Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1472

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. XCVIII INDEX. Aiwa] Militia, P¤8¤- .\'aa·y—C0ntinued. P¤8¤· appropriation for arming and equipping 328, 1095 appropriation for public works, Bureau of Naml Militia, D. C.,Yards and Docks 333, 1101 deficiency appropriation for coal .. 400, 1223 1 consolidating power plants 337 for transportation . 1223 Naval Academy . 337, 1104 Naval Obaen·atm~y, z Bureau of Navigation 337, 1104 appropriation for assistants, etc 120, 666 { Bureau of Ordnance . 338,1105 for computations, books, apparatus, Naval Observatory ... 339, 1105 etc 120, 666 for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery- 339, 1105 for contingent expenses . 120, 666 transporting remains; application of for expenses, eclipse of the sun 666 sum for .. 340 for grounds and roads . 339, 1105 hospitals ... 340 deficiency appropriation for grounds and I for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. 340, 1106 roads 30 sales to civilian employees .. 340 for contingent ex uses ... 1227 for Bureau of Construction and Repair . 342, Naval Proving Graundtw Indian Head, Md., 1108 appropriation for public works ... 1105 construction plants .. 343, 1109 Naval Records,for Bureau of Steam Engineering . . . 344, 1110 transferred from Departments to Navy De- tests of marine steam turbines ... 344 partment 403 machinery plants 344, 1110 Naval Records of the Rebcuion, detail of assistant to chief of Bureau. 1111 appropriation for clerks, etc., office of- . 117, 664 for Naval Academy ... . 345,1111 or continuing publication ... 118, 664 appointment of professor of mathe- Naval Training Stations, matics - ,. 345 appropriation for maintenance, Califor- promotions of boat.sws.ins,gunne1¤,and nia ... 326, 1094 wammt machinists to ensigns . 346 Rhode Island ... 328, 1094 promotions as chief boatawams, gunfor establishing, on the Great Lakes 337 ners, carpenters, and sailmakers. . . 346 Mxml ’War College, for Marine Corps .. 347, 1113 appropriation for maintenance 326, 1094 civil war service credit on retirement- 349 for uildings -.-.. - ..---.--.- 338 for increase of naval establishment. . 350, 1116 deficiency appropriation for annex -..--.- 405 for submarine torpedo boats; reapprofor inspector .---...-..---..-.-... 30 priation ...---.-----..-.---... 351 for printing and binding ..--.-...--.-.. 1230 for construction and steam machinery 351, 1117 for maintenance -...-.-..---.. 1230 for armor and armament -..-... 351, 1117 Naz·iga!ing Apparatus, Passen er Steamers, procuring armor by contract ..-. 351 requirements for, moditieg -..-.-..-.--.- 1028 inquiry as to cost of plant for armor Navigation Bureau, Department of Commerce l plate and armor ...-...-.-.. 1117 cmd Labor, for equipment of new vessels -.-..-.-.. 1117 appropriation for Commissioner, clerks, for pensions -.-.-.-.---.-..--... 315, 848 etc .-.-.-.---.- 138, 684 deficiency appropriation for bringing refor rent ..-.-.-.---. . -...--...-. 140, 686 mains from abroad ..-.-..-...-..-. 28 Naz·igution, Commissioner of, . for owner of tug "Hustlcr" -.. 28 appropriation for, clerks, etc .-.-... 138, 684 for Marine O041E . 28, 44, 404, to msue Ameriéan reiister to foreigmbnilt , 406, 425, 1228, 1229, 1253, 1256 steamer "Broo lyn " . 821 for mblic works, yards and stations. -. 29, 407 foreign-builtsteamer “Mira " and change for liureau of Nawgtion .. 25 44, 404, name to “Beaumont/’ .-.. 315 , 425, 1228, 1230, 1* 53, 1256 foreign-built steam lighter “Pioneer". . 821 for Bureau of Yards and Docks . . 29, 405, 406, to British ship "Pyrenees " and change 1229, 1231, l253 name to "Manga Revo" ..-... 516 I for Bureau of l\Ie<licinezmd Surgery . . . 29, 44, 1\?u·:gation Laws, 405, 406, 425,1229, 1231, 1253, 1256 zulministration of, in force in Philippines- 182 [ for Bureau of Steam Engineering. . 29, 44, 405, Alzry (acc also Naval Establishment), 4 406, 425, 1229, 1232, appropriation for pay ------. . ,-.. 324, 1092 for armor and armament, new ships- - 29, 1233 warrant machinists authorized ...-... 324 for emergency fund .-..---...---- 28, 43, 1253 increase of enlisted men authorized. - 1092 for pay . ...--- _43, 424, 1228, 1253, 1256 balances reappropriated --..-..-.-... 1092 for pay, miscellaneous ..--...---..-.. 44, 404, miscellaneous -..-..-..-.--.. 324, 1092 425, 1228, 1229, 1253, 1256 for contingent -..--..-...-.-.---... 325, 1093 for contingent ---..--.-. 44, 404, 1228 civil employees at island naval sta- for Bureau of Ordnance .-..-.. -14, tions --.-...--...--.-.- 325, 1093 F 404, 406, 425, 1228, 1230, 1253 for Bureau of Navigation; tmnsporta— s for Bureau of Equipment ..---.-.-. 44, tion, etc .-..---.-.. 325, 1093 404, 406, 425, 1228, 1231, 1253, 1256 gunnery exercises; outtlts ...---.. 325, 1093 for Supplies and Accounts ..-..--.- 44, maintenance of colliers ..- 326, 1093 405, 406, 425, 1229, 1232, 1253, 1256 - training stations .--...-.-.-.-.-.- 326, 1094 for indemnity for lost property ,,...-.. 44, War College --...-..-. . .-..-- 326, 1094 425, 1253, 1256 Naval Home ---.--.. 326, 1094 for indemngiy for lost clothing- .. 44, 425, 1256 for Bureau of Ordnance .--. 327,1095 for destroy clothing. 44, 425, 1233, 1253, 1256 torpedo station .. 327, 1095 for bounty, destroying enemy’s vessels- 4-l, naval 328, 1095 1256 for Bureau ofcguipment ... 328, 1096for enlistment bounties . 44, 425, 1253, 1256 depots for . 329 for expenses burial of victims of "Misfor Bureau of Yards and Docks...,, 330,1098 souri" explosion .,,,,,...,,,, ---. 403