Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1435

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mnnx. lxi Hawley, Joseph R., _ _ _ P¤80- Hell Gale, N K, P¤€°· appomtmentas brigadier-general, retired, appropriation for improvement of 1121 Ham ---·----·--··-—--·----- 853 H¢mP»_ _¤l¢d» f _ . rovisions or can- m on essen er payment of Court of Claims judgment to P steamers . .. . 5. 1031 Hm sxtiylpinistmtor of .. 773 Hempstead, Tgih, h I WM Wm, ento ren 'ti l' toadpayment of Court of Claims judgment to paym ministratog oF??.?.??.? W .. 781 executrix of. 1 .. , . 761 Hendee, George E., Hay Lake _(.‘ha7mel, Sam! Marys Rwer, Mich., payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 753 appr-opirmtxon for improvement of; con- 38 Henderson, _;,,;,,, B_ acm ················ · ···--·----- H reappointed Regent Smithsonian Institu- Hayca John R, - deficiency appropriation for services ,.,_. 419 Hendersozujppf: '```'`'`` 582 H631N8i -,0 7% _ _ appropriation for public building 1158 payment of Court of Claims judgmentto Hmmm, Mm, KW HaywaT;dé:;;;;S;’;Vm' of ········-·~-----·- 744 payment (pf Coprt of Claims judgment to ·» - . paymeirt of Court of Claims judgment to Hmdmkzl 1;;; O 754 daughter of ·-··--··--—·-~------·- 775 preliminary examination of harbor, to be H¤W¤·‘d» ,W¤·» made _... 1152 pppropnation for Indian school ... 213, 1074 Hendrix, Edgar, · " ¤wd."Sc1w¢¤wn _ _ _ permitted to sen portion or wishes sine payment of French spoliation claims on ment ____________________________ 219 wwunt of ------ - ----------·------ 800 Hensley, Mm. mnt B., HMI6u, G-, _ deficiency appropriation for services . 32

 patent to issue for Caddo 222 Hepbum, H,m_ p7,];;,,,,, pw

uuncut in ·-·----------·-·---··- made member of joint commission on Head TM. 0 ‘m1 te s` , 481 citizens of Newfoundland not liable {or- . . 144 g,,m0dm?l5}m§,T n mn Refund of erroneously collected, author- 684 apprgpriatiou for consul at ______________ 925 md Z"?". ’‘‘‘‘‘'’‘‘’‘'‘‘' Hess, John Hmd Tax' Phmppme Isbn4B' payment of Court of Claims jindgment to use of, fo; benefit of}he islands .. 692 administrator of 774 Headstones or Graves o Soldiers, etc., - '``'’'’'‘' “ ’°Pd“ti°“ br f°"}i°bi°g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘ 495* 1196 H?dzi1%1i11`?{?>,i,idte£al—mvenue taxes to 807 dgsciency appropriation for . - 43, 424, 1252, 1256 HM}, Hmm ·-··- ·- H‘“d“’““’i“ °-f l Lb"""?}"' RW"', may alienate portion of allotment 1064 lands withdrawn for reservoirs, restored to Hi gms Fmehm B9 0n£gz:’;t°”d °“trY ·’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘ m deficiency appropriation for damages ..,. 408 Hm;,, ,,,m,;£,‘j,"g. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ myg•M<n·, Stephen. _ _ _ Dep." . *" . payment of French spol1ation claim to adappropriation for health officer, mspectorsé82 903 minimum, Of 799 t _________________ _____ ______ . _ . '°°---`-"_°°"'°`°` f°* P1`°€'°“*i“g °°“t“gi°““di“°““· "t°· 904 lhiilhurtiiy ridiildld €>rCci>nstrm·ting· limit of {nr dininfwius ¤¤¤’i¢¤-f---(i —-------- 33gg· x pp Ihost increased l " 372,893 `ta eme nc un . , [ '``'````°`'`' _ {Z? E129H22S, 10ft16X memtm. 383,904 *’°"‘P°’;{5,‘,}S‘;,_ff,,‘{,E‘j,f,*;‘§“{‘,:€‘,f‘j:]f’“ W ,,3 ' sfdai farms etc . 383 905 ·· ’‘' £g;£n!t:°git;"; 0,. 'Y isolatihgwmds ,,83* 905 time extended for completing ... 1283 ·! · ‘v deficiency alppropriatioii for preventing H*9h“’“!/8 $3/Et""} D- (·» f t img ¤¤*°·€,,°‘ g°,,¥***¤‘°“¤ dm “"· E2 ?1€£§?§JZ‘?l§’,£` r‘.1§,$’1”§‘L’£Z,‘}l°‘E?.P’.,x",§’.§fI‘,2L‘°“ ‘ on gg; ?,?;gt:g,mngl£§6{té;{{J6g: 1399 designation oi parcels of land under. . I . . . 737 for contingent elnpenses ... ZZ11K... ass 1>1¤¤f¤r¤¤,:e-sj;,i¤ ¤<>¤¤¤<>*¤ 1·=¤<>f¤¤¤¤¤v, 62 {latin ·a s . ... 400 t° m (F". ‘‘‘‘‘'‘`‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 8 ,,~·3€~¥%‘?· ·,v»i,r?;;_;;;;;»~i»»~»~· ---- 389 powzzsczsssaznzsee:::;%.0 earmgn on {an 4 , ba t ts 587 a ti for ex nses ... 483, 1184 'dr. ." S me ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘

 gspropmgzn for expenses ____ 33 resubdnvisron of lots zpffegtedibyea ... 51

reimbursement to receivers for payments 822 mV6E;):: m032E1gés0g cgi;"' °n S"°€t”# 14 to witnesses . J . . ..---- ‘ · . " ''' Hemi A l , et ., Publab Build` gs, i mm L`"""` 'S‘* . . up ':,€,p,{’,{'§Q`,':,°ff,,._? _____________ 45s_1;;;; · paymegni ggggcicf Clanns Judgment to 762 degcienoy appropriation for . -; ..- r- · 23 Hm James ’`‘`‘‘’ Henna,,:;: lam for €0"v'*”*°"“l B““"* p,;ymm'O;c0¤¤ of cmms judgment io. 772 9 ' f st ct' ; t, t,- 479,1183 Hill, Leroy L. _ _ g;l;£,F;0£·7i?gl(2·T,Orc0¤ m mu COB 9 P payment of,C0urt of Claims judgment to payment to ______ _ _________ _ ____________ 775 admmistrator of .. 757 H I A (1 H dl Samue ., _ _ pqyirzent zihdoiirt of Claims judgment to. 768 of Court of Clmms Judgment to - 779 H len M .v 0 " . . . isp Lipprioididn for assay office, salaries .. 111,656 payment ’qf _French spoliatxon claim tg _ gn. Wages and expenses ______________ 1]], 657 administrator of assignee of .. 484, 798