Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1447

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INDEX. lxxiii Lzterior Dqpqrtment—C0ntini1ed. Page- 5 Interior Department-Continued. P¤B€» appropijiatiou for _C0mm1s¤1oner of Pen- _ deficiency appropriation for Pension 8]0¤S, dvputles, clerks, etc ... 125, 671 · Office ,,_,.___..,,_____,...,., 1233 estlrlliafes of employees detailed to for Indian omce .. 1233 ot €1‘ b¤1‘€*311S .. , . 671 for surveyors-general . 1235 for Commissioner of Patents, assistant » for General Grant National Park ... 1237 BXSHIIDGPS, GU! .. 126, 672 for Court of Claims judgments under. - . 1250 for Commissioner of Education, clerksi2 6 3 l f for contingent expegises ... Y.} 1253 9 C 7, 7 5 crest reserves trans erred to coutro 0 {0I' S¤}5€¥11lt€I1%€Ilt of Capitol Building: 1 Secretary of Agriculture ____,.. 628 BD }!'0UD S ... 128, 673 g surveys, patents, etc., excepted 628 for contingent expenses . 128, 674 > third annual report of reclamation service ior stationery, ctc ... 128, 674 [ to be printed . 1285 0r rent 128, 674 Imernal Revenue fOr postnge stamps .. 129, 674 appropriatiomfor Commissioner, deputies, ict snryieyors-gencmltannd their clerks- 129,674 I f clerks, etc ,,,,,...,. 103,649 or c1v1 expenses un er 479, 1182 or stam agents, etc ._..,.,...,. 10 ,649 for public buildings . -- - 479, 1182 for salaries collectors, surveyors, etc. . 106, 652 {or repairs, Coipragf Claims building- - . 1183 for e§fier(;ses,o1eomargarine, tobacco, and or repuirsto ui ings . 479,1182 ‘ e cheese inspection ... 106

0r gmt, etc., for Patent Office models . 479 l gor additional clerks, agents, etc ... 106

or apitol 479, 1182 or agents, gaugers, em .. 106,652 for public lands 482, 1183 per diem for agents examining collecfor Geological Survey .. 485, 1186 tom’ accounts . 652 ior Hot Spriugsghsewation 486, 1188 Eor solicitor 134, 680 or national par s . 486, 1188 or paper or stamps .. .. 462, 1167 for Supreme é}0urt1 réapclrtsi . 487, 1188 { for punishing violation of, laws; annual for maps of United States or sale .. 487 statement ... 462, 1167 for education in Alaska ..., 1188 X deficiency appropriation for agents, etc. .- 22, for reindeer for Alaska . 487, 1188 _ - 43, 397, 1252 , for Government Hospital for Insane. 487, 1188 S for paéaer for stamps .. 22 for care, etc., insane persons, Alaska--- 1189 E for re emption of stamps 22. 397,1218 for Columbia Deaf and Dumb Iustitu- E ior regxnding taxes .. i22z43E tion .. 488, 1189 f or 00 ectors ... , for Howard University ...,. 488, 1189 { for punishing violations of, laws ... ’ 43 for Fmedmerfs Hospital; lands for. - 4f2S, 1189 { ior togecgo rebate 43, 397 control, ew., of vested in Secretary 0 or re n ing moneys ... _. . 43 Interior , ’ . 1 190 for judgments against officers 43, mcgntgqgedby Providence Hospital an- 489 cancellation of ex rl: bond on ;?tim22’ 1255 onze . ‘ S for printing and binding ... 512, 1212 , ship? Itg Eggilippincs prior to Nofor ndian Department ,,,,,,,,. 18 , I 48 Y61H r 1 .. 57-1 for pensions ... : 315, 848 ‘ refund of taxes, illegallsj collected from deflgiencg ipfropriation for clerk to sign 30 1 I (igwnefs 02pl'lV!1f€_al€S-} ... 807 [ri 3 oe; 5 _______________ , , , hl6V1m €r‘emu’, 0Hl1m.88l0)l£’I‘ 0 , for mounting mape for Congress . 30, 1234 appropriation for deputies, etc . 103, 649 for rcgirs to buildings .. 30, 408, 12346 International Jssoniation for Labour Legislaf O `al Ca ette ... lion, fg; Ggncgral Lim Otiiye _______________ 31 appropriation for contribution . 136, 682 for Capitol building and grounds. 31, 409, 1234 International Bridge and 7Pr·minal (lnnpany, for Government Hospital for Ixseangg PM time eiatendecl for bridging Rainy River, Hq ‘ , , ;.' mn 4 ... · 1 for Columbia Deaf and Dumb Institu- IntemaHom1lBm·eau of llhghla and Meaaurex, tion _______________________ , _ , , 31, 1235 appropriation for contribution .. 71, 919 for Hgwgrd University_ _: ______,_,__, 31, 410 Intrrnalimyal Bureau, Permanent Court of Arlor $0;] Springs Eeservatnon. k- ... 32. 49%; infrnjwoni h fc _2 900 · t I ti ma ar I appropria ion or s are 0 xpenscs . 4 , ..

 J_E;f3)l:t!}?[?;·{Sgni _________ , ,,,,,,. 32   Iniematiaziallpllizereau, Publicalion of Customs

{· _____ _ ___________ _ _____ , ar: at or pu IL am S 410, 425, 427, 1235, 1253, {256 appropriation for contribution .. 71, 919 for (ieologiual Survey. 3% I l hzlerrzaliosnal Wgzc, Repression of African 44, 1], 4L. , I , { . L 1 m·g 1 e, _ for testing coals, etc., Louisiana gisnihé 605 I appro1pr1a;1o11for_snare¥enpeu§•e)•;l,E-- 42, 920 ` .h E *5 ____________ , , ‘ ‘ , a ima bmmommn, - rman n ary, gm. 1;,m p213S,};:,?;"; ______________ __ ’ Ki, I appropriation for continuing work of 72,919 44, 412, 425, 1236, 1254,1257 Intemutiognal gmgznittee of Electrical Units and for n. ions 34,44 413, 425 1238 1 54 »'9n_ ar >¤, _ for psinling and binding - L . 39, 422; 1249 approprmtmn for_expenses_of delegates. - , 68p for stationery _________________ _ ____ g, Litemazumal Oommaltee of Heights and Jleas- { _______________ _ __________ , ures, {3; g:>girs,6*Iatuml Bridge, Arizona"469 1439 I jnppropriation forgtrtfendance of member- 139, 685 at t {5* ____ ____ ___________ _. ll P1‘Il(f’l()72/I Op?]? , fg; fim?):;- {ggé? _______________ r ______ ’ 4];] privileges to. 3n\hors· or proprietors of for Senate committee room building 603 igooks in a foreign dnnguage pubfor Special iuspgqtoyg __________________ 1233 lished ahrnarl; conditions _________ ]()()0 v01. xxxm, yr 1-86