Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1398

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· xxiv » INDEX. Chicago River, Ill., PMB- g Ohilocco, Okla., P¤S€- tunnels under, in Chicago, declared obstruc- ( appropriation for Indian school ... 212, 1073 tions to navigation 314Chfng changes W be maqe? notimf to Owners -· 31+ I appropriation for minister to ._,,____,,. 68, 915 Pmceidmgs against OD {mmm? HUGS- - F ior secretary of legation .. 68, 916 ¤PP€¤ ¤ ·-——-··-—--·------·---·----- d ta .. 69, 916 preliminary examination to be made of gg; Egzylisgzcegictgyw to Iegation ______ 69 917

    • 8** fork of south branch of ------· 1151 for assistant Chinese secretary to lega-

Chicago, Rock Leland and Pam:/ic Railway tion 69, 917 Company, for student interpreters . . 69, 917 may buy franchises, etc., of Arkansas Val- for rent of lcgatiou buildings . 70, 918 leyand Western Railway Company- 314 for intcrgreters at consulates in .. . 79, 927 of Ozark and Cherokee Central Railroad ior mars als, eicnsular courts . 79, 927 ompany 314 or exper sas 0 prisoners . 79, 927 of Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Rail- for lcgat.i:;m buildings, Peking .. 505, 1211 road Company in Indian Territory. 991 for markin% places where American sol-- Chicago, Slzint Lomb and New Orleans Radmad diers fe 1 in .. - 1196 Company, deficiency appropriation for rent, lcgation may bridge Tennessee River near Gilberts· building , 1214 - ville, Ky . 84 enlisted men allowed credit for double Chwkamazggq and Chattanooga Niuional Park, time of service in __.._,,,___,_____ 264 O7;;>;>;;&r;;¤£3; ¤rJ¤; f:b1i¤M¤z -------· 499, 1198 cmmiozwyue Buy, Va. ,· ,, ·` `uati to f approprmuon fur impxaovement of 1129 Pm lmmsgaxl Dcltsmm ag: 3, Chwkmaw; £5ce agso Five Civilized bridges .. 1150 ri b inns , provision or waterway to Delaware Bay, apfrepriation for towmsite expenses . 205 repealed .,.,.,... 1148 or cpggpleting surveys, ctc., of town Chin", E,,d,,,;,m 8*,-· ---------·—--—-—-----~··-—- l1l· fted·°th tt t ` for Egg school wamts; use of bm- M “ ““ Z{2‘é £§§?i%£?2€3?: - . .`TT--€’F‘. . T??-? 428 for mba1`¤}Ké61§`ZZ]jf]Zffff[jj[Zfféi5, 1076 . “pp?ff,'§f:f§‘Q{jt{§f,f’f{f?f?{'j?j jjjjjjjjf 58* 1.}% · €m`°Hm€m» me-- direcwd Of children bo"' deficiency appropriation for enforcing 21 35 Pri"' to March 4v 1905 ·-—--·-----· 1071 I for Cauadm.11 Pacific Railway Company. IQ44 paymcft tonozunds received from sale of (3;,;,,,,,, pmguh own o .,__,,._,.,_ , ,.,__,,___, · · · -_ - ¤#¤¤¤¤¤i<>¤ ¤f Sulphur Spri¤s¤ ---------- 220 f appmlzirégign. . ff. . Rr?Y?t}??. . if. . .9536, 1170 °°l° °{»$`£f§; c0mE.'$§i§0Y.‘{°¥?{.”??}?{]-?TT 209 S ChQ';€’°k Ingiqns g£ljq¢vE{gg*h{gm,g;B¤¤d·¤ appropriation for expenses 209 ° Img °tkd° " fl mv°S1073 c,m,g$;;€(k}3;(]S *·‘·*hh€*d `’`'`'` 209 { Chinook ?;d·ians of Wash., Lower Band, bridgeautlzmized apmssconnecucut Rivon R claims oféfn tribal funds to be lDV88t1• M,,,,;·3,,,"gz*SP*·¤g**·**d -·--·---·-—---- 54* ¤»»p·»·¢»$~;, ma., · ’ a · ’- . , 117 appropriation for improvement of 1127 ppmprinatnqn on- 489, 3 _ m I d, lu, h (`hee; Juxtwe qt the bupmc Court, Ch*PP€*”¤ (Wd WNW 7* Wm: 'C ·» _ appropriation for _____________________ ]40 686 t 0wncr%1?&<;§;run funds, referred to Court Ohh;/` of S‘!a[)", Arm:;, , CM . 8 '‘‘' 7 ‘’‘ F ‘'‘‘‘'° - _. -· _ · · · , . ~ . ppewn Indum Reaermhon, Mnzn., ripe;`;;:?;,:; gcpo mrgggng 262 g sale ofés‘;!&<\s to diocese of Duluth, author- (/'cima um . rrico - "- '°’’‘` - ‘' I `'‘°```‘'```‘‘ ‘ , ‘ -’ -- . deposits on bid for une tnnbernn ceded appropriation for consul at . 45 9.23 ’ fur vlerk hire . ,926 _ to hP_mturn?dl ‘‘'’'`‘' 1069 (,‘hil¢Ireu’n .1:4 .sv»my, 1). i\‘»·u·u»y»· mz, ( h¤1>1·•·~·<· !~d¤¤··;·» MM-, _ u;,!,,-Oprgation {0,- magntenanm ___________ 909 apg>r0Rr1g{10n for advance mterest . 193, 1051 Chi <lr¢·n'¤ /}ruu·rIi¢1mv, 1). (,1, Board qi; GF ¢‘l\'1llZ3¤0¤, Bk: - -; .:-.-; ... 193, 1051 appropriation for administrative ex- “n°tm°m_°f lands dn “We Larth Res"' I penses ..__,,_,,,._.,,__ 287, sus h ;‘¤f5<>¤ ------- - i - -11 ---- d 559 gm Salaries _________________ _________ 908 i omes ea se ers ou c a s a owe for feeble-minded children .. 387, 908 *9 commutc entries --—-· ; ---··--·~ 1000 for },0m·,] 8;% Og Chgydmn __________ 387 909 { sale of hmbcr by allottces permitted . 209 payments to sectarian institutions,- 387, 909 y Chippewa Indian; of Luiz Superior, Uh., for care of children, Hart Farm School- 387, 909 E appropriation for support, etc.,-of --... 202 1057 deficiency appropriation for feableminded { gr balances due .--.-...-. 221 ch1ldr€11 ... . . 400 ‘ Chippewa Indians of the JIix2is:ri;q»i, for board, etc., of children --... 1223 appropriation for fultilling treaty with- 193,1050 Qm(d,·m·, ][?_,p5mg' gw Jor baluueées due ‘;S: .. ... 221 qFpr0pn.utionfur1nei1gent patients . .387, 908 * $ 0tm°m_° lands On nc Eau R€“€~ I" Clue, vatxon to -... . . i-- 539 SPFPOPHSUOD fOr m1ms|¤cr to -.. 68, 915 i Chippewa Indians, Rel Lake and Pembma

 pr secretary of legation .. 69,916 f Banda,

Cwlwwhq Qhw, { muon in xmas uy; msmbumm or proupproprumcn for public building , 454, 11.57 5 needs __,_,_____,_,_..,,,. __,, 48