Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/962

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mmnx. 2201 .P*ubl·eb and Binding—C0ntinued. P¤8¢- ; Puget Sound, Wash., Pmé- printiug 0 cred; report of Commissioner E appropriation for improvement of waterof Pensions, 1901, extra copies . 738 I way to Imkos Union and Washingreport of Daughters of the American { ton .._,.,,.,__,,______,__ 347 Revolution ... 1772 i for imgrovcment of; removing log jam . 370 report of Director of the Mint, 1901 . 1770 E for Hg ting ..,..,,..,,. 433, 1094 report of Gettysburg National Park Com- W Pulaski, encralk mission .. 42 Q~ appro riatiou or statue of, tc ... 908 report of governor of Oklahoma, 1901, j commgssion to select sim, ati: ..., 908 additional 1767 Pullman, I WZ, ‘ report of Librarian of Congress, 1901 1764 ; deficiency appropriation for credit in acreport oi Managers Volunteer Soldiers s counts . .. 1047 Home, additional . 1764Punfy, Thomas, · report of Senate Committee on Inter-payment of Courtoi Claims judgment to oceanic Canals . - . . 1766 I administrator of .. 213 report on diseases of cattle . t-- 743 · Pwring{ma, Mm·y L. (widow), report; on geology, em., of Black H1lls \ pension increased ... 1573 region ,___,,_,,,,__,, . .., 1769 * Put in Bay, Ohio report on oil gas, and coal holds of Texas, appropriation for fish hatchery ., 1106 and geology of western Gulf coast - - 1764 1 Puyallup Agency, Wash., _ report Ola Precious Metals, 1900, addi- { appmpaiation for support, etc., of Indi¤% f ua ., . . 1 0 -..--...--·---.-..·.- , raporloon rural free delivery, 1900-1901- - 1769 L Puyallup fruirhn Rua-valiant Wash., report on SouthernAppahchinnmgion. - 1768 · approprmtnou for ccmmmsxonsr, sale of · Review of theWorld’sC0mmcrcc,1901-- 1766 lands ... ... 2 62,997 reviscci course of study for Indmn Pyramod Ifaga Iragum , Bc 00 __. ____________,,.,..., upproprm on orsuppo e .,0 duns gpgcigl report, on diseases of the horse- . 745 on . 258, 993 regulation of Geological Survey pubhm- tions . - ..- gpzycmpriazlon for inquiries 302, 1165 Quapaw India": QI PWM Schools D C apprgyriztiou for fulfilling treaty with., 252,988 . ·’ ‘ "· su ussc a- appropriation for board of education, , mh on b°°l hm °th°“°°d* di" 997 ·>·¤·=·>=¤ -----------·---—--—------ °°°·°°’ md for ww;.;,; LL ‘‘‘‘ - a;.;.1;;;;,2 foPt4%£hBr€··--·· -·--- ·--· ~—•-- ·e—· pal {0;- night schools and kinclcrgsrtens. . 604,968 Qu mmhz L '"I ‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘'°°‘'‘'°‘‘’‘'‘‘ i°*' lang;" cm °f qmldmg? ‘£!;1éx£04’ 969 applied to trade with Philippines 711 f" gadcsm mSp°°t°"; °?I:°1g j 969 Quarammc Serviqe (nee also blic Health for rent; repoirs; manual training ... 605,970 1 m ?22u%J:?; °:{ 92¥*m S;"’*°6)» an um for fuel; contingent expenses 605, 970 l gr rintin etc ‘‘‘'‘‘‘’ 450'1112 fm t°x°'b°°k°· 9**; ik8S" ‘‘‘‘'‘’‘‘ " 605’ 970dcilcisncy ap%ropri;tlo;1-or: · - _ _ i l - l · . 29, 107‘* for buildings; sites . , 605, 970 l for Rpm, to mah ····‘·‘··‘· *103g demgiency a propriatiou for m¤¤\l8»l-¥1'¤1¤· { for station Astoria 6 `'```'``` 1086 mg sclmx building .. 11. @60 Q,,",,,,,,;,,,, S,,,;i,,,,, · ’°‘ ·‘···‘‘‘‘···‘‘ f;‘?:gYm°“t» °t°··°°mm"°d ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘' 660 $$2 appropriation fo; South Atlantic, protect- · · ········•·•‘ ‘ ‘‘‘'‘’‘ ’’` .. 423 i contingent expenses . . .: ... 560 mg I. . . ·¤~YY··»i= ¤> ¤·>··¤m·¤ ¤>¤¤<¤·¤c· bv dv w ¥3££££.°’f»."’e‘§.§"(¤1.‘f?."T Tf’}T‘?.t°‘°1 ‘‘‘‘ J3`? i¤{<>f if bid¤ ¢¤¤¤¤¤i*'° --··--·----· **71 ¥ mlm Iuunoh . Z .fZZ. I Z ZZ 424 Public Works, PhuiP{7i7|€!»for building, etc., Portland, Me ... _ . 1091 mineral la-Hdé BIC uded {mm BNN! for- ·`- 706 I for buildings, etc., Pensacola, F Ia .. 1091 Publicdiom Divivivm D¢P¤?¢m¢"*¢ vf A9""'~'“" ; ;or gruniwlck, Ga., site, ctc ... 1091 lure, or ono u u . 1091 gp ropriatiou for S8}8l'i06· · --·-·---·· · 299» um Quamnline Slatakma for Neal Cattle, Eu- general ex uses ...-. --·· ···-·- 299 s um l appropriation for maintenance 290, 1151 fu-mer¤’ bullgtins; diS¤'lb¤¤0¤ ·- - 299, 1161 ‘ Quartermaaler-General, assistant editors, artists, etc -.----- 299. 1161 l to investigate claims oi Confederate mldiers distribution, ctc - ------·- 299, 1162 { for greperty taken inviohndon ofsur· · buh Q mn er at Ap mattox 43 Ixcebrlgisgf court nh ____ _______ _____ ___,- 833 Qwnm2as;X r-Gmmlgo Qgfice, War Depart- Pwbh I"@i“’?*~ N M”··. - ’ a m· zi { cl k z 150 ss-4 »pp~&¤;;$¤;;;g;¤¤ =¤¤>¤~v ·----- *9 1 *’{Z,‘§’£1"",,;.,d°‘.L§’& §1$gms‘:;:1:;-im*£g 0 » 7 __ ______ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ appropriation for consul at - ..-- · -- - 85· 8i' Quq,·g—,::4e;·’; Depm-gmem, ’ Puerto Cortez, Hzmdurav, appropriation for sergeauts; longevity 930 ‘ 3 rintiou for consul Bt ..-..·------ - 85, 817 or pay of officers; longevity 510, 931

 *vlars as- l 8*   ···--· ---· ·• --—--1

PPNP d \ Y d W h for regul rsupplies 514 935 Pvigt ggahog `¥or ordnance tools, etc L 666 post bskengs; schools, etc . 5214, 935 & public works .. - 614, 1187 forage, stauonery, etc .,... au,935 for p¤¤=h¤¤¤ of SM. ew-. ¤¤¤1 mm- _ ; 1>¤·i¤¢§¤z; 1>¤¤r¤h=¤¤¤§ ---------·--~-· 514.9% zine __ _ ____ _ ___,___,,_, , , , . 648 for equxpping officcm post schools . 930