Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/64

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lX1\' LIST OF TREATIES AN D CONVENIIOB S. Page. Serria, extraditibn. Treaty between the United States and Servia for the mutual extradition of fugitives from justice. Signed at Belgrade October 25, 1901; l‘Bt1H(Bt10I1-8dV1S8d by the Senate January 27, 1902; ratified by the President March 7, 1902; rat1fied_by Servia. March 17, 1902; ratiiications exchanged at Belgrade May 13, 1902; proclaimed May 1890 17, 1902 - .-.--..·.--·- · --------·-- _ ---- Belgium, extradition. Treaty between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Belgium, for the mutual extra ition of fugitives from justice. Signed at Washington October 26, 1901; ratification with amendments advised by the Senate January 30, 1902; ratrned by the President June 13, 1902; ratified by January 28, 1902; ratitications exchanged at Washingwn June 14, 1902; proclaimed une 14, 1902 .. _ . _ 1894 . Great Britain, vthmiem Canal. Treaty between the United States and Great Britain to facilitate the construction of a ship canal. Signed at Washington November 18, 1901; ratincation advised by the Senate December 16, 1901; ratified by the President December 26, 1901; ratified by Great Britain January 20, 1902; ratifications exchanged at ·Waahington February 21, 1902; pmoelaimed Eebruary 22, 1902 . ... 1903 Danmark, extradition. Treaty between the United States and the Kingdom of Denmark for the extradition of fugitives from justice. Signed at Washington January 6, 1902; ratification advised by the Senate Janua%30, 1902; ratified by the President February 26, 1902; ratitied by Denmark March 8, 1 ; ratiiicatione exc anged at Washington April 16, 1902; Brtoclaimed April 17, 1902 . 1906 Great 'tain, property tenure. Supplementary convention between the United States and Great Britain, extending for a period of twelve months from July 28, 1901, the time within which British colonies or foreign possessions may give their ad esion to the convention for the tenure and disposition o rmi and personal property, signed at Washington on March 2, 1899. Signed at Washington January 13, 1902; rati cation advised by the Senate February 17, 1902; mtided by the President March 7, 1902; ratified by Great Br·itainMarch 11, 1902; ratificationa exchanged at Washington April 2, 1902; proclaimed April 2, 1902 . 1914 Mexico, "Pi0us Fund" arbitration. Protocol of an agreement between the United States and the Rebubiic of Mexico for the adjustment of certain contentions arising under what is known as ".l‘he Pious Fund of the California? Signed at Washington May 22, 1902. .' .. 1916 Grace, money order. Convention between the United States of merica and the Kingdom of gggefoe for the exchange of postal money orders. Signed November 13, 1894, December 5, .. - .. 1924 Imematirmal, additional act, indudrial properly. An additional act, concluded at Brumels December 14, 1900, by the plenipotentiaries of the United States and other countries, for the gorotection of industrial property, modifying the industrial p13>erty convention of March , , 1883. Signed at Brumele, December 14, 1900; ratification vised by the Senate March 7, 1901; ratzi ed by the President April 16, 1901; ratiiication deposited at Brumels May 3, 1901; proclaimed August 25, 1902 ,,,,,,_____ __ 1936 Guatemala, tenure ojgiroperty. Convention between the United States and Guatemala relating to the tenure an disposition of real and personal property. Signed at Guatemala August 27, 1901; ratification advised by the Senate Janus? 30, 1902; ratified by the President February 6, 1902; ratified bv Guatemala September 2, 1902; ratitimtions exchanged at Guatemala September 16, 1902; proclaimed September 18, 1902 ... 1944 Bolima, parreb-post. Parcels-poet convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Bolivia. Signed November 30, 1901 ,,.,...,,.,,,,,,,.,_,.,,,,,, 1948 Great Britain, Zanzibar duties. Treaty between the United States and Great Britain concerning the establishment of import duties in Zanzibar. Signed at Washington May 31, 1902; mtrtication with amendment advised by the Senate June 30, 1902; ratified by the President July 22, 1902; ratiiied by Great Britain August 27, 1902; ratitications exchanged at Washington October 17, 1902; proclaimed October 17, 1902 .. . 1959 G rent Britain, Alaskan boundary. Convention between the United States and Great Britain providing for the settlement ot questions between the two countries with respect to the boundary line between the Territory ot Alaska and the British possessions in North America. Signed at Washington January 24, 1903; ratification advised by the Senate February 11, 1903; ratified by the President February 24, 1903; ratitied by Great Britain February 11, 1903; ratitications exchanged at Washington March 3, 1903; proclaimed March 3, 1903 1961