Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1439

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INDEX. lxv Huddersfield, England, Page. Hunt, Hon. John 72, Pucc- 3PF¥0P!'i¤€l0¥\ Y0? consul Mi . 74, 922 deficiency appropriation for contested-elecor clerk hire 78, 926 tion expenses 420 Hudson, Joseph C, Hum, Zebedee, deficiency ¤ppl‘0pl'iati011 for . 1245 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- "Hudson," Rerenue Cutter, ministmtor of _,_,__,,,____,_,___, 788 deficiency appropriation for repairs .. 22 Hunter, Hon. W Godfrey, Hudson River (see also North River, N. Y.), deficiency _ ¤PPY'0P¤¤*l0¤ for °°¤t€¤i·€d‘ appropriation for light-house, Rockland _ election 9XP€¤¤6¤ ------·~-----·--- 1247 Lake __,_.,__,,_,..,,,.,. 466 Huntington. N Y. _ for lighting ___________________ _ ____ 469, 1173 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1120 for improvement of; application .,. 1121 Huntington, W Va., examination of stone pier, Piermont .. 1121 appropriation for public building .,... 455, 1158 preliminary examination oi, to be made, Huntress, Daniel, _ extending existing project to Water- payment of French spoliation claim to adford .,,,,,,...,..,,,. 1153 ministrator of ... . 799 Hugg, Joseph, Huron, Ohio, payment of Court of Claims judgment to appropriation for improvement of harbor; brother and sister of .. 758 contract . 1134 ‘ Hughes, Aaron K., Hurt, Nancy Elizabeth, payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 747 Hplzymsntiif Court} ot Claims judgment to. . 769 Hughes, Edward W an » _ Oma-V ·» payment of Cburt of Claims judgment to H ¤¤f¤¤d Qt mwm“l"°V°”“° mx6s w ·-····· 807 renin er daughter of . - 772 HMM, Tw, , , , . Hugh", Egward M__ deficiency appropriation for reimbursmg deficiency appropriation for widow ... 1227 Owner vf ····················· · ~· · 28 Hull Abijah Hutchcaon, Furney, _ _ payment df French spoliation claim to ad- Wymcsgggngggégfoglmm Judgment to 748 H l1')Cl;1,';'Bl7l'8.tOI'é")f.E... . ..-. .. U---`--.------"- ull and pany, . . ’ ’ - S · Hmfund of irireniel-revefine taxes to ...,... 807 H5;;:;;: Ogg3E3i3f mmm Judgment m'758 ull, Engla , · · appropriation for consul at . 75, 923 HP”’lE“°“t tf; ····· J ·····················•• 805 Hull, Samuel, u c mm’wame8 " 805 payment of French spoliation claim' to ad- Hm . Ip '`'````°'`````'````' Hu", I ,f}’ °* ···················· 781 nppiepriiiseiiniei public bnilrlins .. 455, use ’ - ’ -‘ dish.]- H annie, aaa., bca'}' °;:gg§1z;id8;2sc?{l????é _____ 1026 gppropriation for improvement of harbor. 1118 nssisnint, clerks, em ... 1027 Hydrvwphw Olfvvi Nw: PMMMM, uali5ca,tiO¤S ___________________________ 1023 appropriation for engineers, draftsmen, djgqugliiications; unishment for acting €l€¥`k§» 910 -·-·----------··~----- 119, if disqimiiiieg ________ _ ___________ 1029 for materials, etc ... 119, 64:5 Humbgld¢ Bay, Cgi_, for power plate press ,. 665 preliminary examination oi, to be made,- 1149 {or gpprbsgsérmnch officcs .. Hg, Ihimmer, Benjamin A. Or ‘ 0 “ ··: ····· 1 ····· ; ···· _ _ ‘· payment of Court oi Claims judgment to fm Nam P°°m° Pam bh""" °x,20 665 ,,,,,,,,,,,;,<}¤j.¤ij;~*¤* 2* —-—---—--—·----—-- "° ro, ,,",?,.n,,,g;;,5 nn;;,; 3:;;; 3 j ; 3 3 `siz, asn payment of Court of Claims judgment to d°H°‘°,;,{, jlfj 28 H h exc?;;:? of '`'''''' 758 for contingent expenses ... 43 um r a a pa;m;gt’of Freirch spoliation claim to administrator of 796 I' H“”'Ph”7/*7 'I°h"· . . . Ice and Snow, D. C., _ PGYKIIGUQ 0igtF\’<£<¥h f51D01I3U0n claim *0 ad' 781 appropriation for clearing Potomac River 6 16 mm ru { 0 ...--·--·---.-.. , of ice ____________________________ , 7 fiunyary we A¤¤¢¤¤-H¤¤e¤ry>- 1 ter rernei-in , from cross walks and nr. 8 Z Hunt, Elm, ters ____________ 6, 374, 532, 394,1280, 1283 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- compulsoq removal of, etc., from sideministrator of 788 wal S --··-·---···---··-·--·-·---- 12 Hunt, Frederick, _ Ice Plants, Army, , _ l payment of French fspoliation claim to ad- 780 sale of surplus product; conditions, etc. .- 834 mlnisttator 0 ... - -·.· " [dg, E Bozman “Schooner Hmur G€¢”‘9¢ Po deficienc a ’ro riation ’for damages to . Y PP P payment of Colrirt of Claims judgment to 762 gwngr ___________________________ 403 heirs at w .. Id hg Hunt, Jesse, ’ gppropriation for surveyongeneral, clerks, payment of French spoliation claim to ad- ctc_ ... 1 _ 129, 675 minismimi- of _________ _ __________ 780 for incidental expenses, Indian Service t ’ 'cn c m - e cienc a a ”""" ’°’"‘· sr i. l tr in to in i s — ‘“,¤";s,;ei‘uai"l2»2"r:,;a;ri‘ ‘°5" "“’“°,‘l,i,?isn§°r‘3$ef¥’?.‘I ,.. 720 nnnenlplsnas . 410,1235