Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1456

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xmmx. chx mdvwe, me- mm, mm, me. penmons to mmnyned, of other than 0Hi- payment of Court of Claims judgment to °°*Z¤ °¤‘ ¢¤h¤¤¤d mw -----· 920 admiuismmr or ,..,,,,,,. 212 who to draw, by reason of rsmsr- Pwllock, Thmgzms, -·-·-··---·- · ·-·----··---- -- ment 0 French s liati n l- WWW! Island, N6-, pay ministrator of i). 232 conveyed to Maix=: for public purposes; Willow Industry, l'°V°*'¤l0¤. G -------·-.- . 2 appropriuti n f' . www, lv~. A. M, "" ”.m$’...?T.}'}YT‘f‘?‘??{'f*?’. ?f'?E’f‘E¥f’. 248 v;“Ym*·*¤t to -·-------·--- · ·--·- . 490 W`dZ8, D. CZ (see also Probate Court D, C,)

  • 9* Cblmllh 4h!-, creation of estates by ,, ,,_,__ . 531

bndgeguthonzed across Alabama. River pe1m1ty forgailure to deliver, after death

 --~·- · ·.-.-.·.. . ... 0 ma er ..,,_,_______ _ _____ _ 535

Wild, Dmrwl, prohibition of pe tuities repealed .- 545 puymcnu of French spolmtnou claim to ad- after acquired resclpeastate provisions to remlm8t|‘IU0!' of -----.- . 228 late back to January 1, 1887 _______ 545 Wm¤¢¤b¤¤j¢, PG-, general devises of all property not to inapprupnatmu for public building 1090 - clude trusts ___,,_________________ 545 WUk¤b0¢‘0. N G, opening in presence oi relatives permitted {€¥'f¤$ of WWW if ·.-·-.·.-... 852 before filing in probate court ______ 545 mlhm, Poe and Company, Mlméngton, Gd., ”2¤Ym¤¤t tp ·--.. . ..--.. 490 appropriation for improvement of hgrbor; ‘ nllametle Rgz·er, Qrgg., dredge; rcapprepriation .. 346 approprumon for rmprovemcut of, below Wilmington, Del., _

P0!'U8!1d . .· ... 369 8 pmpriation for improvement of-lu.rb°r_ 335

for nmgrovement of, above Portland 369 Winingzon, M (L, ‘ fog liz 6113 ... 433, 1094 c1erk_ of courts authorized at .,,____,_ 106 pmlxmxmragémmdon of, to be made, immediawtmnqmdation facilities extend- Port to Oregon City .. 382 od to ...,,,____,, 760 AlQ¤¤y ... . .. 382 . purchase of land for Revenue-Cut;ter Serv- · examuumou of effect of canal and locks at ice, authorized ...,..,,__,,,__ 497 F BHS . . ... 381 deficiency appropriation for mpgigg tg . of titlg, ctc., of Portland General Elec- -wluu·f .,,,,,,, 1037 tm: Cogrmy to waters of . 381 Wilum, (1 E., Willapa River a Harbor, Wash., deficiency appropriation for contested elwusc of unex§nded balance .. 370 Ecu exrnses .. . .,... 582 lwllets Pvinl, . K (ue also Fort Totten), Wilson, George ., apgropristionfor submarine defense school 507 dedcicucy appropriation for, stock stolen "} i iam and Joseph," Schooner, l;y In mus 1 ..,... 1074 payment of French spoliadou claim on Wilson, anhh, account of .,,.,,.. 220 Wyment of Court of Claims judgment to- . 208 " William and Mary," Schooner, dum, N IC, payment of French spolintion claim on sggrcggiation for improvement of harbor. 334 account of ,...,..,,,.. 219 Wi , omaa WZ, " William," Brig, payment of Court of Claims judgment to payment of Frgnch spoliation claim on  ;<%5fiuisu·atr·ix of . 212 account o 227 , nam, Williams, Benjamin, payment of Iicqch spolintion claim to adpayment of French spoliation claim to ministratnx of .. 219, 230 administrator of 223,225 WMM, Edwin R., Williams, Ezekiel, deficiency appropmmon for services ...,.. 26 P¤Ym€¤* Qf _FF€¤Qh 8Foh8h0R ¢]¤1¤¤ fv Winchester and Pouvmac Railroad Company, Wvr ¤¤}ml¤l¤*·¤t¤¤ 0 ··---·-···----·- 231 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. , 217 1 BGTIII, umex, · im M payment of Court of Claims judgment to W@m£?! · 765 . “"“'"‘“""*°' 0* ·················· 217 valid rights mt affected . .. 765 W70mm:, James E, regulation etc 765 Wymentm ··‘··‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 489 leaseofcavartn c1:;:"--u."""--nu-H 765 ”·”¤¤m·, ·’~’*~ R—» ..,8 of funds :0} mi; LL; '````````‘`‘’ 765 payment of Court of Claims judgment to lands for mms mm; uiggéé ‘'’’‘‘‘` 766 °"l"'i"i”"°t°' °f ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ 208 penalty for nmlawha intruéixzlu- Hnjul·lés_ Willmma, Pcxrker, ew ’ ’ 766 ·l<¤fl<=i<·¤¢y ¤g x>r<>z>¤*¤¢i¤¤ for --··------~-- 1067 ,P,,,,,,,mi5;,'i,;; g33Q3g;; `gt; '‘'``‘’``‘ mg Wil/ium¤prn·t, u., W. N wl. ’ '''` muy use public building for court, em 1230 '”d’°’r . *5* f wv I t ,,..1,,,. of mm __________,___,,,__,_,____ 549 ¤pvr<>p¤¤ vu or wmv ¤ -----·---.--- 85. 817 Wi/ling and I•'r¢mcin, Windw. Q¤{¤"'l0» payment of French Spoliutifm claim to ¤ppl£I¤¤¢l0¤ fol‘ CODBUI Rt . 85, 817 administrator of surviving partner . 222 Iwnga , IL WZ, lwllingluzm and gmnpany, dciicxency appropriation for reimburse- Pay 486 t 1052 ·ment to ..--.-----.. men liillingham, C B., Winnebago! [nd1am, Payment m , _ __ ,,,... . ,,_,_ 487 uppyopnatxoq for mtcrest; cxpeudxture- 205, 99] ll dhs, Adeline JL, mnnzpeg, Mgmtoba, payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 208 apprepmtxon for consul at . Sb, 817