Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1456

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lxxxii INDEX. Life-Sewing Serrice—Continued.— Pmé- Light-House Establi.shment—Continued. Y1186- station established at Tillamook Bay, Oreg. 522 appropriation for fog signals, etc .. 469, 1173 Thirteenth district extended to Alaska . . . 819 or lighting of rivers ... 469, 1173 - use of telephone lines permitted; condi- for survey of sites .. 469, 1173 tions, etc . 460 ior gil hoiises; cost 469, 1173 L- _ · · T · · gs, or orto ico . 469,1173 Zgggdpriiatibagnizzjameuing shipwmcked for ligbts in channels of Great Lakes. 470, 1173 Americans ______________________ 71, gig for Pointe au Peleesvessel, Lake Erie. 410, 1173 Light-House Board, Department of Commerce d€g‘:;E;¥)£g§wPn*tion for TBP31m -45-igziggg .,.rr..,§';*I.§t${'1’}‘Z,’¥..1..r1¤., ac _,.. pag.; ig; ij§g;;g·;¤ééléZZ$ZZZZZZCZCZZZZ`4¤. his gg; or rent 40, ----- _ —----·----·--·----- 1 for expenses civilian members, etc- . 468,1172 for k°°P°!`S salaries: **2 —-·---·--- H6: 1243 to prsscribs lights, etc., Ori bridge ssross sale of portion of land, Richmond, Staten Alabama nam, Ala .. 1261 I¤1¤¤d» N- Y-: M of 1>¤><=¤¤<i¤ ----- 820 Apalachicola River, Fla ... 1260 Light-Houses, Beacons, and Fog Signals, _ Aginnsas River, Vanburen, érk .1 .. 699 appro;ir1a31o& for Ram Island Ledge, Port- 466 A ey River, at and near har eston, an , e . S. C . 1042 , for Boon Island, Me .. 466 gayou Ibiouis, LIE . 723 ict ]§ost0]r10H(1;rbo1é30The Graves 4g ayou acon ..., - 842 or ew n on, nn Boeuf River, La .. 842 fo; Ambrose Channel, New York Har- £"{“ “"§"°' ····· 1 ····· °‘·”‘” i ··‘‘‘···‘···· ***151 a umet iver unty, Il ... 704 or r . . moving ...

 Biierikroizgrd, Ala .. 622 {or   Hudsop River, N. Y- m

a la ree as . 560 or taten spot; s ops . Choctawhatcliee River, Trawicks Land- ior Iglbow of gross Llsilge, Delaware Bay . £7 ing .. 546 or atapsco iver, 7 Connecticut River, Chicopee to West for Cape Lookout, N. C ... 467 Springlield, Mass ...,. 541 for Cape San Bias, Fla 467 Saibrook to Lyme . L 160 for Oyster Bayou, La .. 467 Cum rland River, Canton, Ky 1046 for Sabine Bank, Tex .. 467, 1171 Dog River, Miss .. 170 for depot, ninth district ... 467 East Saint Mary River, Fla 1260 for Conneaut, Ohio ... 467 Little River, La .. 723 for Cleveland, Ohio, breakwater ... 467 Missouri Rivisr, Chamberlain, S. Dak - . 711 for gspot, Buf{aloMNilY ... 467 asgow, o ... 1274 for sque Is e, ic 467 Lexington, M0 . 528 for Spectacle Reef, Lake Huron 467 Saint harles, Mo .. 1273 for Point Conception, Cal . 467 Wanbliska, N. Dak ...,. 166 for New Dungeness, Wash . 467 Yankton, S. Dak .. 61, 156 - for tender for inspector, fourth district . 467 Monongahela River, Pa .. 81, 718 for tender for inspector, sixth district . . 468 Rivesville, W. Va .. 157 for tender for inspector, eleventh dis- Ouachita River, In .. 55, 723 trict . 468 Rgiarpden, gk ... gg; {or Peshiigo Reef, Wis . . R. 468 iver, .. . . ‘ or trans erring new vesse s o . ran- Boyce, La .. 817 cisco ... . . 468 Shreveport, La . 630 for Ames Ledge, Kennebec River, Me .. 1171 Red liiivriarlpf gilekNorth, Fargo to Moor- for isnder{or1lrisi»sctor,_;hini district. . . 1171 ea , ’. . 150 for orses noe ee , N. ’ . 1171 Saint Andrews Bay, Grassy Point, Fla.- 549 for Goose Island Flats, Delaware Bay .. 1171 Saint F ranvis River, Ark. and Mo . - 572 for Guantanamo, Cuba 1171 Saint J oseph_ River,_Mich . .. 844 I for tender, fourih district . 1171 Sunflower River, Miss 626 for lens, etc., Diamond Shoal, N. C 1171 Tennessee River, Decatur, Ala . 701 for tender, sixth district ... 1171 Gilbertsville, Ky - . . 85 * for Hillsboro Inlet, Fla 1171 Tombigbee River, Ala 57 I for Brunswick, Ga., light-vessel 1171 in Mississippi . .. 1261 i for Toledo, Ohio, range lights .. 1171 Tug Fork of Big Sandy River at De- I for Straits of Mackinac, Mich .. 1172 lorme, W. Va 183 for Isle Royale, Mich . 1172 Ilgaitewapr, W. Va . 641 239 I ior Deplyur, Mich $.6 . 1173 0 Rn, i. ,8 .. 1 , 1043 or ten er, elevent istrict ... 11T‘ Vulcan, W. Va . 173 t m (1 ,t - lfth d' t ‘ c . 1172 West Virginia, Kentucky, and \’ir— fg; siiippiies .. I ix-? ... 468, 1172 gli}12! . 172 for repairs 468, 1172 WW;i;iir¥lson, W. Vari . i- if .. 133 for Pointe au Pelee, vessel .. 470,1173 a ver, erre aute, n .. 1 ; · · · · p · Visa ¤<»¤¤~y. md ... wz . "°“°‘°Rf&.”T‘f€’T‘?¥’Tf*T‘}f’T‘.if’T.°?Z°f’F‘T. . .‘T‘f‘1 426 Light-Hcmge Establishment,· for Lower Cedar Point, Md 426 EPEJTOPTIBQIOD for supplies 468, 1172 , for Solomons Lump, Chesapeake Bay. . 426 0I' 1'€p3¤'S .. - .. 466, 1172 for Maryland Point, Md . .. 426 for l$€eper¤’ salaries 469, 1172 for Hooper Island, Md 426 i0l‘ light-vessels, etc 469, 1172 for Pages Rock, Va ... 426 {01* b\10y8§9 ... 469, 1172 i for supplies ..,. . . 1255