Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/877

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812 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 530. 1903. of the African slave trade and the restriction of the importation into and sale in a certain defined zone of the African continent of firearms, ammunition, and spirituous liquors, for the year nineteen hundred and four, one hundred dollars. rurnmurroxar rms0N. COMMISSION. c;¤*°*¤¤, ¤°¤¤l ?’i°°¤ For subscription of the United States as an adhering member of the ` International rison Commission, and the expenses of a commissioner, including preparation of reports, two thousand dollars, or so much _ thereof as may be necessary. m·rnmu·r1o1vAL cnonrrrrc ASSOCIATION FOR nm MEASUREMENT or trim mma. r , *¤*°¤*°“°¤•l GW To enable the Government of the United States to pay, through the ' dmc “`°°°°i°u°u` American embassy at Berlin, its quota as an adhering member of the International Geodetic Association for the Measurement of the Earth, one thousand five hundred dollars. nmrams ro LEGATION AND ooNsU1.A1r mrnmsms. R°P‘*”mm§°, ‘°F“"‘°“‘ To enable the Secretary of State to keep in re ir the le tion and md m` consular premises owned by tlhe Government of the United States and occupied y its agents, three thousand dollars. mrmuamoun UN1oN or Ammucnz nnrunmcs. ”“’“" °* ·*“‘°"‘ Commercial Bureau of American Republics ·six thousand dol. m ¤mm lars: Bwéded, That any moneg received fiom the other American omernepusrrlésares, Republics for the support of the ureau, or from the sale of the Bureau °‘°· publications, from rents, or other sources shall be paid into the Treasury as a credit in addition to the appgopriation, and may be drawn therefrom upon requisitions of the cretary of State for the p of ,_1gg¤,itg{{0dB¤1¢¤¤: meetlngpvhe expenses of the Bureau: A1uZ further, lllhat the ' Public rrnter be, and is hereby authorize to print an edition of the Monthly Bulletin, not to excee five thousand copies, for distribution b the ureau every month during the fiscal year endin June tbirtieth y g 7 nineteen hundred and four. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF mn rmnmmmr oomrr or A1mrr1u•r10N. nff,°°‘§{“$:,‘§,,n§:{ To meet the share of the United States in the ezgenses for the ear Gvurt of Arbitration. nineteen hundred and two of the International ureau of the Per- P°"‘ "‘ lm manent Court of Arbitration, created under article twenty-two of the convention concluded at The Hague, July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, for the pacific settlement of international disputes, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. runuoxrrou or DIPIJOMATIC, coxsrmsn, Arm onmn coumnncnr. Rmroirrs. Pr•>v¤rlnz,¤rc.,¤¤¤- Preparation, printing ublication and distribution by the Depart- °“;§]‘,f,§Y,§’,?e",`Z,; gte_ ment of State of the diplomatic, aconsular, and other commercial reports, forty thousand ollars; and of this sum the Secretary of State is authorized to expend not exceeding six thousand five hundred dollars for services of emgdoyees in the Bureau of Foreign Commerce (formerly the Bureau of tatistics), Department of State, in the work of compiling and distributing such reports; the sum of two thousand dollars for the cost of cablegrams in instructing consular officers to