Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/634

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MONEY-ORDER CONVENTION——BOLIVl1&. 1871 2. The Bolivian Postal Administration shall therefore, enter to the credit of the United States in the uarterly account all, Money Orders entered in the lists received from the United States which remain unpaid at the end of the period ?ecitied (Article XVI.) 3. On the other hand the ost Office Department of the United States shall, at the close of each month, transmit to the Bolivian Postal Administration, for entry in the quarter} account, a detailed statement of all Orders included in the lists dispatched from the latter office which under this article become void. _ Airrrcms XVI. . 1. At the close of each quarter an account shall be pre red by the Q"“"°’lY “°°°“”"· Postal Administration of Bolivia showing in detail the totaisaof the lists containing the (particulars of Orders issued in either country during the quarter, an the balance resulting from such transactions. 2. Two copies of this account shall be transmitted to the POSt Office _ Department of the United States at Washin ton, and the balance, after proper verification, shall, if due by the Post Office Department of the United States be paid at La Paz, but if due by the Bolivian Postal Administration it s all be paid in New York, and in the money of the country to which the payment is made. 3. Payments may also be made in money or py drafts, or by bills of P•Y·¤¤¤'=· exchange on points other than La Paz or New ork, by mutual agree- _ ment between the two Departments. Airrrcuz XVII. 1. If pending the settlement of an account one of the two postal ,,ff,§_“““*“°° °* W' administrations shall ascertain that it owes the other a balance exceed- . ing one thousand dollars ($1,000), the indebted administration shall promptly remit the approximate amount of such balance to the credit of the other, but nothing herein contained shall prevent such administration from remitting a lesser amount than one thousand dollars ($1,000) at discretion. This account and the letters which accompany such intermediate remittances shall bein accordance with the forms ("C”) (“D”) (“E") ("F") annexed to this Convention. 2. lf pavment by the debtor administration be not made within a period o three months from the time such balance accrues, the creditor administration shall have the right to demand and receive interest thereon. Anricmz XVIII. . 1. The postal administration in each country shall be authorized to M¤*¤<>¤•*¤¤¤ adopt any additional rules (if not repugnant to the foregoinlg), for greater security against fraud, or for the better working of the system generallv.

 All such additional rules however, must be promptly communicated to the Post Office Department of the other country.

Aaricmz XIX. Each administration is authorized in extraordinary circumstances dg`¤¢{=’¤)>:;¤gce_¤W¤· that would justify the measure, to suspend temporarily the Money Order service in whole or in part upon condition of giving notice of such suspension immediately to the other country, and if deemed. necessary, by means of the telegraph.