Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/708

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coNvENr1oN-GUATEMLA. Auousr 27, 1901. 1945 proper form have agreed to and buena y debida forma, han consigned the following articles: venidlg eni los (articulos siguientes que n rma o: ARTICLE I. Anricmo I. " Where on the death of any per- Cuando 6. la muerte de cual- u,?;1;;¢t;{B¢%r;:gg>r{;é¤g son holding real property (or quier persona que tuviere bienes realproperty. property not personal), within the inmuebles (6 propiedades no perterritories of one of the Contract- sonales) dentro e los territorios ing Parties, such real ro rt de una de las Partes Contratantes, ‘ would, by the laws of the dzlndl; dicha (propiedad inmueble, por las ass to a citizen of the other, were leyes elpais, pasare a un ciudahe not disqualified by the laws of dano de la otra, si no estuviere él the country where such real prop- inhabilitado por las leyes del pais erty is situated, such citizen shall en donde esta situada dichamprobe allowed a term of three years, piedad inmueble, a eso ciud ano in which to sell the same, this term se les conccdera un término de tres to be reasonably prolonged if cir- anos para venderla, debiendo procumstances render it necessary, longarse razonablemente este tér~ and to withdraw the proceeds mino, si las circunstanoias lo hiciethereof, without restraint or inter- ren necesario, y sacar el producido ference, and exempt from any suc- de la venta, sin restricciones 6 incession probate or adnrinistrative tervencion, y libre de cualesquiera duties or charges other than those derechos 6 gabelas por sucesi6n, which may be imposed in like homologacién 6 administrativos, cases upon the citizens of the distintos de_ los que, en iguales country grom which such proceeds $$09, estiin impisestgs adloshciudge ma be rawn. nos e is e on e an e y . · sacarse diclids producidos. Amricma II. Anricuno H. The citizens of each of the Con- LOS <>il1d¤d8·HOS d6 04168 Ulm d6 mglipgfggggyif P"` tracting Parties shall have full IM PHNGGS C0¤t1’¤t8;¤$6S félldféfl power to disgose of their personal plena facultad para disponer de sus property wit in the territories of propiedades personales (que estén the other, by testament, donation, entro de lcs terrntorws e la otm, or otherwise; and their heirs, leg- por testamento, donaci6n 6 do cualatees, and donees, being citizens quicr ctro mode; ysus hercdcros, of the other Contracting Party, legatarios y donatarios que sean whether resident or non-resident, ciudadanos de la otra Partc Conshall succeed to their said personal tlutante, ya residentes, ya no-resipropeity, and may take ssession denies, suvederan a sus dwhas thereof either by themselges or by p1‘0plcdades_personales, y pueden others acting for them, and dis- tomar posesion de ellas, ya sea por pose of the same at their pleasure, Sl mismos, ya sea por medno de paying such duties only as the cit- 0tl‘0S que 0 ren a su nombre, y IZBDS of the country Wl1€l‘€ the dlspondmn df? 9H8S R SU P1809F, propertv lies shall be liable to pay p¤g`8Hd0 finicamente 10S dBm0h0S m hk,, {Mag aue los ciudadanos del pais en onde este la propiedad, esten obligados a pagar en casos iguales. Anrrcnn IH. Anricuno III. In case of the death of any citi— En caso de muerte de cualquier d,f§{’,'{‘§§’c§‘§,°Q,‘§,“§}‘f,,§’,f zen of the United States of Amer- giudadano de losGEstados Unidos 3*,*;;-gfrf dwg i¤ the ica in Guatemala, or of any citizen e América en uatemala, 6 de ` of Guatemala in the United States, cualquier ciudadano de Guatemawithout having in the country of la en los Estados Unidos, sin tener