation for ... 1038 Hampton, Va 14, 564, 589, 1049 Natumal Banks (see also National Currency), Leavenworth, Kaus ... 14, 564, 1049 charters may be further extended 20 years. 102 Marion, Ind .. 14, 1049 expenses, liquidation of, to be annually Santa Monica, Cal . 14, 29, 1073 reported . 138 Danville, Ill . 14, 564, 1049, 1073 reserve cities to have a population of for expenses Board of Managers ... 15 25,000 1223 for State and Territorial Homes . 15, 1049 National Banks, D. C., for clothing - ... 30,1073 personal tax on . 619 for paying judgment, Dayton Branch - - 564 National Bureau ofStandarda, D. C1, disposal ot pension balance due deceased appropriationfor Director,asistants,etc. 140, 874 members ..., 564 gr apparatus, etc r-- lm, 374 jurisdigzfon over Dayton grounds ceded to 3 for contingencies . .. 1 , 74 iio 7 2 for building laboratory . 422, 1090 managers appointed 738 peticiepcy appropriatiorl; fdré rent . 554 new buildings npt to be built from appro- 35 imit o cost increased, ui ing .. 315 priations or repairs ... 11 transferred to Department of Commerce , construction, etc., appropriations to be N da(nd Labor ..,. 826 I Himmcdiatply avai able herepfteé 1137 {ation enieteriesc, qua i cations o a ointment o officers appropriation for additional land, Loudon and Board oflllanagers ... 472 Park, Md 193 National bxsurance Company, (hncinnati, Ohio, ger road to, Dover, Tenn . 1277 deiiciericy appropriation for Treasury set- 080 or maintenance ... 4 , 128 thement . . . .,...,.,... 1 for repair, etc., Fort Crawford Reserva- National Museum, tion, Wis . 1128 appropriation for salaries, fixtures, etc. 439, 1101 for superintendents 463, 1128 or eating, lighting, etc 439, 1101 for headstones . 463, 1128 for preserving, etc., collections .. 439, 1101 for repairing roadwavs - 464, 1128 for specimens to supply deficiencies . 439, 1101 {or sme wml, Pr;§idéo,NCal 464, lm ger books, repairs, etc .. 440, 113; or r to Jprin c , . 0 or rent. etc ... 440, 1 for Camp Chase, Ohio, Confederate cern- l for plans, additional building; cost 440 N eitery 464 l gorcommencemsnaofpewbuilding; cost. 1102 'ational urrency, 1 or printing an in ing B etms and L appropriation for superintendent, redemp- Proceedings . . . 480, 1146 f tion of, clirks, etc - . Ta . 13;, 872 deficiency appropriation for preserving or expenses o ; superinten ent etc - 1 , 8 2 co ections . 28, 1075 ger gpecial examinations, etc -.l . 138,872 construpxtion oi Ipew lbgigding to be in or istinctive pa r, etc ... 448, 1110 c argc o erna . Green .,, 1102 deficiency appropriftion for clerks, re- National Parks, f demptiow . i .,.. l appropriation for Chickamauga and Chator counters emption o { tanooga ... 466, 1131 National Defense; _ for General Grant ,_...,___ 456, 1119 _ denciency apptmpriatiou tor; balance reap- g _ for Gettysburg ... . , , _, 466, 1131 ropria , Navy . ,... 15 J for Sequoia ,,,,.,_,_,,_____ 456, 1119 for {my ... 29,585 i for Shiloh ...,, ,,,, 466, 1181