Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1478

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civ mnmx. Omaha, Nebr., P¤H€· ] Ordnance Department, Army—Continuod, Y¤8€· appropriation for warehouse, Indian serv- moneys received from stores to be used for ice ..__,,..,... 207, 1062 replacing the same 276 deficiency appropriation for public build- rating of mont ly pay of employees .. 276 ing .,,,,,,,.._... 23 sale of ordnance and stores; conditions . , - 276 time extended for bridge across Missouri 0,-dmmm Nm?/7 River from_Counci1 Bluffs, Iowa 169 appropriation for _______ _ ____________ 327, 1095 OWUM N°"”Wm Rmlu'a9» _ Ordnance, Obsolete Army, - time extended for constructing road, etc., donated to Boston ______________________ 186 0¤¤a15¤ am} Wi¤¤€b¤g¤ i¤di=¤¤ Res- Ordnance ope, nm Depmnene, •>¤*¤¤<>¤. Mbr --------- - -·------- 311 ap mprmmm for ¤1erk ,8m 115, 661 Omenwm, Gmye Wo ian rent ...,,,_,,__, 116,662 payment o_f Court of Claims judgment to. 765 dmgmmm, etc', to be paid fromlapproprvia- O"•'°'b'“* Cla"'" AGL tions for fortifications; limxt . 115, 661 payment of clauqs under, reported by Orgcagany Michel, Court of Claims, etc ... 743 payment to ____________________________ 803 miscgllgneous claims and Court of Claims 5 Oregw n ings, _...,._..,... 77 ’ . .' chirrlpepf New York} Pennsylvania, and “PP"I;Z‘*‘°“ fm. suw°y°r`g0u€ml’ °l°rk?30 676 aware, war o 1812 . 777 ’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘ . ‘‘‘‘ I " ‘ I ‘‘‘" ’ damagig gy Yohmmcm in Virginia, wu, 777 for support, etc., of Iudiams m middle. - Wl am ... · - - . · French spoligtiou claims .,_..,,.,, 780 for lzmdenml °xp°ns°°* Iudmn mvlm 1059 ` l cases' - . I ‘‘‘‘‘‘°'‘ .‘ ‘ 7 '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘ * mlé°§J::°°u° ’ direct appmpm 800 deihnencpenépppopnazgon for pazéftc., vol- 256 · '‘‘‘ ‘ ‘' F ’‘ i'-'?"?' ‘uu rs 43 427,1253,1 °‘“‘“§1€%h3‘¥§£r§‘f‘}f‘E'}.'}???}‘f}?7I'f 805 i·~¤¤¤5·¤·>·-» ··~·· =<> ¤¤i¤¢.¤¥¤~· '·>* ¤·¤¤¤ - - · I1 Klamath Reservation ... 1033 for mvestngatxon and report 805 of - hw of Chao w I d. i 1073 for mvestigation and settlement . . 806· lmdng ted for hgwlgns P ‘‘·‘ refund of intemalireveuue taxes to owners· Ons °ry’ °°n` 185 0 private ies 807 h 1 I . ·‘·‘ r *1: ··················· referred to Court of Claims"-- 808 sc oo se ections m ieupf lagds ou Klapayment to John S. Mosby. . , ... 809 miml R°¤°“i¤¤°¤· pr°vm° ‘······· 202 mrenm to com of admimlty 810 Ofcom maqmaf Svvwvy, _ relieved {mm uabmty ___6_______________ gu lots 111 military reservatmu, The Dalles, dopayments in case of death, etc., of claim- t0_--; -----·---·-------- ·--- 185 O, N I nuts, executors, etc ...,... 811 or£r¤;¤_·gd=¤¢:{ Dwmgfé h ld b _ gt _ d lvga , 5,,,,,,*, L s r1 _ cou may e y eirepn yu ge deucieney appropriation rm ..,,._..,.._, 1221 ¤¤ abseucc, etc-, of d¤¤tr¤ct1udge... 527 owen, charm, Orvwm Land Company. _ _ payment 3; (iourt ot cmms judgment m. 753 ¤<=¤1¤r¤rges;$1<;8r¤¤;¤t;¤¤d¤ ofgegirwd wh |}ntgy|aggn ic _ 1 . ., OD. 3 Hg DBW Orappropriaticpi {or improvement of harbor- 1136 ¤¤t¤6¤--I ·----·--·---~--—------ . - 184 ange irer, Ja. Orillia Ontwio, atippropriation for improvement of- ... 1127 appropriation for consul at ,.,,,__,_ 77, 925 Or nance Department, Army, "Ori¢m, ’ Bri , appropriation for enlisted men; longev- payment oi French spoliation claims on ity 261, 829 account of 795 for pay of officers; longevity 263,830 Orr, David G., for current expenses 274, 840 payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 748 for metallic ammunition, etc . 274. 840 q_,(,g,, plgency, (;k;{,_, ¤¤¤¤¤| medals, prim vw ----- 274, 580, 840 appmprauimn rm indian mem at . 190 1048 for ¤¤<>dal¤ (lf hom)" ·---····---·-···- 274» 8fl Osage Indian Reserwxlimn, Okla., i

ggS§2g·;*'l;‘L?';*;u‘;"” ---—·--·~-·--·· g l allotments oi, subjpct to present oil leases;

for artillery material lo}-riiiliitisil I i I .5.375, 840 msen-gigglggif £]];$;i;? 'tb}L`éi}é` fo¥’ F<‘P¤¤'i¤g Ordnance. etc ·-------·- 275» 840 timber and stone land laws extended to o 299 for purchase, etc., of ordnance stores- 275 840 I · _` for eqlxipments - _ _ - · - I · ~ · - · - _ - _ _ _ - · . 840 l Osage Ind]!!?;'?! f f t t ith credits forloss, etc., of storesin transit. S40 appmpria lgml (lr u lng matytln ‘. ’ sale of obsolete historical armament.- 841 paymeil 3 ° mms agamsh °u 0 gmzing 208 for Bring morning and evening gun , _ 275, 840 O Ri lm ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘·····‘'··‘··· · · · · · for converting muzzle to breech-loading Gage Hin - °" - gum 275 840 appropriation for improvement; of 1142 for »ma11e}§`{é{§é黧 Liéjjjjjf [ff I Z I fj. , ’275 limit °* ¤*·“j*S***i°¤ *¥°€¤¢*d ---··—--—--·-- 58 for manufacture of arms at armories. . 275, 840 08**9* Tm"" S"'? C*{"E’”"·'”°”: for fortifications ____________________ 234, 845 created; composmon ,,, , 1061 for Sam] [{00]; pm;-ing ground _____ 235, 84; disposal of town-site lots at Pswhuska 1061 for reiufggrsing, for magazine rifles fur- ag I1gQ!g¤¤Y ·-·-·------.---··-----.. --. uis to Marine Corps ,__,_,,_____ 348 3 M RX ..··----...· deficiency appropriation for reimbursing, 08,*08]*: lnsw stores furnished Marina (30;},8 in terms of court .,,,_, 152 Phnhppines .. 407 0mm0m, 1-eee.- Jem]; _ fo!' 0¤`d¤?·{106 wld SYMGS 424,1252 { appointment as brigadiengeneml, retired,

        • 19 to military schools ---.-...·... L 226 authorized ... 853