Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/617

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1854 TREATY——CHILE. Aran. 17, 1900. - Airricuz VI. Anriouno VI. .$° "“"'°""°"°’P°‘ A fu `tive criminal shall not be No sera entre ado el criminal 1mm05m1M' surrendgelred if the offense in re- fujitivo si el delia c011 respecto al spect of which his surrender is cual se solicita su entrega, es de demanded be of a political char- caracter politico, 0 si prueba que acter, or if he proves that the la reclamacion de su eutrega se ha re uisition for his surrender has, formulado en realidad con el obin(lact, been made with a view to jeto de enjuiciarlo 0 castigarlo por try or puniqh lhim for an offense un delito de caracter politico. of a po itica c racter.

  • ’°“’*°°‘ °'*°.””°’ No erson surrenderedb either Nin una rsona entre da r

www umdmm of thephigh contracting pa}i·ties to una dg las pzlltas Partesgtiongia the other shall be triable or tried, tantes a la otra, podra ser acusada or be punished, for any political o enjuiciada 0 castigada por algun crime or offense, or for any act crimen o delito politicos o por connected therewith, commited algun acto relacionado con el os, previously to his extradition. comegido con anterioridad a su ‘ estra icion. · D°°*¤*°¤· If any question shall arise as to Dado que surjiere cualquiera whther a ease comes within the cuestion acerca de si un caso cae provisions of this article, the de- ba`o las disposiciones de este articision of the authorities of the cu.lo,seré. definitive la decision que government on which the demand adopten las autoridades del o- or surrender is made, or which bierno a quien se ha diri'ido la soxnlxhave granted the extradition, licitnd de entrelga o que lbaya cons be final. cedido la estra iciou. Axzncnm VH. A.m*fom.o VH. h1f,‘;5*g*;{°,g§,§ug'_{f* _ Extraditionshall not begranted, No se concedera la_estradicion in pursuance of the provisions of en conformidad a las disposiciones this Treaty if legal plroceedings or de este Tratado, si los procedithe enforcement of the penalty for mientos legales o la aplicacion de the act committed by the person la pena oorrespondiente al hecho claimed has become barred by lim- cometido por la persona reclaitation, according to the laws of mada, hubieren quedado escluidos the country to w ich the requisi— r prescri ion, de acuerdo con tion is addressed. lss leyes delxpais a que se ha diri- · . jido el reclamo. Anrrouz VII1. Anricuno VIII. ¢.¢Ie.=:‘.·&-.‘¤»*=*#»‘¢t¤¢‘=* .s§:.P::;·:.·· %**::.2€#f¤*=“:; “‘:g·:··* r.:°"*::*:·*g;·.°:P°* - 1 cn in es unaeasaes`nra ncsa the other shall, withogit his con- la otratpodni, sin el consentimiento _sent, freely granted and publicly presta 0 por ella libre i publicadeclared by him, be triable or tried mente ser acusada 0 enjuiciada o or be punished for any crime or castigada por otro crimen o delito offense committed prior to his ex- cometido antes de su estradicion tradition, other than that for which que a uel por el cual ha sido enhe was delivered up, until he shall tregada, hasta tanto que no haya have had an opportunity of return- temdo oportunidwd para re esar mg to the country from which he al pais de que ha sido estraig. was surrendered. Amicus IX. Aivrfocno IX. dg“§c9,*j;f,°Q,,Q§, ‘;§;j All articles seized which are in Todos los objetos secuestrados ¤<>¤- the possession of the person to be que al tiempo de la aprehension se surrendered at the time of his hallaren en poder de la persona