Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1493

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‘ INDEX. (3xjX P0" "" P’j1"(‘¢’- H41U?, 1’¤8€· Ports of Entry and Delivery-Continued. Pasc-

  • PF1`°P"“11°'} 10* consul M ----·-.--.-.. 77, 925 ports of entry established, Gulfport, Miss. 242

or clerk mrc 78,926 Juneau, Alaska . 554 P071E0W0T, TM'-, subport of delivery established, Vinalhs.· preliminary examination to be made for vm, Me __________________________ 171 Pon Ch ;:l11an1nrelIt_o deep water .. ; . 1155 supports 015 entry established, Chester, Pa- 9 C ,rr_ · · _ -.-··..-.--. L.- 539 apybmprlatxgplfor1mprovement of harbor. 1120 Lfgfsb, 1%, Y ________________________ 713 PW WWW, 70, No lk, C ,...,,,,,,, 629 Papybwpripicm for improvement of harbor. 1134 l M3; Poilgtuiv, Y ___________________ 713 ort eztric icaragun, ‘ T (j' _ T ______________________ 719 appropriation for consul at ...,.. 925 Pm.,,,:;;?, ESYHHEVGU _ y,,,,,, Port Hope, Ontario, appropriation 'tor piinblic [works water Papplrpypriation fo; consul at ,..,. 77, 925 Buggy ’ 333 ort e erson AZ ., · `'`` Q] ```'`'`' 7 `'` " appropriation for improvement of harbor- 1120 for Pu he work ’ naval Primm ````````' 1101 PortLimmL Costa Rica, P""1"g“l· . . . . P¤£1E>pn¤g¤n ccn¤¤1 at ----. 77, 924 l “P§,'Q°,,P,,““c,,,*“,‘,’,‘§;‘f,§ °° ‘‘‘········ gg; QQ o ws, au, us, ·············· appropriation for consul at ,.,.. 75, 924 1 P 081 E“h·°]¤!l0·?» Army, _ Port Madison Indian Reservation, Wash., ”·PP1'0P¤*m0¤ 10F uP6D96E of -----~---- 270, $36 agreement with Indians to cede part of, Post-Office Department, ratifiedé;) . ..6 . 1078 approppiation for Postmaster-General, conveyances m -w a eorge an c erks etc . 131 676 Qu·dis·kid Bi§John .. 1079 l for engineers, watchman, etc .. 1 676 Port Stanley, Falkland slands, 1 for purchasing agent, clerks, etc ... 677 Pappéopriation for Zonsul at . 75,924 for attorneyg clerks, (gc., office of Asort oumend, los ., sistant ttomey- nera .--. 131, 677 Pappgpnawn for quarantine station .. 1162 for Assistant Postmaster-General, ort mg, nz., er s etc .. 131, 677 Papproprigyion for improvement of harbor. 1139 for superihtendent Money-Order Sysi 6 orrler, . . tem, etc 31, 77 deficiency appropriation for services . - 420, 1248 for superintendent Dead-Letter Oiliee, Pm-ur, Hugh B. etc 131, 677 payment of Cburt of Claims judgment to for superintendent of salaries and allowadministrator of .. 767 _ anceé, etc ..- 131,677 Portland Expositzkm (see Lewis and Clark for superintendent of post-office sup- Cjptennial Exposition). f t51I6G, 016 .-... 131, Portland, ., or m rary orce ... appropriation for light-house, Ram Island for Secgnd Assistant Postmaster-Gem Ledge ... 466 eral, clerks, etc . 131, 677 - for improvement of harbor ____________ 1194 for superintendent of railway adjustpreliminary examination of harbor, to be ments, etc ------------ -_ -------- 131, 677 madg ____________________ _ _______ 1152 for superintendent of fore1gn mails, p ,1,, d, Om _ etc . 1 .. 131, 677 Cgppijopriatign for public building, rent- 456, 1160 for Third Assistant Postmasterlierieml, protection of water supply m Bull Run 52 f clerks, te5tcd.-£.} . 132,678 F msg Rggg __________________, 6 x or su rm n cn o pos ge·s mp suppom, Rico? we I pligs, etc . , . 132, 678 appropriation for resident commissionehs 658 forsuperintendentclass16cation•lix·isioni.';) 6-,8 irc ••--•···--··~-•••-··· ---- .. , 8 ,..-,,,,,_,,_,_,_,___________ ,:,, 4 . for rel§ and protection of Americanm 92 ior sviupmintte:1dte::1$gistri*fsrst¢>¤;kl 132, 678 BBB BI! . . ... , 7 orcer 3,5 ,, _ eng; mms n - for agrixltural experiment stations . - 294, 881 paper agencies .. _ .. 6 78 for likht-house S01'V1¢€- --·-- gg, 1173 for peédnem, assistant supcmmendems,32 (F8 l' nt- src --··------~-- »1170 6 ·-··---- _ -·-----... L. v timcgexltlerrildedngorybdrmging claims for re- for Fourth Assistant Postmasterhen- y _ fund of customs uues 1013 eral, clerks, eu; ______,_____ 1 ____ 132, 5,3 transportation of teachers to United States E for chaef inspector, etc .. _ l 32, 678 authorized , ,,-,,,,,_, 582 I for pupgnutgudgut, qty dglwgyy gep;32 6-8 ' “ZR ° ml, 100-: ..- _ ... ,• Pz:,tg,§;,';,¢;z8tion ,,,,11451;,,,.1,,,;,, __________ L;66 1 for seucpermtendent rural free delwcrypaz 6_8 nppreprinticn for pay .--.------------- , 1 -------—- - --·-·------------- , · Port mln I for topogmpher, draftsmen, etc .. 133, 679 ofliting persons not registrable as trade- E for disbursxng clerk, engineers, watchmarks without ccnscnr of ongnnnl. - 7 26 rncn, ctc -------------~----- · ---- 133 gift Porta o Entry and Delivery, _ for contingent expenses . , 79 l inspectors of hu is and of boilers. 1026 2 ger gpgé,-Fgé,-dbié; -.------. 1£,g77g antncrizcd -------------·------ E cr _ ·~--------·- ,

  • "*"“ 3. "°“"" °"’“""**‘°°" °°“' °“"· 57., 1 $*3 "°°’°,,,,,,,g,,'°“-,,,.,.,‘° ““‘,£‘?1:::::i::::::::;: {$2;.*253

Dayton- 171 l for Assistant Attorney-General .. 134,680 Horn Iélgud Mig _______,,,_,_,,,__,. 242 for postal ggrvmg, ,_ _ Z _,_, , _ ,,,_,,_ , 429, 1082 Salt Lake City Utah, _,,_..,,,_,,,,,_, 85 for printing and bmdjng , ,,.,, , ____ 512, 1213 Utigg, N, Y _ _1_ _ _ _ __________ _ ,_______ 145 for gitg, gdditigu tg bujlding _____,_____ 1161